#_author:Sage Anderson
Artists on Twitter are drawing their favorite shipping dynamics for this new meme
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Once you've binge-watched enough Netflix shows, you start to see a pattern in the characters you get invested in. You might even notice that certain types of romances have you hitting the "Next Episode" button faster than you can say "I ship it." 
Even if you don't actually read fanfiction in which romantic tropes are clearly defined and amped up to 11 (just check any of the tags on AO3.org or Fanfiction.net), there's at least one fictional dynamic that hits ya right in the feels, every time. 
SEE ALSO: Artist recreates her Pokémon fan art from childhood
Enter the latest meme going around Twitter, which has artists drawing visual depictions of their favorite ships. Would you like a scoop of some unspoken mutual pining? How about a helping of rivals who actually admire each other? Or, my personal favorite, a cup of punlord versus someone who pretends to hate their puns but secretly loves them?  
don't even read fanfiction much anymore but oh boy howdy do I know what dynamics I like pic.twitter.com/OoRc9SVVVi
— Molly Knox Ostertag (@MollyOstertag) April 17, 2019
GUH,,,,god help me if it’s all three at once pic.twitter.com/UgvSSj3IZT
— ✨🐸💖its greer💖🐸✨ (@grakkerss) April 17, 2019
more favorite ship dynamics... and to those wondering, ‘dumbass + dumbass’ isn’t its own category since that’s the foundation of every relationship pic.twitter.com/S6lcCmlNE0
— sang 🤠 (@SangledHere) April 18, 2019
These dynamic memes are like all the best parts of going down a TV Tropes page rabbit hole, with the added benefit of expressive, artistic hot takes. Also, most of the pairs have been drawn genderless, so you can imagine any number of your favorite characters! 
fave shipping dynamics..... im soft okay pic.twitter.com/HQiJBwuPLT
— #1 OC smoocher ✨Commissions: Open ✨ (@Idolomantises) April 16, 2019
I love seeing people's fav ship dynamics so I offer my favourite one for girls pic.twitter.com/ET96ISfxTN
— Chelsey ✨🌻 (@Cheriiart) April 17, 2019
okay, i couldn't resist, here are some of my favorite ship tropes. pic.twitter.com/e7mgxCya0W
— shelby cragg 👽 (@shelbycragg) April 18, 2019
May not be surprising, but my fave ship dynamic is the “unconventionally attractive comic relief with a big personality + the hot, pure of heart guy who is irrationally devoted to them” 💖 pic.twitter.com/cLI22TNDL1
— Nick Sumida (@nsumida) April 17, 2019
i had food poisoning and cant leave my bed pic.twitter.com/MXrlzXIe5H
— Mari🌹Costa (@marinscos) April 17, 2019
oh and a bonus. I don't even know what this is from but I love it pic.twitter.com/VquiZFIGVl
— Molly Knox Ostertag (@MollyOstertag) April 17, 2019
In all seriousness, 90% of my favorite ship dynamics can be summed up by this scene from Night in the Woods pic.twitter.com/9LLlqtgegN
— cryptid (@loopnoid) April 17, 2019
DID SOMEONE SAY FAVOURITE SHIP DYNAMICS?????????? yeah like....all my fav ships fit into these pic.twitter.com/CJZX852DrK
— ( harriet ) (@hattersarts) April 17, 2019
In the cheeky spirit of the original posts, people's favorite "dynamics" seem to get progressively more goofy. Some artists even admitted that their favorite dynamics were just thinly veiled variations of "me + this character who I think is hot." 
But others felt like not everything was such harmless fun, with posts celebrating abusive relationship dynamics right alongside lighthearted ones. Not cute.
Some couple dinamic memes around here are just straight up toxic and abusive and im just THAT NOT CUTE. RUN pic.twitter.com/1PyBrku6Cj
— Moon🌛 (@DestinytoMoon) April 17, 2019
yall are goin too far with the couple dynamic shit just saw one that was a 4-hit combo of abusive relationships with people eating it up
— Alex's Snugglekitty 💫 (@essiecatter) April 17, 2019
I just saw one that was 'I will kill everybody here and then myself for you😳❤❤❤' 'awww' and i just HELLO 911????
