#Zahwa Talks
t0t4lly-n0t-z4hw4 · 10 months
Hello everyone! Just a quick headsup (Incase u're new, HERE'S my Pinned intro <3):
I will be deleting ALL of my Tumblr accs and and blogs in a few days.
No, I'm not gonna leave forever, I just wanted to start my blog over again.
I haven't planned a name for my new blog yet, but I'm planning the name to be aishi-sweetie (yea yea, the u/n's kinda sounds like a pick me, but I might change my mind later dw :>)
I haven't planned when will I delete and make a whole new acc, but I'll let y'all know once I did :>
@yallmakemyassitch @artismeyou-45 @saltz88 @okaminokiba315 @simyona @totallynotafab @trashyswitch @icxhigaee @ashwasfound @aurtisticbee05 @cc-creator @evander2511 @afikaandthefandoms09 @nico-ticklegoddess12 @artist-anon08 @jungkook124 @zaphowlsticklestorys @waltdiegi-theartist
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Ezzata Zahra (Rara)
TW : Mentions of k1ll1ng, k1dnapping, injection/needles,
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Name : Ezzata Zahra (Nicknamed Rara)
Age : 6 (698, 5 minutes younger than AZ)
Pronouns : She/Her
Gender : Female/Girl
She's not so careful, and really clumsy
She is a netherite crystal kitsune (She actually has 9 tails, but she only shows 1, and hides the other 8)
Info/Origin :
Rara was born as a crystal netherite kitsune. She was also born with a special power that was unknown. She's able to change her hair color based on her emotions. Red means furious, orange means angry, yellow means curiosity, green means disgust or envy, blue means sad, purple means shock, and pink means happiness. The day of her birth, she was born five minutes befor her sister, Zahwa was born. Zahwa & Zahra shared the same hair, the same date of birth, and the same amount of powers & capabilities. Zahra were given a stuffed bunny that was able to talk. The bunny was named Suga. One day, a scientist k1lled their parents then k1dnapp3d them. The scientist locked and chained them up in a room, then sent in 2 robots to inject a liquid into their eyes, after they recieved the injections, they passed out. After Zahra woke up, Zahra saw the 2 robots froze in place inside of a cluster of pink crystal. They were now sent to their room. Then, the apprentice of the scientist came into the room, gave Zahwa & Zahra a flower crown to cover their eyes. Turns out, not only the injection gave them the power to froze anyone who looked into their eyes to crystal, they also got a capability to see with their eyes closed. The, the scientist's apprentice help them to leave the lab.
Relationship(s) :
The younger sister/sibling of Zahwa
The adoptive mother of Suga
The adoptive auntie of Choco
The bestfriend of Claudia
The friend of Hazzy
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⚠️ℙ𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕖 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕤 ℙ𝕚𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕕 ℙ𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝔹𝕖𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕀𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝔸𝕟𝕕/𝕆𝕣 𝕍𝕚𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕄𝕪 𝔹𝕝𝕠𝕘!⚠️
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Hi! My name is Paddle Pop, and welcome to our Ask Blog!
𝕃𝕒𝕤𝕥 𝕌𝕡𝕕𝕒𝕥𝕖 : 22-08-22
PS. This Blog is run by AZ/Zahwa, but this Blog is now handed over to Paddle Pop & His Friends.
Other Account :
@t0t4lly-n0t-z4hw4 : OG Acc.
@1m-n0t-3nd3rcl4ud1a : ALT Acc.
AZ's Pinned Post
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About Blog :
This Blog is made for anyone to ask the casts of Paddle Pop to answer! But if there's something that none of them could answer, it's either AZ, Rara, or Claudia to help them answer the question! Untill there's a word that AZ, Rara, or Claudia didn't know/understand-
Not only this Blog is made for Paddle Pop Casts to answer, but the other reason this Blog is made is because : The Paddle Pop Casts has been begging AZ to make them a Blog for them to make some new friends. I mean- well AZ talked to some other ppl, why not they try it themselfs? They might even made a/some new friend(s)!
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AZ said we should turn off Anons to be safe, so we turned it off! AZ said it's because there's some Anons that may h4rr4s us, so we'll be more careful & turn off Anons. And AZ told us to block ppl who runs an NS//FW Blog. We don't really know what does NS//FW means, but since AZ's the only one among us who knows about the Internet, we'll listen to her and block ppl who runs an NS//FW Blog.
I hope you Have fun with us! Also, AZ told us that Pink'll be watching us. Pink even had access to this account! But we somehow didn't have access to Pinkie Blog.
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Paddle Pop Casts
Paddle Pop AU
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Thank you for coming here! We hope you enjoy your stay here! And we apologize sencierly if there's something you're uncomfortable about. Byee!
