#Would prefer this not to be reblxgged please....
astro-b-o-y-d · 6 years
What I say: I don't like ////M//a///k///k///i
What I mean: While the ship itself is harmless upon first glances, I hate the fandom's obvious favoritism towards Max and Nikki and part of that hate is tied to how obsessively hyperfocused a portion of the fandom is on the two of them, because a good portion of the fanart (even non-shippy art) tends to only have Max and Nikki while Neil is a main character and deserves just as much fanart as they do. Also Neil having a lot of autistic characteristics and being canonly Jewish makes the fact that people leave him out of things and places HE SHOULD BE even more uncomfortable and irritating. And while my annoyance towards the ship started out small, a number of things (including a shipper coming on my lesbian Nikki or Ma//k//k///ie///l posts constantly with their dumbass opinions 'they're kids sweaty' and 'straight is the norm!! :)' and all the above stuff with Neil AND people turning moments between the three of them in canon into 'Look Max and Nikki are in WUVVVV!!1!11' moments) have made me outright despise it. Admittedly, I used to foolishly dislike it simply for being too 'straight', which was a dumb reason to hate a ship. However, upon analyzing their interactions in past episodes, it seems like Max was constantly undermining her feelings (Eggs Benefits or Into Town for example) or straight up ignoring her in favor of Neil and being overall selfish. Which is fine, because he's a child and season three is definitely letting him grow out of that. However, it'll be a long time before I'm comfortable saying I ship them without Neil being included, if that ever happens at all. Though tbh, if we could see more of their interactions like in the Summer Social episode, I might be more open to at least considering the ship. But then again, it's very hard for me to NOT include Neil in any scenarios I think up with just the two of them, so who knows. However, I have nothing against the people who DO like the ship. I just wish they'd be better at how they treat Neil and include him more in their fanart and fanworks, and not necessarily in a half-assed 'i guess Neil's here too' kind of way. Also don't fucking ship him with a stalker, because are you KIDDING me????
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