#World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO)
coopsday · 2 months
47th Regular Meeting of the United Nations Task Force on the Social and Solidarity Economy.
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Led by the Co-Chairs of the UNTFSSE, Simel Esim from the International Labour Organization (ILO) and Chantal Line Carpentier from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the virtual gathering brought together representatives from Members (UN Entities and the OECD) and Observer organizations to share international and regional updates to spur further collaboration on the SSE.
The call began with a welcome to the representatives of new Members, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) as an Observer.
Heidi Christ, lead of Made51 at UNHCR, expressed recommitment towards the task force, noting that, “Livelihoods for refugees is of primary concern to UNHCR, especially as the the refugee crisis deepens and longer-term solutions are needed. We are looking at the solidarity economy as way to offer solutions to refugees in a more protective environment”.
Leida Rijnhout, Chief Executive, WFTO, was appreciative of the positive response received from Members and Observers regarding their joining the task force. She highlighted the link between the SSE and the Fair Trade movement, sharing that “At the WFTO, we certify enterprises based on the fair trade principles. We are also a movement of entrepreneurial activists that promote people and planet over profit.”
Following introductions and general updates, the Co-Chairs presented the new UNTFSSE Action Plan, which details priorities and responsibilities for advancing the SSE agenda and implementing the UNGA Resolution A/RES/77/281. This plan, designed to foster policy coherence, drive capacity building, improve statistics, and increase access to finance, underscores the task force's strategic approach to mobilizing collective expertise and resources.
Further discussions focused on institutionalizing UNTFSSE governance through a newly drafted Terms of Reference and preparation of the Secretary General’s report for the UNGA 79th session. The Secretariat is currently collecting inputs from UN Entities, Member States, and Financial Institutions.
Technical Working Groups are currently being established on SSE Statistics and Financing. These groups will be composed of technical experts who will establish work plans and present updates to the task force at regular meetings. Highlights of recent and upcoming initiatives were shared by task force Members and Observers, including:
ILO’s Regional Conference on the Social and Solidarity Economy for Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals in Asia on May 14-15, 2024.
OECD’s Global Action on Mapping of Social Economy Ecosystems.
UNRISD’s four podcast episodes, interviewing authors from the SSE Encyclopedia.
Social Economy Europe’s EU Large Scale partnership for Skills of SE and Proximity Ecosystem.
DIESIS event on the Social Economy in the Western Balkans under the MESMER+ project.
CIRIEC Call for papers for a Special Issue of APCE on “Gender approaches of Social Economy and State-Owned Enterprises”.
EUCLID’s Women in Social Enterprise initiative.
Ms. Esim proposed to hold an online event to mark the occasion of the first year anniversary of the UN General Assembly resolution “Promoting the Social and Solidarity Economy for Sustainable Development” on April 18, 2024. She suggested this would be an occasion to highlight progress that has been made in the one year since the adoption of the resolution at the international and regional levels. Her proposal was well received by Members and Observers of the Task Force. It was agreed that the webinar would take place on April 18, 2024 from 1:30 – 2:45 pm CEST with presentations followed by a brief discussion. The ILO offered to make simultaneous translation available for the event in English, French and Spanish. The UNTFSSE Members and observers agreed to share the announcement and the Zoom link for the event widely.
Led by the Co-Chairs of the UNTFSSE, Simel Esim from the International Labour Organization (ILO) and Chantal Line Carpentier from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the virtual gathering brought together representatives from Members (UN Entities and the OECD) and Observer organizations to share international and regional updates to spur further collaboration on the SSE.
The call began with a welcome to the representatives of new Members, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) as an Observer.
Heidi Christ, lead of Made51 at UNHCR, expressed recommitment towards the task force, noting that, “Livelihoods for refugees is of primary concern to UNHCR, especially as the the refugee crisis deepens and longer-term solutions are needed. We are looking at the solidarity economy as way to offer solutions to refugees in a more protective environment”.
Leida Rijnhout, Chief Executive, WFTO, was appreciative of the positive response received from Members and Observers regarding their joining the task force. She highlighted the link between the SSE and the Fair Trade movement, sharing that “At the WFTO, we certify enterprises based on the fair trade principles. We are also a movement of entrepreneurial activists that promote people and planet over profit.”
Following introductions and general updates, the Co-Chairs presented the new UNTFSSE Action Plan, which details priorities and responsibilities for advancing the SSE agenda and implementing the UNGA Resolution A/RES/77/281. This plan, designed to foster policy coherence, drive capacity building, improve statistics, and increase access to finance, underscores the task force's strategic approach to mobilizing collective expertise and resources.
Further discussions focused on institutionalizing UNTFSSE governance through a newly drafted Terms of Reference and preparation of the Secretary General’s report for the UNGA 79th session. The Secretariat is currently collecting inputs from UN Entities, Member States, and Financial Institutions.
Technical Working Groups are currently being established on SSE Statistics and Financing. These groups will be composed of technical experts who will establish work plans and present updates to the task force at regular meetings. Highlights of recent and upcoming initiatives were shared by task force Members and Observers, including:
ILO’s Regional Conference on the Social and Solidarity Economy for Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals in Asia on May 14-15, 2024.
OECD’s Global Action on Mapping of Social Economy Ecosystems.
UNRISD’s four podcast episodes, interviewing authors from the SSE Encyclopedia.
Social Economy Europe’s EU Large Scale partnership for Skills of SE and Proximity Ecosystem.