— Moon🌛 (@DestinytoMoon) April 17, 2019
You’re really gonna group Bubbline with Reylo huh pic.twitter.com/YIgl6bKzsW
— #1 spy kids 2 fan (@LemonyDickpunch) April 17, 2019
Overall though, we love these these dynamics for a reason — even if the reason why we love them is because they're so overdone. 
10 minutes ago: People are posting their fave ship-dynamics! That's fun, let me pull up pictures of the myriad of diverse, very different ship dynamics I lo— Now: ALL THE SAME THEY'RE ALL THE EXACT SAME I'VE SEEN MYSELF AND THEY'RE ALL THE SAME pic.twitter.com/fTSQwG3h4W
— Josie Campbell (@CozyJamble) April 17, 2019
And also because no one can help but run away with "ship" puns. 
WATCH: Twitter turned this massive fried rice prank into a pretty great meme — All the Memes
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Barbie may not be out of the closet yet, but her fans sure are
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Has there ever really been a gay doll? 
Well, yes and no. In 1977, "Gay Bob," marketed as the world's first gay doll, was sold through mail-order ads in gay magazines. And I'm sure that Mattel still thinks about the "Earring Magic Ken" fiasco of 1993, and his "necklace." 
But there's nothing inherently gay about dolls themselves – they're toys, pieces of plastic after all. In the same vein, there's nothing inherently gay about doll collecting as a hobby, as a passion, as an art form. 
Dolls are cultural reflections of the times, for better or worse. But doll brands like Barbie that are symbols of hyper-heteronormative, old-school femininity are being reclaimed and reinterpreted by adult LGBTQ collectors in a new way. And don't think the toy companies are unaware — they’re not, and they are absolutely involved. 
More recently the main way collectors are expressing this kind of love and solidarity, and where community can be found, is through the internet and social media. This is a space where the toys' brand narrative has usually been out of corporate hands. But companies like Mattel are in it now, noticing these LGBTQ fan communities, and vying for their digital eyes.  
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Now THIS is what the Dreamhouse should look like.
Coming out of the (doll) closet  
Many adult collectors choose dolls because of the nostalgia associated with collecting toys from their childhood. Younger LGBTQ collectors aren’t connecting as much over the nostalgic dolls themselves, as much as they are using social media to connect with other gay fans. 
Tumblr user @dolljunk, who used to collect Barbies as a young boy, got into it again as a young adult through online fandoms. “Internet groups were a great way of connecting to other collectors. I had never even heard of [doll-related social media], let alone other collectors and when I went to my local library, I found a multitude of forums and fan sites that detailed how people collected dolls such as customizing, photography, and numerous guides for doll releases. It really opened my eyes to another side of playing with and seeing dolls.” 
LGBTQ collectors are also identifying with the messages of newer doll franchises, and the potential for what the dolls can represent. Monster High collectors in particular are mostly Millennials who never grew up playing with the dolls themselves, but with whom the brand's identity has resonated. 
Dott, a doll collector active on social media, introduced her collection, saying “I mostly collect Monster High, but there's some Barbies, Ever After Highs, and Descendants strewn in there." For reference, all of these brands were created after 2009. "Monster High's my main focus because...well, I think I connect with the lore the most. Unlike a lot of doll collectors, I love the lore aspect as much as, if not more, than the actual dolls. And there's something about the MH media that I just adored.” 
In an article from the University of Connecticut titled "Valuing queer identity in Monster High doll fandom," author Sara Mariel Austin wrote that "Monster High's recent ad campaign claims, 'We are monsters. We are proud.' Race, ethnicity, and disability are coded into the dolls as selling points. The allure of Monster High is, in part, that political identity and the celebration of difference..."
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The #Goochella monsters couldn’t get enough of the #FierceRocker’s freaky-fab cover of @LadyGaga’s song, Born This Way! 🙌💁🙌 Thanks for showing us that any dream is possible if you are brave enough to put yourself out there! 💪❤️ #KindMonsters #MonsterHigh
A post shared by Monster High (@monsterhigh) on Apr 21, 2016 at 8:05am PDT
If the messages intrinsic to these brand identities are like this, it's no wonder that LGBTQ doll collectors connect with these dolls on an emotional level. Social media doll communities like "Dollblr" and "Dollstagram" have also inspired other ways for a group that's traditionally marginalized to express themselves.
