#Years ago I was assigned a bird-sona in a dream so like. Sure I'll make this my Dream Assigned Dragonsona too
moongothic · 1 month
I had a dream last night where I was in like... some kind of a video game and/or competition, where the contestants had to explore an area/level, going room to room and figure out the way to the next (the rooms would sometimes loop back to previous rooms, almost like a Spyro level), and eventually find a secret treasure that was hidden somewhere on the level
And I found the secret treasure, somehow! Not that the contents of the treasure were a secret, it was going to be a magic potion that either... God I can't fully remember, I think it was either going to turn you immortal (or something else, I forgor) or turn you into a dragon, one of the two. I had been hoping it'd be the former, but alas, drank the potion immidiately after finding it and it was the dragon potion. Wasn't particularly happy about it but it could've been worse. To be more specific the potion gave you the ability to transform back and forth so it wasn't like you got turned into a dragon forever, I was now a dragon-shapeshifter. Which was still kinda cool
But man, what really got me was how cool the dragon design kinda was. Like, it was like a bipedal vaguely humanoid dragon, completely white. The body had like the same soft shapes as Toothless does (with chonky hands and feet, like Megaman lmao) but the head was more like that of an iguana or a komodo dragon... I dunno man it was cool as hell, I really loved that design
The dream continued from there on because there was still like shit to find and things to explore on the level (and places only I could now reach because I could fly! Wheee) but I can't remember anything, like the plot of the dream has left my mind, all that remains is the neat dragonsona
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