DIESIS event on the Social Economy in the Western Balkans under the MESMER+ project.
CIRIEC Call for papers for a Special Issue of APCE on “Gender approaches of Social Economy and State-Owned Enterprises”.
EUCLID’s Women in Social Enterprise initiative.
Ms. Esim proposed to hold an online event to mark the occasion of the first year anniversary of the UN General Assembly resolution “Promoting the Social and Solidarity Economy for Sustainable Development” on April 18, 2024. She suggested this would be an occasion to highlight progress that has been made in the one year since the adoption of the resolution at the international and regional levels. Her proposal was well received by Members and Observers of the Task Force. It was agreed that the webinar would take place on April 18, 2024 from 1:30 – 2:45 pm CEST with presentations followed by a brief discussion. The ILO offered to make simultaneous translation available for the event in English, French and Spanish. The UNTFSSE Members and observers agreed to share the announcement and the Zoom link for the event widely.
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candispice · 9 months
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Crafts Villages Ltd. celebrating 10 years:
A journey to a sustainable growth, a step to create better life for marginalized community, a vision to reduce carbon footprint to keep environment clean. Crafts Villages Ltd. proudly observing its decade long journey through resilience, integrity and building capacity. In a decade long progression, we have managed to achieve the standard by complying the local & international norm. The adherence to quality management allowed us to acquire ISO 9001:2015 certification. For taking initiative and assuring minimum wages, concentrating on health & safety issue in workplace & relying on environment friendly production process, we received credentials from amfori BSCI & Sedex and in recent times World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) accepted us as their member for conforming with fair trade policy. We are looking forward to go big and continue to contribute for the betterment of socio-economic condition.
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[ad_1] Traveling for Ethical Souvenir Shopping: Supporting Local Artisans Introduction: When we travel to new destinations, we often seek unique souvenirs to take back home as mementos of our experiences. However, it is essential to consider the ethical implications of our choices as travelers and support local artisans. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of ethical souvenir shopping, highlighting the importance of supporting local artisans, embracing diversity, and preserving cultural heritage. Heading 1: Exploring the Roots of Ethical Souvenir Shopping Subheading 1.1: Understanding the Impact of Tourist Demand on Local Artisans Subheading 1.2: The Consequences of Mass Production and Mass Tourism Heading 2: Embracing Authenticity: The Appeal of Ethical Souvenirs Subheading 2.1: Unveiling the Charm of Handcrafted Souvenirs Subheading 2.2: Unique Cultural Representations: Breaking Free from Mass-Produced Trinkets Heading 3: Unveiling the Dark Side of Souvenir Production Subheading 3.1: The Exploitation of Artisans in Mass Production Industries Subheading 3.2: Unfair Trading Practices and the Importance of Fair Trade Souvenirs Heading 4: Ethical Souvenir Shopping: A Step Towards Sustainable Tourism Subheading 4.1: Supporting Local Economies and Artisan Communities Subheading 4.2: Promoting Cultural Preservation and Heritage Heading 5: Tips for Ethical Souvenir Shopping Subheading 5.1: Researching Local Artisan Markets and Community Initiatives Subheading 5.2: Identifying Genuine Handcrafted Souvenirs FAQs: Q1: Why is ethical souvenir shopping important? A1: Ethical souvenir shopping helps support local artisans and promotes fair trade practices, contributing to sustainable tourism and the preservation of cultural heritage. Q2: How can I identify genuine handcrafted souvenirs? A2: Look for unique imperfections, intricate details, and signs of craftsmanship. Interact with local artisans to learn about their techniques and processes. Q3: What is fair trade, and how does it relate to ethical souvenir shopping? A3: Fair trade ensures that artisans receive fair wages and work in safe conditions. Choosing fair trade souvenirs helps combat exploitation and promotes sustainable practices. Q4: How can I find reputable fair trade organizations or cooperatives? A4: Research local communities, check for certifications such as World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) membership, and seek recommendations from fellow ethical travelers. Conclusion: As responsible travelers, it is our duty to make informed choices that positively impact the destinations we visit. By prioritizing ethical souvenir shopping, we can support local artisans, empower communities, and preserve the rich cultural tapestry of our world. So, the next time you embark on a journey, embrace the perplexity and burstiness of unique handcrafted souvenirs while leaving a meaningful footprint behind. [Word Count: 800] [ad_2] #Traveling #Ethical #Souvenir #Shopping #Supporting #Local #Artisans
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El segundo sábado del mes de mayo se celebra el Día Mundial del Comercio Justo, para concienciar a la opinión pública acerca de las desigualdades económicas impuestas por el sistema económico y comercial a los pequeños productores y comerciantes, que procuran un precio justo para sus productos.
Esta brecha se acentúa aún más en países en vías de desarrollo y subdesarrollados, siendo fundamental la inserción y participación de los pequeños productores en el mercado, en condiciones sociales y económicas equilibradas.
Con la celebración de este día se promueve al Comercio Justo como modelo alternativo de comercialización, orientado hacia una economía justa y sostenible.
Año 2022: Hagámoslo Justo
Este año 2022 el tema del Día Internacional del Comercio Justo se centra en la justicia climática. Porque hay que encontrar soluciones justas para las desigualdades que se generan a consecuencia del cambio climático y que afecta a las comunidades y a los medios de subsistencia. No afecta a todos por igual, y por ello hay que equilibrar la balanza y encontrar soluciones para la justicia social.