A passion for fashion: doll artistry and expression
Doll collecting is, inherently, at least somewhat escapist. There’s something that feels revolutionary about being constantly bombarded with the idolized bodies and lives of cisgender heterosexuals on social media, and then going “screw that! I’m gonna take this toy, make it a representation of me, and imagine a new world with it.” 
Utilizing dolls as an art form – through mediums like photography, clothes-making, customization/modification, and fanart – allow for LGBTQ collectors to envision a world free of toxic masculinity. Creating doll art in and for an online world allows a safe space for folks to literally “play” with their own femininity and subvert gender roles as they see fit. 
“It's something that's a nice escape from real life? We aren't worrying about gay stuff if we're rerooting a doll head, cause we keep pricking our fingers on accident, and our wrists and palms are sore from using pliers. In all seriousness, I think it's a form of self-expression,” Dott told Mashable about the physical art of doll modification and customization.
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A post shared by Barbination™ (@barbination) on Mar 10, 2019 at 3:31am PDT
The way that @dolljunk connects to his collection emotionally through art is similar. “Dolls and toy collecting [are] a great creative outlet...and can encompass fashion design, hair styling and face painting/makeup while also offering a way of creating new items,” he said. 
"It resulted in me becoming more secure in my identity and interests because Barbie, for better or for worse, is a symbol of hyper femininity that doesn't allow any room for toxic masculinity in her world. Being able to get in touch with my feminine side and interests was a big contributor to accepting my sexuality as being an intrinsic aspect of myself that didn't need to be changed,” @dolljunk said.
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A post shared by Barbievette (@barbieboyvette) on Dec 31, 2018 at 1:52pm PST
And for many LGBTQ folks, especially gay boys and trans girls, that's incredibly important. Even Carlyle Nuera, who is now the lead designer for Barbie Signature at Mattel, sees the growth in these social media communities as being rooted in collective childhood experiences. 
“I think for a lot of us, in different ways, for different reasons, we feel repressed growing up," Nuera said. "Depending on our homes, our family situation, we might not feel safe expressing ourselves. I think a lot of people when they start to have expendable income, they kinda create this fantasy world, this beauty that they never really had access to as a kid. They can see it — and I think they can sort of create it with their own dolls, by customizing their own dolls, or with photography. And then also to share with other people, cause you can connect with other people [on social media].” 
Dolls are humanoid, so it’s easy to project our wants, desires, and dreams onto them. And if we alter their resemblance enough, they can mirror us back in ways we hope society will someday. 
Does life in the Dreamhouse have to be so straight?  
Toy companies, though, are already creating their own miniature worlds with their own identities for the dolls through tie-in media. With various outlets and extensions of their brand, they impose their own meanings onto the products. Mattel and Hasbro, for example, have their own TV shows and movies. Barbie has the Netflix series Life in the Dreamhouse; Monster High and Ever After High had their own movies and webisodes, and Hasbro has the massively successful My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic series.
They also have flashy social media accounts with good fashion photography and witty interactions. Barbie is now an Instagram influencer, as well as a vlogger with her own popular YouTube series. Mattel once ran an entire in-universe Monster High school newspaper through their Tumblr account. 
The presence of toy companies on social media is intriguing though, given that the minimum age for Instagram, Tumblr, and Facebook is 13. So who really is the audience for these branded doll accounts? 
While these companies likely don’t want to risk alienating the parents who buy dolls as toys for their kids, it's also seems fair to say they want to capture this LGBTQ adult interest in their products. There have been brand partnerships like with Crayola, meant to solely market towards kids. But when you have Mattel partnering with Lady Gaga’s Born this Way Foundation for Monster High, it’s obvious that they spend at least some time thinking about their messaging that can be subtly aimed at the LGBTQ community. 
Especially since in a lot of their media franchises, there's a heavy focus on messages about being yourself, accepting others, and celebrating our differences — great lessons for kids of course, but all of which resonate deeply with LGBTQ doll fans. 