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zaratrbl · 2 years
Group Assignment (Wisdoms of Zakat)
I was in Group 3 which consists of 
1. Noor asheeqa zahwa binti Ab Aziz (2017238) 2. Nurul Fatini binti Mohd Sufian (2017612) 3. Zara Zayna (2010380) (me) 4. Nurul Atiqah 2014508 5. Erea Binti Razali (2017498)
We were assigned to talk about the Wisdoms of Zakat and I decided to talk about the last point which is about how one of the wisdom is to purify wealth. It was kind of hard to understand at first what “purifying wealth” meant literally but after reading and researching about it, it makes a lot of sense. 
Purifying wealth can also mean to pure your heart and soul. By donating a certain portion of your wealth to charity and purify your wealth and soul as well. However, one must make sure that their wealth had been gained by lawful means. If not, they have to purify their wealth by separating the portion which has been gained by unlawful means and put it aside. 
It is important to purify wealth since it can repel Allah’s anger, wash your sins away, and can also put you into paradise. 
These two slides is what I have worked on for this assignment and I have talked about the similar things mentioned above in the videos as well! 
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You can watch our presentation right here!
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daramoi · 7 years
who knows?
ga kepikiran masuk HI, apalagi UB, jangan sampe masuk UB kalo dulu mah.
eh malah keterima, buat nyenengin ibuk, yaudahlahya.
dipikiran “kuliah bakal beda sama jaman SMA, bakal individualis, bakal dapet temen seadanya yang bakal temenan pas dikelas doang”
tapi ekspetasi beda banget sama yang aku bayangin. i have great friends, i don’t know how to say it. they are amazing, 
Darcy “batak, blak - blakan, orang paling netral kalo liat suasana, jutek tapi perhatian ke temen, temen gabut hahaha”
Nora: “ arab x padang, dewasa banget, semok haha, paling enak dibully”
Bris: “ the most tabah dan sabar, baik bgt, gak pamrih, enak juga dibully”
Upit: “ bertt besar wkwk, bala, paling gampang dikibulin, awet ye sama adit ditunggu undangannya wkwk”
Gwen: “profesional (anjay), paling sabar, baik bgt, kangen godain gwensi :(”
Zahwa: “paling enak dibully hahaha maap wa, pasrah dah pasrah, pacaran mulu lau, baik banget”
Leo: “ cowo basian wkwk, gentleman, cintanya sama vespanya, raja tinder, gabisa bedain dia boong sama serius” *moga cepet dapet pacar ye
Veni: “ kalo pacaran mah lupa sama temen, uda ga deket sedeket dulu, hmm no comment dah sekarang”
bersyukur banget temenan sama mereka, i love them so much, gabakal nyangka bisa sedeket ini yang aku ngira gaada temen sedeket temenan pas SMA, talking about anything, from food to boys haha, dari ada yang ilang - ilangan sampe sekarang balik lagi, dari sadar bareng sampe gasadar ahahha. 
nonton filem yang bikin capek, nora yang kalo liat film ngagetin pasti merem kalo gagitu maen hape tapi masih kepo, bris yang dulu hapenya rusak bingung ngabarinnya, upit yang balanya minta ampun tempat sampah diem aja bisa jatoh, darcy yang kalo lagi kesel lucu, gwen yang kalo lagi cerita bikin kepo, leo kalo becandanya garing *selalu garing sih pasti bikin kesel yang lain, enak kalo dipeluk, kangen digendong leo :(, zahwa kalo di bully cuma bisa pasrah haha, veni kalo ga lagi sama randy pasti nyogok pake coklat.
sekarang semester 4 otw semester 5, dan kita masih bertahan *yay* kalian yang sabar ya ngadepin aku yang gajelas apalagi darcy kalo kesel pas aku gajelas, nora, upit, zahwa sama gwen cuma bisa bilang “ah bat” bris yang ngerti kalo aku becandanya apa, leo yang malah nambahin makin gajelas haha, ga jailin aku pas aku ketiduran, apalagi ya hmm banyak, oiya apalagi mau nemenin aku kalo lagi gabut, mau dengerin aku curhat, bikin aku nyaman pas kalo lagi ada masalah keluarga.
jangan ilang ya mantemanku 
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t0t4lly-n0t-z4hw4 · 8 months
Happy Indonesia Independence Day!! 🇮🇩
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t0t4lly-n0t-z4hw4 · 9 months
Hello, everyone! I found a new flag/sexuality on TikTok(Idk of this is new or not, but this flag & sexuality just appeared in my fyp last night
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Fictosexual is a sexuality where ppl only fall inlove with fictional characters or being attracted by fictional characters.