¿Qué es el Comercio Justo?
Es un modelo alternativo y solidario de comercialización de productos y servicios a un precio justo, promoviendo el acceso al mercado de pequeños productores y trabajadores, bajo un esquema productivo y comercial justo y equitativo.
Con ello se trata de beneficiar o favorecer a los pequeños productores ante las grandes multinacionales que presionan para que ofrezcan su producción a bajos precios, en condiciones ampliamente desfavorables.
En aras de proteger esta modalidad alternativa de comercio, surgió en el año 1989 la Organización Mundial del Comercio Justo o World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO). Es un organismo que agrupa a 324 empresas sociales en más de 70 países que practican el Comercio Justo, que cuenta con un capítulo regional en América Latina (WFTO-LA).
Su finalidad principal es mejorar las condiciones de vida y el bienestar de pequeños productores alrededor del mundo, procurando el equilibrio y la equidad en el comercio mundial.
En el año 2004 esta organización creó una certificación de comercio justo (FTO), mediante la cual se identifica a las organizaciones registradas que comercializan de manera justa alrededor del mundo.
De esta manera se garantiza la aplicabilidad de las normas basadas en los Principios del Comercio Justo, referidas a condiciones de trabajo, salarios, trabajo infantil, prácticas comerciales y la protección del medio ambiente.
Principios del Comercio Justo
La Organización Mundial del Comercio Justo ha establecido los siguientes principios que deben cumplir las organizaciones que trabajan bajo la modalidad de Comercio Justo:
Creación de oportunidades para productores con desventajas económicas.
Transparencia y responsabilidad.
Prácticas comerciales justas.
Pago de un precio justo.
Asegurar ausencia de trabajo infantil y trabajo forzoso.
Compromiso con la no discriminación, equidad de género y libertad de asociación (sindical).
Asegurar buenas condiciones de trabajo.
Facilitar el desarrollo de capacidades.
Promoción del Comercio Justo.
Respeto por el medio ambiente.
Productos y precios justos
De acuerdo a estudios y análisis de investigación de mercado y consumidores, se estima que más de un 40% de los consumidores adquieren productos de pequeños productores, debido a sus preferencias de consumo, los cuales cumplen con las normativas medioambientales y con precios más accesibles que productos de otras marcas del mercado.
En Europa y otros países del mundo se incentiva la adquisición de alimentos básicos en los comercios y tiendas de precios justos, así como productos de Comercio Justo disponibles en cadenas de supermercados, tales como arroz, café, chocolate, especias y azúcar. Ello, con la finalidad de apoyar a este rubro de comerciantes y pequeños productores. Al mismo tiempo, los clientes y consumidores se benefician con productos ecológicos de calidad y buenos precios.
La pandemia por Covid-19 que afecta actualmente a la humanidad ha impactado de manera significativa en este sector de productores y comerciantes, siendo imperante lograr derechos laborales que permitan tener a las personas una vida digna, luchar por un consumo responsable y la protección del medio ambiente.
Apoyemos el comercio justo en nuestra localidad. Comparte información sobre este tema en las redes sociales, utilizando la etiqueta #DiaMundialComercioJusto.
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erhiem · 3 years
Once the standard of beauty for Egyptian homes consisted of a lot of gold. Baroque furniture reigned supreme and there was plenty to do; You really wanted to cram as much in there as possible to show that you can’t afford to fill in the blanks. And all the pieces were unsightly and looked like discarded from the private collection of King Louis XIV. ZIS EEZ Not what I asked for! take it away. More of Zee Gold! And a baguette!
but I digress. The time of baroque is over and boho chic has arrived in the form of the trend du jour, wearing a kaftan made of organic silk and eating something like an avocado. It’s more relaxed, it’s more airy, it’s more earthy—and it’s a little more spacious, to be honest. You really want your things to look like they’ve weathered several storms and were found washed up on a far-flung beach, looking casually luxurious, with wood completely painted over. Instead it got worse. You want your rugs to be a bit discolored, which is a sign to my mom that the carpet is old, used, and to be discarded immediately, but to me it means I found a gem and I want it Can’t wait to display it at its most tattered. I might turn my feet on that for extra measure.
There are now dozens of furniture, home accessory, and interior design brands in Egypt with stunning pieces that satisfy all your bohemian daydreams. What the whole ‘boho chic’ really is at its core is the absolutely carefree and sober decor; This often involves layering and/or mixing colors, patterns and textures. You can either go in a color direction with a more funky-pattern-and-clashing-print kind of vibe, or you can opt for a more neutral palette, which takes on a more Scandinavian feel. There is no one right way to do it and there are a thousand and one variations. Unless you forget the macramé. You should never forget macros.
Below are 13 brands in Egypt where you can find pieces that align with your bohemian decor. Obviously, if you don’t want to go full boho, you can sprinkle in your favorite pieces.
Pacific OaksThe brand focuses almost exclusively on neutrals and they’ve got everything from hammocks and swing chairs—clearly of the Macro variety because what kind of self-respecting bohemian brand doesn’t use Macrom—to handmade custom rugs. They’ve got a super cute variety of poufs as well as some larger pieces like some sofas and the most comfortable looking bed—the bed frame is basically a giant pillow and the mattress is tucked in. They are based out of both Egypt and the United States and actually ship worldwide.