Milissa C. is a big fan of the Monster High and Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse series, alongside collecting the dolls themselves. She believes that the connection between the brands and the fans is deliberate. "[We] members of the LGBT+ community are oftentimes made to feel like we are not normal because of our feelings and our identities. Monster High encourages people to celebrate what makes them unique, 'freaky flaws' [as the main character Frankie Stein says] and all. LGBT+ doll collecting communities will certainly imagine more of their dolls to represent themselves. Every time I see a post from the official Barbie Instagram accounts where Barbie is obviously having a date night with a lady friend, I think — bi queen!"
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It’s a museum date! Taking in the @mickalenethomas exhibit today at @mocalosangeles. See more from the galleries in Stories. 💙 #MickaleneThomas #barbie #barbiestyle
A post shared by Barbie® (@barbiestyle) on Feb 1, 2017 at 2:26pm PST
Connecting to the storylines as much or more than to the dolls themselves is a celebration of LGBTQ identity, in Dott’s case. “Mostly because Monster High's entire concept is centered around embracing who you are. Plus, it was my special interest when I realized I was a lesbian. Mattel never gave us any canon gay characters in that franchise, but I find it profoundly moving that lots of lesbians/bi girls see themselves in characters like Clawdeen [daughter of the Wolf Man] and Twyla [daughter of the Boogyman]." 
Yet, she's right — the representation so far hasn’t been that explicit. There’s a line between using broad metaphors to illustrate big concepts (mainly for kids), and allowing the diversity of the real world to exist and be seen on the small screen. 
Despite knowing that he is far outside the target demographic, @dolljunk says that toy brand media “influences or recontextualizes the designs of the dolls I collect. A good piece of toy tie in media often encourages its audience to invest in the universe they have created, and I've seen it result from kids to adult collectors to go on to create their own fanart or fan characters. That being said, in the future I really do hope they are able to innovate and modernize for an ever changing audience in a world with changing attitudes and values.”  
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From the Ever After High episode, "Dragon Games." This was supposed to be "CPR". Yeah, right.
Dott says she always hopes for more explicit inclusivity. “Put some canon LGBT characters in your doll and toy franchises. Show kids that it's okay to be gay or bi or trans! It hasn't got to be something big; maybe a boy character has a schoolyard crush on another boy, you know? Just something small like that to get the ball rolling. Companies still have to do better.” 
Not having canon LGBTQ representation is not unique to doll media, but because the companies have opened the door by putting these messages front and center, doll collectors engage with the media as a way of reclaiming identity, and then push the representation further than canon allows for. Toy companies arguably owe it to both children and adults, LGBTQ and not, to step up with better depictions of diversity because they're already toeing the line. 
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A post shared by Barbie® (@barbiestyle) on Nov 21, 2017 at 2:36pm PST
Progress is being made, slowly but surely. There are new dolls and action figures coming out of prominent IRL figures and fictional characters who are LGBTQ. Last year on Instagram, Barbie wore a shirt that said "Love Wins." Even in doll-related media, companies are beginning to test to waters — in 2016, Mattel's movie series based on the doll line for Ever After High featured an on-screen kiss between two princesses.
For many collectors, it's not enough anymore to simply admire and collect these fashion figures. They want to see themselves in the dolls that they've been projecting onto for decades. 
So while we wait for the brands' next move, gay culture will keep claiming dolls because we know in our hearts that they're ours as much as anyone's. Barbie? More like Bar-bi. 
WATCH: Lady Gaga hopes award shows will become gender neutral
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The best 'Due to personal reasons' memes to get you through the day
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Everyone needs to take a personal day sometimes. 
But we're sure that every HR department in the world is probably sick of the phrase "due to personal reasons" when someone requests the day off. After all, it could mean anything from "my great-aunt died" to "my nails need a fresh coat of polish and I don't want to finish this expense report today." 
The internet, of course, has taken this a step further to take a self-deprecating laugh at our best avoidant tendencies. 
SEE ALSO: The 'who gon' check me, boo?' meme is a modern masterpiece
According to Know Your Meme, Twitter user @samelpan kicked off the round of over-the-top excuses, with this gem of a tweet.
due to personal reasons i will be passing away
— pig (@samelpan) February 6, 2019
It escalated with people expressing that they would be taking a day to engage in some questionable coping mechanisms and maybe not-so-healthy behaviors. 