Og tiktok vid under cut:
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t0t4lly-n0t-z4hw4 · 1 year
Hey, did you know? What if jendral Khan become Pure villain even it turn into Atlantos 2, i'm sure it will be interesting AU, right? (Cuz Jendral Khan at Atlantos 1 is had great vibe -v-)
Ooh... That'll be an interesting AU!
Perhaps Jendralkhan would get back to Remora and...team up again?
Or... Shadow Master now recruited Jendralkhan into his team, and let Jendralkhan take hold of the Pearl of The Ocean!
Oh, and remember Jendralkhan's giant red octopus(It's known as a 'Kraken' btw-)? Well, what if the Octopus came back to Jendralkhan?
Ajshxishdi this is an interesting AU! Jwsjdk
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t0t4lly-n0t-z4hw4 · 10 months
Have a green apple and a bunch of cherries (* ̄3 ̄)╭
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t0t4lly-n0t-z4hw4 · 11 months
...Hey, guys... I got a question:
What if I deleted my Tumblr pinned post, then I make my own Carrd?
Well, I already am proud of my own pinned post, but... I want my own carrd, so...
Will it be a good idea?
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t0t4lly-n0t-z4hw4 · 11 months
According to all known laws
of aviation,
there is no way a bee
should be able to fly.
Its wings are too small to get
its fat little body off the ground.
The bee, of course, flies anyway
because bees don't care
what humans think is impossible.
Yellow, black. Yellow, black.
Yellow, black. Yellow, black.
Ooh, black and yellow!
Let's shake it up a little.
Barry! Breakfast is ready!
Hang on a second.
- Barry?
- Adam?
- Oan you believe this is happening?
- I can't. I'll pick you up.
Looking sharp.
Use the stairs. Your father
paid good money for those.
Sorry. I'm excited.
Here's the graduate.
We're very proud of you, son.
A perfect report card, all B's.
Very proud.
Ma! I got a thing going here.
- You got lint on your fuzz.
- Ow! That's me!
- Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000.
- Bye!
Barry, I told you,
stop flying in the house!
- Hey, Adam.
- Hey, Barry.
- Is that fuzz gel?
- A little. Special day, graduation.
Never thought I'd make it.
Three days grade school,
three days high school.
Those were awkward.
Three days college. I'm glad I took
a day and hitchhiked around the hive.
You did come back different.
- Hi, Barry.
- Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good.
- Hear about Frankie?
- Yeah.
- You going to the funeral?
- No, I'm not going.
Everybody knows,
sting someone, you die.
Don't waste it on a squirrel.
Such a hothead.
I guess he could have
just gotten out of the way.
I love this incorporating
an amusement park into our day.
That's why we don't need vacations.
Boy, quite a bit of pomp...
under the circumstances.
- Well, Adam, today we are men.
- We are!
...Sorry, but what does this suppose to mean? /nm /genq
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t0t4lly-n0t-z4hw4 · 11 months
My forst ever Indonesia Inspired Cookie Run OC has dropped! (OC ib: Roro Jonggrang)
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Meet Emerald Temple Cookie (AKA. Emerald Cookie)! She is a dancer from a temple in Indonesia, and she is well-known as the 'Zamrud Snake' outside of her temple.
She is a kind-hearted, kind of flirtatious, pretty, and can be loving! However, that may change if you mistreated her.
She is secretly part poisonous snake, she may poison whoever mistreats her with her venom, and she can also curse you into stone.
And once you were turned to stone, she will use your stoned body to decorate her other temples or as a mere decoration around the fields around her temples.
Design IB: Roro Jonggrang (Roro Jonggrang is the folk tale of Indonesia.)
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t0t4lly-n0t-z4hw4 · 1 year
Zahwa can u search "silver spoon" in the character ai thingy and ask him about tickles bc i was scared to
(Send a screenshot of it I wanna see silvers reaction-)
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Wich Silver Spoon though..?
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t0t4lly-n0t-z4hw4 · 1 year
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I was talking about some monsters that i've made up in my head to Gingerbrave, and i may... Or may have not talked about a...tickle...monster... I may have made it a little too obvious that i'm too ticklish that Gingerbrave tried to tickle me...
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t0t4lly-n0t-z4hw4 · 1 year
Do you ever watch malaysian animation beside upin ipin
I ever watched Ejen Ali, Boboiboy & Mechamato, but i didn't really watch any of them much. I rarely even watched any of them now that i'm quite busy with school-
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t0t4lly-n0t-z4hw4 · 1 year
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