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Since its launch a few years back, Inca has undoubtedly taken over the market with eclectic boho prints. Her style leans more toward colors rather than neutral tones, though you’ll find a fair amount of pieces embodying the latter. A big part of the boho aesthetic is mixing colors and patterns with abandon, and the Inca have the perfect prints for that. Their main attribute is fabric, so you can upcycle large furniture pieces, but they also have some lovely cushions—the floor and throw—and most recently, these incredible woven baskets that you can use to do laundry. There are, to store your children’s toys, or in my opinion, as plant pots. Be careful, they are a bit expensive.
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The specialty of this Fair Trade Certified (WFTO) brand is, as their name suggests, kilims, a type of hand-woven rug made using specific weaving techniques. They work with Egyptian artisans who consider the craft to be part of their heritage. You can select colors or neutrals, and choose the size you like, and one of the nifty little services they offer is a sort of try-before-you-buy option, so they give you a Send the piece to your home, you can see how it works for your location, and send it back. He has also recently added quilts, pillows, and some pottery pieces to his repertoire.
Mama Bear N Company
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If you’re looking for a macramé wonderland, look no further. Beautiful, intricate macrame wall decor is their strength, but they also have some pretty great swing chairs, including a particularly epic loveseat. The brand is big on pale neutrals and their pieces also incorporate a beachy vibe with many beautiful bamboo furniture pieces like their beach mirror and their Flower sofa.
Lush Design House
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Lush focuses mainly on large pieces; Sofas, beds, cabinets, full dining sets, and so on, so if you want to properly furnish and not just accessorize, this is a great choice. Their style is a kind of boho-Mediterranean mix and they feature lots of light neutral tones for versatile long-term pieces.
petal and stem
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It may seem like a random choice, but dried flowers not only have a whole boho vibe in their own right, but they’re also the coolest kind because they’re already dead, making them completely likely to kill themselves. ends. And they basically last forever. Dried flowers have a more pastel palette, so the colors aren’t as loud, and the petal end stem does a lovely job of creating dried bouquets. Having said that, if you want really funky and unique (live) flower arrangements, colors that pop more, the brand does too.
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A big part of the whole boho vibe is the a ton of lush greenery throughout the space. If you’re confident in your plant’s parenting abilities and want an alternative to dried flowers, the Mastall has a beautiful variety of plants as well as pots to store them. And granted, you can go to an actual mast (a greenhouse) where they may cost less, but this brand delivers the plants to your home, which is placed in the pot of your choice (and if needed). Will make a pot again for you too).
home design
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If you spend an inordinate amount of time plunging into the ‘boho chic decor’ vortex on Pinterest, chances are you’ll be able to pick out a few key pieces from Casa Design to bring your bohemian vision to life. While they have a plethora of home items like planters and lamps, recently they have also added several smaller furniture pieces to their roster such as consoles and even an entire dining set. A lot of their recent pieces involve canning, which is having a big moment right now, and their flavored coffee tables are standout items as well.
choose meticulously
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If you’re looking for an array of boho inspired home accessories—with lots of rustic, wood-based pieces—then this is a good place to find them. They have lots of wooden side tables in interesting shapes, jute items like mirrors, and a plethora of pottery, some with more classic shapes, and others that are a lot more quirky and unusual. Using natural elements and raw materials such as wood and clay has a great boho mood.
cord and knot
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There’s another group of macrame masterminds with gorgeous elaborate wall hangings, but they take it a step further; For example their new Tokyo backdrop is a giant macro piece that can be rented for weddings and events. They also have some beautiful plant holders, and most importantly, the large plant pot can come with a cushion and double as a hanging cat swing. I said what I said.
Ellie Home Decor
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On the brighter end of the color spectrum, Ellie is a well-established brand focused on handmade ceramics in fun colors. The defining aspect of Ellie is how cute and colorful all of her pieces are, which lean perfectly into her boho aesthetic. And while people don’t automatically think of tableware when they imagine boho, the same can apply to the pieces in your kitchen, not just your living room. And don’t feel like all your tableware has to match; Feel free to mix different colors together to add some eclectic energy – especially if you’re not brave with color in your living space. They also have a funky marbled blue fondue pot.
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If ‘Jute Fringe’ is a word that resonates with you and you don’t think it’s the name of a new indie band, this brand will be your salvation. Baskets in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors—they have loads of neutral tones, but they also have some fun colorful pieces. And while a basket may not automatically come to mind when picking up household items, once you start accumulating clutter, you realize these often-overlooked babies are waiting in the wings, until you can. They don’t understand their true value.
Bya House
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The word boho incorporates a lot of elements and Maison Baya’s version has a distinctly tribal twist. His pieces are inspired by African culture, his first collection being a series of patterned cushions in earth tones made from Bogolan, a thick hand-woven fabric imported from Mali that has been dyed with fermented clay. A big part of the boho aesthetic are accents from all over the world and these throw pillows are perfect for mixing and matching and throwing on your sofa.
can limon
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The retail progeny of iconic eatery The Lemon Tree & Company, Can Limon is a real hotspot for all things boho. Although a large portion of their store is devoted to clothing and general apparel, they do have a few pieces of home decor. They offer both their own collection as well as eclectic pieces from other boho-minded stores across Egypt. Candle holders, throws, mirrors, prints, and even some tableware are featured in their store’s impressive collection. Keep in mind, upscale boutiques are a bit pricey.
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The post 14 Egyptian Brands That Will Give Your Home Boho Vibes appeared first on Spicy Celebrity News.
