#Where tobirama goes through ^ with multiple uchihas. because they are all shadow clones
domoz · 11 months
Hika/Tobi Marriage Hunt + Blessed Eyes AU...Thing
Hikaku waits in perfect stillness, aside from the slow spin of his sharingan.
There is little chance of securing himself a spouse this hunt, he knows. Not when the prey is Senju Tobirama.
Madara is out there, stronger than him, and Izuna, faster and more familiar with the prey. There are clan members who are better at tracking and sensing who all stand a better chance than him, but if he had not even tried, then Hikaku would have had no chance at all.
In truth, he thinks the most likely outcome is Tobirama remaining unbound and unwed by the time the sun rises. The treaty had only called for a hunt, not a marriage, and the blessed one is clever and wily. They had known that, when they'd asked for this, but the Uchiha had wanted a chance, however slim, to bring those blessed eyes into their clan.
Hikaku had wanted a chance, too -- it felt blasphemous to not at least try. And so, he waits. Unmoving, chakra crushed down to blend in with the trees, as his clansmen scatter and search in the forest around him.
He has no chance of chasing down Tobirama, he's known that from the start, so instead of trying he's found a spot, set up traps, and sits, waiting. Tobirama probably wont fall for them, either, but he might, and that's at least worth waiting in the forest until sunrise.
One of the wires he's attached to a distant branch vibrates, then another, and another. One might have been an animal, but so many so fast means a person. Person doesn't mean Tobirama, but Hikaku tenses in preparation, regardless. Whoever they are, they're moving towards him at breakneck speed. Fleeing, Hikaku hopes, as he curls one hand around the wire in the clearing, and another in a sign, ready to spring one of the traps at his feet.
A figure springs into view, a streak of ghostly white, and Hikaku does not hesitate, pulling the wires tight around a figure that, even though he is clearly surprised, is able to dodge the attack. But not perfectly; when he hits the ground, its with a stumble, and its pure instinct that has Hikaku forming the hand signs to pull the pre-loosened dirt under him down and in.
Before Hikaku can even blink, he has Tobirama buried up to his shoulders. The blessed one is red faced and panting with exertion. He looks around wildly, meeting Hikaku's gaze for a moment that seems to stretch forever before he tears his red eyes away, struggling fruitlessly against the dirt and stone holding him still.
Hikaku hesitates. He wishes they had time to talk, wishes he had time to ask, because the last thing he wants is for Tobirama to resent him for this. But the way he'd been moving and the sounds of pursuit in the woods behind can only mean whoever had him fleeing is close. If Hikaku wants to claim Tobirama for himself, he has to do it now.
"I'm sorry." He breathes, like it will help anything.  He loosens the dirt on one side, enough for Tobirama to free one arm, which he does immediately. Hikaku is waiting for it, and he catches the limb, interlocks their fingers, and wraps the red silk cord that every Uchiha who's come out to the hunt tonight has brought with them around both of their wrists, heart thundering all the while.
Tobirama stops struggling after the first knot is tied, but he waits until they're fully bound together to say, "It seems you've caught me, Uchiha-san."
His voice is even, there's no fear or anger in it, and now that it's really over he allows himself to meet Hikaku's eyes. Tobirama looks like he's calculating. Considering.
Hikaku smiles at him, self depreciating. He's just some faceless Uchiha to Tobirama, he knows. No one important. He hopes that doesn't make the fact that he's the one who caught him sting even worse.
"You can call me Hikaku." He says, loosening the rest of the dirt and helping Tobirama climb free. Tobirama accepts it -- has to, since their hands are bound.
They're both still on their knees, facing each other when Madara arrives in the clearing with the thunderous crack-snap of stones shattering under his feet when he lands. Izuna is behind him only a moment later -- if they had gotten frustrated with Tobirama slipping away and decided to work together, then it's no wonder he had been so harried when he'd arrived.
"Madara-sama." He greets, "Izuna-sama. I don't suppose you'd mind giving us a bit of privacy?"
Both of them stare for a long moment, eyes comically wide before sharing a look with each other. Izuna makes a helpless wheezing sound, and Madara has to be the one to grab his arm and say, voice high, "Yes. Let's go."
Tobirama almost looks bemused as they flee, though it's fleeting, replaced with that cool consideration as he turns to regard Hikaku. He's the one who caught Tobirama, but he has to suppress a shiver at that red eyed gaze.
Tobirama is beautiful, so no matter how this goes he'll have that, at least but…
"I would have liked to have asked if you if you were okay with this." He admits, "But now that they've seen, I'm afraid there's no going back."
Tobirama tilts his chin up imperiously.
"Do not pity me. I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to this."
In return, Hikaku thins his lips.
"Agreeing to a hunt and getting caught are two very different things." He argues, then sighs. "But I suppose that hardly matters, now. Is -- ah." He truly is unprepared for this, because his fantasies involving Tobirama have been more domestic than anything else. "…Is there a way you'd prefer to do this?"
Tobirama must be unimpressed with the blush coloring his cheeks, Hikaku thinks. At least until he notices this pink starting to dust Tobirama's own.
"…I knew what I was getting into." Tobirama repeats, but this time his voice is quieter, eyes fixed down, on their intertwined fingers, "The treaty may not have demanded a marriage, but peace will be much more stable if one exists."
Oh. Hikaku breaths. Oh, he had been planning on getting caught. If things had gone differently, Tobirama may well have treated the forest of hunters like a buffet of suitors to pick and chose at his will, but instead...
"What I mean to say is --" Tobirama shuffles forward until their knees are touching and he can feel the warmth of Tobirama's breath on his lips, "-- I came prepared. And you did catch me fair and square, Hikaku-san."
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