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Crafts Villages Ltd. is the member of World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) since 2023. It's an honor to be a part of fair trade network. We continue to work on the principles of WFTO to ensure fair business practices.
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fairschool · 4 years
Fair Education Nedir?
"Fair Trade" insan, emek ve ekolojinin çıkarını öncelikli gözeten ticaret ağlarını organize eden bir sosyal harekettir. Adalet, eşitlik ve  sürdürülebilir kalkınmaya dair ticaret yapılarının ve uygulamalarının merkezinde yer aldığı bir dünya  vizyonunu paylaşmaktadır.
Fair pedagoji ise, adillikle ilgili pedagojik bir zemin oluşturmak ve eğitimde adil yaşantıları modelleyip yaygınlaştırmak amacıyla, İzmir'de faaliyet yürüten Yedi İklim Erken Çocukluk Öğrenme Merkezi tarafından kavramsallaştırılmıştır.
Türkiye’de ilk formal alternatif eğitim uygulamaları arasında yer alan Yedi İklim Erken Çocukluk Merkezi, kurulduğu 2009 yılından bu yana kendi geliştirdiği model üzerinden ürettiği bilgi ve eylemi yaygınlaştırmak, oluşturmuş olduğu erken çocukluk formasyonunu ilkokul süreci ile birleştirmek, ürettiği model ile ülkenin farklı bölgelerindeki okul, ebeveyn ve öğretmenleri desteklemek, eğitimin adilleşmesine katkı sunmak amacıyla World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) ile birlikte yürüttüğü sürecin sonucunda, adilliği bir eğitim nosyonu haline getirecek “Fair Education” inovasyonunu tamamlamış ve yedi iklim modelini “Fair School” fikri ile birleştirmiştir.  Fair education esas olarak "Yedi İklim Modeli"ne dayanmaktadır.
Yedi İklim EÇM dünyanın ilk Fair School'u olarak WFTO tarafından tanınmış ve fair pedagojinin Türkiye’de/dünyada yaygınlaşması için 2020 sonbaharı itibariyle çalışmalarına başlamıştır.
Bu amaçla kurulan "Yedi İklim Eğitim Kooperatifi", fair pedagojiyi bir ilkokulu da içine alacak şekilde genişletmek, adil eğitim modelini  yaygınlaştırmak, yerel yönetimlerle işbirliği yapmak ve bu konuda gerçekleştirilecek çalışmaları akredite etmek üzere etkinlik yürütmektedir.
Kooperatif, başta yerel yönetimler olmak üzere eğitimde adilleşme çabası içinde olan eğitim kurumlarını desteklemeyi, programa almayı ve takip etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bununla birlikte, modelin öğretmen ve ebeveynleri de destekleyecek bir zemine oturması hedeflenmektedir.
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panaprium · 4 years
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Choosing Fair Trade #clothing is one of the best ways you can protect both workers' welfare and the #environment Fair Trade clothing brands are committed to promoting fairer trading conditions. They help alleviate poverty and employ disadvantaged workers in developing countries. They also protecting the well-being of people and the planet. Some of the widely recognized Fair Trade organizations and certifiers are: - Fair Trade Federation (FTF) - World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) - Fair Trade International - Fair Trade USA - Fair for Life The Fair Trade certification supports an ethical, #sustainable global trade model that benefits workers, consumers, and the Earth. To help you make #conscious purchasing decisions, I listed are the 20 best #affordable and #FairTrade #fashion brands. Link in bio. — view on Instagram https://pnpr.io/3cT8ILK
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coffeenewstom · 5 years
World Fair Trade Day 2019 - Nachhaltigkeit mit schwerem Start
World Fair Trade Day 2019 – Nachhaltigkeit mit schwerem Start
Sechs von zehn Verbraucher fremdeln noch mit Fair Trade! Am heutigen Samstag – 10. Mai 2019 –  findet zum 18. Mal der World Fair Trade Day statt. Sein Initiator, die World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO), möchte mit ihm bewusst machen, wie Fairer Handel die Lebensgrundlagen gerade in ärmeren Regionen verbessern kann. Zwar haben 83,2 Prozent der Konsumenten bereits ein Fair-Trade-Produkt gekauft.…
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medproish · 5 years
Fair Trade Global Boho Handmade Phenomenon
By Jerry Stewart
Style of Bohemia is more than a phenomenon in modea true civilization, a very particular ideology with a difficult past. While close to the Fair Trade Global Boho Handmade of the days of 60s and 70s, romantic dress is component of the popular society these days. In reality, however, bohomode began in the 19th decade as a counterculture. Today, the varying array of clothing and accessories inspired from the boho age turn the design into an real phanomen, one that is consistent with the rows of effortless, comfortable modes, with their loosefitting products in clothing. The bohemianlabeled fashions depict the ideology of fashion that goes with them. Alternatives to traditional clothing are coupled with an similarly flexible, liberalized culture and a social attitude against every single thing out from materialism to cultural constraints. It includes centuries of ancient traditions with methods of manufacturing which go from century to century, bringing together individuals who have distinctive skill and enthusiasm for handicrafts. In Sri Lanka, for example, Selyn officials rebuilt and renovated the handloom neighborhood of the nation in combination with the current tastes of this wealthy and popular product. Since 1991, the documented heritage of Sri Lanka has been equipped with a bright region, making it even more prominent and well recognized. Two. Currently more than ever in latest remembrance, the item is registered. As a reasonable exchange is established, the aspect of company is beginning to alter as the measures of the organisations including in buying and searching for genuine shift goods. In 1992, 80 percent of fair trade goods marketed were handicraft, relative with 20 industrial goods. The situation was overturned in 2002, however. Ten years ago, farm goods represent 76 of the Fair Trade goods marketed and 26 of crafts. Despite the shift in the request percentage farm versus handicraft goods, the manufacturing of handcrafts stays essential for individuals around the globe, because it can be manufactured with comparatively small funds. Manufacturers of handicraft are often those who never own land or can not engage in other financial activity. In that context, wfto also described this separation as a key task for earlier, alarming global sites to convey their earnings. The most easy way to claim women and organizations profit from a large spectrum of parts on the earth is to handle artisanship. A captivating income camwood was a risk to be incredible, but due to the handtailored profession being evacuated. Multiple craft manufacturers have problems with what can be exploited frequently allows for scandalous expenses. The skilled staff of Bali are a unique opportunity. This amazing island in the Indonesian archipelago attracts visitors from all about the world to enjoy the beautiful, pristine shores and rich culture and the home of traditional specialists. In relation to using the neighboring custom manufacturers for the central individuals, visitors hurried to stretch the prerequisite for donations. Distributors on the roads charge an excessive price for mounted products, which are equipped at small costs with neighboring qualified employees. Many of them have managed to keep local artisans inside the shadows, taking advantage of the working passion of the local artisans, about rates and locations where their own products are being marketed. A local organisation Mitra Bali has pledged to inform manufacturers on their freedoms and help them modify the model in order to tackle these unreasonable trading methods. They are requesting reasonable compensation of their craft and are aware of the value of their own abilities and crafts. This has indeed launched a yearonyear shift in the trade landscape of handicrafts in Bali. Campaigns, interaction and unwavering confidence in the values of fair trade have already enabled Mitra Bali to achieve thousands of households in Bali. Fair trade has therefore proved to be a powerful power in addressing unscrupulous commercial methods that exploit manufacturers. In addition to enforcing reasonable rates and salaries, the ten principles of fair trade provide for the empowerment of the producer. Fair Trade is actually an important variable in increasing the wellbeing of the manufacturers.
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itsnyahabraham-blog · 6 years
Fair Trade Organizations
Chocolate: http://www.divinechocolate.com/us/
“At divine, the cocoa farmers who grow the finest quality cocoa for the chocolate also own 44% of the company and share in the profits.”
Coffee: https://equalexchange.coop/fair-trade
“Fair Trade is a way of doing business that ultimately aims to keep small farmers an active part of the world marketplace, and aims to empower consumers to make purchases that support their values.”
“WFTO's mission is to enable producers to improve their livelihoods and communities through fair trade. WFTO is a global network and advocate for fair trade, ensuring producer voices are heard.”
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vintagestyled-blog · 6 years
Fair trade, how to read the label.
Fair trade, how to read the label.
Because it’s more complex than you might think, I’ve listed the most important fashion labels when it comes to fair trade clothing.
Becoming a member of the World Trade Organization is only possible if a company provides evidence that it correctly applies their ten fair trade principles. The company must:
1) Create opportunities for those who are less fortunate. 2) Be transparent when it…
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Window boxes have also become less seasonal over the last few years.
I talked to a few local movers but wasn't comfortable with the pricing and then a friend suggested I post on Thumbtack. If you can get your reader to relate to you by injecting a bit of humor, then they are entertained and informed. So, regardless of if you need unloading help in Chicago or unpacking help in Houston, we've got someone there ready to get you into your new home. It seems that it is not possible that you can do it alone due to the fact that you have many items in your home. Just for the record, I have deleted multiple comments from this hub, all of which revolve around debates with Jack Burton. Joe: I looked for reference to a bill in your comments. The World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) audits their members to ensure that, not only the producers, but everyone along the supply chain, all the way to the ultimate consumer is being adequately compensated. Some organizations that have their own leadership development programs over rely on competency models that identify the so-called generic traits ("vision" and "alignment to mission"). Window boxes have also become less seasonal over the last few years. A few weeks ago, investors were gasping; now, en masse, they seem to have gone numb.
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pearlnecklaceset · 7 years
This article by Marc Choyt, publisher of fairjewelry.org, is a continuation of the earlier material he wrote in 2007, writes www.diamonds.net, presenting the author.
Look for Google's "Fair Jewelry Trade", and you will find extensive listings of jewelry lines from small manufacturers in developing countries. However, it is not always clear what exactly the companies mean, mainly the resellers, when they call the trade in jewelry consistent with the principles of "fair trade".
Jewelry sold on a "fair trade" basis as a commodity category has been recognized by some trade organizations, such as the Fair Trade Federation (FTF). Jewelry is also listed as a commodity category on the website of the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO).
Representatives of the traditional jewelry sector also gradually appear on the market of fair trade in jewelry. Some pioneers, such as Columbia Gemhouse, are developing their own criteria for determining fair trade. After the World Bank meeting on fair jewelry trade held in October 2007, activists also organize working groups to create fair trade principles and standards that would cover the whole sector, from diamond mining to the production of jewelry.
The dissemination of these principles to representatives of the "mainstream", the mainstream among jewelry companies, is a significant achievement that has a huge potential, given that the purchase of jewelry is an emotional purchase. At present, only a small part of the potential is realized in the trade of ornaments that correspond to the principles of "fair trade".
We are also seeing some convergence between the jewelry "mainstream" and the organizations operating in the field of fair trade. The International Fair Labeling Organization (FLO) does not certify the end jewelry products. But at present FLO together with the Association for Responsible Mining (ARM) is analyzing the compliance of the sale of gold to the principles of fair trade. In addition, the Tiffany Foundation is funding a study on the possibility of applying the principles of fair trade in the diamond business, which TransfairUSA (part of FLO) is carrying out.
The spirit of fair trade, which should give great economic opportunities and fair rights to producer associations, exists not only within the framework defined by special institutions, but also in the relationships of firms. Companies that sell jewelry in fair trade offer their own initiatives.
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igggmbh-blog · 7 years
NEWS Beitrag von SEO & Google Marketing - Businesspläne - Finanzierungsvermittlung
New Post has been published on http://www.igg-gmbh.de/gepa-climate-firstklimagerechtigkeit-fuer-kleinbauern-im-suedenpodiumsdiskussion-mit-politik-wissenschaft-und-zivilgesellschaft-ueber-un-entwicklungsziele-bis-2030-2/
GEPA: "Climate first"Klimagerechtigkeit für Kleinbauern im SüdenPodiumsdiskussion mit Politik, Wissenschaft und Zivilgesellschaft über UN-Entwicklungsziele bis 2030
Wie das UN-Entwicklungsziel \”Klimagerechtigkeit\” auch nach dem Rückzug von US-Präsident Donald Trump aus dem Pariser Klimaabkommen erreicht werden kann, diskutierten (v.r.): GEPA-Geschäftsführer für Marke und Vertrieb, Dr. Peter Schaumberger, Prof. Dr. Claudia Warning, Vorstand Brot für die Welt, Prof. Dr. Uwe Schneidewind, Präsident …n
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Wuppertal (ots) – Fairer Handel spielt eine wichtige Rolle beim Kampf gegen den Klimawandel im Globalen Süden. Soziale Bewegungen wie der Faire Handel legen den Grundstein für Bewusstseinswandel, politische Rahmensetzungen und klimafreundlichere Wirtschaftsweisen. Entschlossenes Handeln aller Interessengruppen ist unabdingbar: Das betrifft Politik, Wirtschaft und Verbraucher/-innen auf lokaler, nationaler und internationaler Ebene. Dabei spielt Deutschland eine entscheidende Rolle. So lautete das Fazit des Fachpodiums: \”Climate first: Wie gelingt die öko-faire Wende bis 2030\”, das die GEPA am 8. Juni mit zahlreichen Gästen aus Wissenschaft, Politik, Zivilgesellschaft und Medien veranstaltet hat. Die Diskussion bildet den Auftakt der GEPA-Aktivitäten zu Klimagerechtigkeit in den nächsten Jahren. Das Wuppertal Institut wird diese Arbeit wissenschaftlich begleiten.
Wer zahlt die Rechnung? Menschen im Globalen Süden leiden aufgrund von Überschwemmungen, extremer Trockenheit und Ernteeinbrüchen am meisten unter den sozialen, ökologischen und ökonomischen Folgen des Klimawandels, obwohl sie am wenigsten dazu beigetragen haben. Handelspartner von Fair Trade-Pionier GEPA, vorwiegend Kleinbauerngenossenschaften, müssen zusätzlich zu ihrer täglichen Arbeit sogar immer häufiger Katastrophenhilfe leisten, um die schlimmsten Folgen der Klimaschäden abzumildern.
Jetzt erst recht: Dass das UN-Entwicklungsziel \”Klimaschutz\” trotz Rückzug von US-Präsident Donald Trump aus dem Pariser Klimaabkommen erreicht werden kann, diskutierten GEPA-Geschäftsführer Peter Schaumberger, Flhor de Maria Zelaya Contreras (Mitglied Frauen-Kaffeekooperative APROLMA, Honduras) gemeinsam mit Claudia Warning (Vorstand GEPA-Gesellschafter Brot für die Welt), Andreas Mucke (Oberbürgermeister Wuppertal) und Uwe Schneidewind (Präsident Wuppertal Institut). In seinem Grußwort betonte Klaus Töpfer, ehemaliger Exekutivdirektor des Umweltprogramms der Vereinten Nationen, dass wirtschaftliche Stabilität und ökologische Vorsorge sehr wohl Hand in Hand gehen können. Daran müsse in Deutschland intensiv weitergearbeitet werden.
Nur mal kurz die Welt retten? Konkrete Maßnahmen
Einfache Formeln zur Rettung des Weltklimas gibt es nicht, konkrete Lösungsansätze aber schon. Nun kommt es auf die konsequente nationale Umsetzung internationaler Beschlüsse an. Daher appellierte Flhor de Maria Zelaya Contreras (APROLMA, Honduras) an die Bundesregierung: \”Legen Sie Ihr Ego ab, verstehen und leben Sie das Wort Solidarität und setzen Sie sie in Ihrer Arbeit um. Denken Sie an die Zukunft der Erde und lernen Sie unsere Mutter Natur, \’la tierra madre\’, zu verstehen. Nur so und nicht anders tragen Sie zur öko-sozialen Transformation auf politischer Ebene bei\”. Peter Schaumberger (GEPA) forderte konkretes Umdenken: \”Die Beweislast umdrehen: Für Klimasünden müssen selbstverständlich die Verursacher Rechenschaft ablegen. Klimagerechtigkeit sollte in den Köpfen fest verankert und in den Gesetzen festgeschrieben werden. Der Faire Handel zeigt seit mehr als vierzig Jahren, dass Handel nach fairen und ökologischen Kriterien auch wirtschaftlich erfolgreich ist.\” Wie das funktionieren kann, machte er am Beispiel Kaffee deutlich: \”Der unter unfairen und klimaschädlichen Bedingungen erzeugte Kaffee müsste viel teurer sein.\”
Claudia Warning (Brot für die Welt) appellierte an die Verantwortung der Industrie- und Schwellenländer: \”Verdorrte Ernten wie auch Überschwemmungen treffen die Ärmsten am härtesten. Das dürfen wir nicht zulassen!\” Sie forderte die Bundesregierung zum Ausstieg aus der Braunkohle auf. Die \”German Energiewende\” – mittlerweile ein internationales Schlagwort – könne hier mit erneuerbaren Energien eine Vorreiterrolle spielen. Man könne hier der Politik auch \”Rückenwind\” geben.
Wie sich Wuppertal getreu dem Motto \”Global denken, lokal handeln\” engagiert, zeigte Andreas Mucke (Stadt Wuppertal) am Beispiel der Klimapartnerschaft mit der Partnerstadt Matagalpa (Nicaragua). Da Matagalpa ein großes Problem mit Hochwasser hat, unterstützt Wuppertal mit Frühwarnsystemen. Die Umweltverwaltungen der beiden Partnerstädte kooperieren eng zusammen. Andreas Mucke: \”Wenn US-Präsident Trump den Rückwärtsgang in der Klimapolitik einlegt, muss der Rest der Welt – allen voran die Städte – Vollgas bei der Klimarettung und bei einem nachhaltigen Lebensstil geben.\” Uwe Schneidewind (Wuppertal Institut) sprach von einer \”Dynamik für den Klimaschutz von unten\”, d. h. von Unternehmen, Städten, Produzent/-innen und der sozialen Bewegung, die einen \”Legitimationsdruck\” auf die Verantwortlichen in Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft erzeugen könne. Er betonte, dass es in Wuppertal mit der GEPA und dem Wuppertal-Institut zwei \”global champions\” gebe im Hinblick auf die globalen Nachhaltigkeitsfragen. Diese hätten nicht nur die Diskussion in Deutschland, sondern auch international entscheidend geprägt.
\”Ich freue mich deswegen auch über diese Veranstaltung, weil es eben eindrucksvoll ist, dass wir hier in Wuppertal sozusagen eigentlich zwei global Champions haben im Hinblick auf diese globalen Nachhaltigkeitsfragen – Institutionen, die mit dem was sie – im Fall der GEPA schon seit über 40 Jahren, in unserem Fall seit 25 Jahren machen, nicht nur die Diskussion in Deutschland, sondern auch international entscheidend prägen.\”
Weitere Forderungen an die Politik
GEPA-Geschäftsführer Peter Schaumberger setzte sich im Namen der GEPA-Handelspartner für eine Förderung der kleinbäuerlichen Landwirtschaft ein, die laut Weltagrarbericht zu siebzig Prozent zur Welternährung beitragen. Dazu gehört vor allem Wissenstransfer und technische Unterstützung. Darüber hinaus sollten öko-faire Beschaffung auf Lokal-, Landes-, Bundes- und EU-Ebene gesetzlich verankert werden. \”Förderung kleinbäuerlicher Landwirtschaft\” und \”öko-faire Beschaffung\” sind Teil des Forderungskatalogs der Kampagne zur Bundestagswahl von Forum Fairer Handel und Weltladen-Dachverband (www.forum-fairer-handel.de). Außerdem schlug Peter Schaumberger \”fiskalpolitische Regulierungen\” vor. Dazu zählen einerseits Steuererleichterungen für Unternehmen, die fair und ökologisch wirtschaften, andererseits Sanktionen bei Klimasündern in Form einer CO2-Steuer.
Als Fair Trade-Pionier steht die GEPA seit über 40 Jahren für Transparenz und Glaubwürdigkeit ihrer Arbeit. Wir handeln als größte europäische Fair Handelsorganisation mit Genossenschaften und sozial engagierten Privatbetrieben aus Lateinamerika, Afrika, Asien und Europa. Durch faire Preise und langfristige Handelsbeziehungen haben die Partner mehr Planungssicherheit. Hinter der GEPA stehen MISEREOR, Brot für die Welt, die Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Evangelischen Jugend in Deutschland (aej), der Bund der Deutschen Katholischen Jugend (BDKJ) und das Kindermissionswerk \”Die Sternsinger\”. Für ihre Verdienste um den Fairen Handel und die Nachhaltigkeit ist die GEPA vielfach ausgezeichnet worden, u. a. beim Deutschen Nachhaltigkeitspreis 2014 als \”Deutschlands nachhaltigste Marke\”; gleichzeitig wurde sie dabei unter die Top 3 der nachhaltigsten Kleinunternehmen (bis 499 Mitarbeiter) gewählt. Außerdem hat sich die GEPA nach dem neuen Garantiesystem der WFTO prüfen lassen. Näheres zu Preisen und Auszeichnungen sowie zur GEPA allgemein unter www.gepa.de Mitgliedschaften:
- World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) n- European Fair Trade Association (EFTA) n- Forum Fairer Handel (FFH)
GEPA - The Fair Trade Company nBarbara Schimmelpfennig nPressesprecherin n0202 - 266 83 60 [email protected]
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