Due to personal reasons i just took a shot of tequila
— Kendra Leigh (@kendraaaleighh) February 15, 2019
due to personal reasons, i am going to get hit by a car
— eric curtin (@dubstep4dads) February 14, 2019
due to personal reasons i will be isolating myself and bottling up all of my feelings
— ahm (@uwua7mad) February 14, 2019
due to personal reasons I will not be holding myself accountable for my actions
— sarah schauer 🦂 (@SJSchauer) February 15, 2019
due to personal reasons i will continue being a dumb bitch
— Char Cherette (@CharCherette) February 14, 2019
due to personal reasons I will be spending my entire paycheck in one day
— bell (@anabellquinn) February 15, 2019
Some let us know that they would be taking some personal time to express their more... carnal emotions.
— Brian: also known as Brian (@RexTestarossa) February 17, 2019
due to personal reasons i will be shedding my skin and traveling as a disembodied spirit
— madison (@motheromance) February 16, 2019
due to personal reasons i will be going completely off the fucking rails
— asia (@sadlilthingx) February 13, 2019
due to personal reasons i will b hurling myself into space
— ✰ samflower ✰ (@milkygoddess) February 14, 2019
Others said they would be spending their hard-earned free time in more unique and uh, interesting ways. 
Due to personal reasons, I'm eating a lasagna in my shower.
— Roxi Horror 💀🌸 (@roxiqt) February 16, 2019
due to personal reasons i will be going to applebees
— gary from teen mom (@garyfromteenmom) February 15, 2019
due to personal reasons I will be stealing the Declaration of Independence
— brown anna kendrick (@meeracleshappen) February 17, 2019
due to personal reasons i will be selling skin care products to people from high school on facebook
— chuuch (@ch000ch) February 16, 2019
Due to personal reasons, I will be letting my cats grade my students’ exams this semester.
— Brian Cooper (@BrianCooperGeo) February 15, 2019
Due to personal reasons I will be putting myself in rice.
— Sαmeerαh. (@Amla_Sameerah) February 19, 2019
Due to personal reasons I will be naming my first born son Esteban Julio Ricardo Montoya de la Rosa Ramirez
— Briano (@byebriano) February 12, 2019
due to personal reasons that totally have nothing to do with bts tickets, i will be a stripper for a couple of days
— adela 🐸 (@BABYB0YTAEHYUNG) February 20, 2019
Of course, we all need to take a break from the monotony of daily life and practice self-care — but let's get real here for a second. Everyone is guilty of using unhealthy methods like excessive drinking, shopping sprees, and eating poorly to cope with pressure of adult responsibilities. 
So let's switch the script and say that due to personal reasons we will be taking time to check in with a friend. To make art. To eat a vegetable. 
And eventually, probably, finish that expense report.
WATCH: Soon you'll be able to lose to this Jenga-playing robot
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Grad attempts a backflip during graduation ceremony, and it doesn't go well
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After slogging through four (or more) years of all-nighters, unforgiving professors, and incomprehensible readings, college grads deserve to jump for joy. 
Or perhaps, backflip for joy?
Twitter user @viridianna_g captured a moment of pure graduation elation at the El Paso Community College ceremony — that is, until their hype came tumbling down.
SEE ALSO: 15 perfect graduation cap designs for fans of 'The Office'
Walking across the stage, the stereotypical scene plays out. Names are read, hands are shook, and useless pieces of paper worth thousands of dollars in debt are given out. Nothing seems to be out of the ordinary, save one administrator attempting to be hip with the kids and fist bump the grads. 
That is, until one grad goes for it, the perfect physical representation of years of being released from the confines of higher education. A backflip. What could go wrong? 
Well, just about everything. And Twitter absolutely lost it. 
“Yea that’s me in the air. You’re probably wondering how I got here” pic.twitter.com/SDGX7pEABY
— Ahmed☜ (@maulid_80) May 19, 2019
It was at this moment the “Demetrius” realized that he done f*&$ed up.
— Damu K. Bobb (@DamuBobb) May 19, 2019
His parents when he get home 😂 pic.twitter.com/oRspZIb6Uz
— 👑† (@Taj_Uub) May 19, 2019
I was looking at the dude giving everyone a "pound"🤜🏿 instead of a handshake then I saw some dude flying in the air 😭😭
— please say sike (@fatherrs) May 18, 2019
Mans said: pic.twitter.com/MFmvdMRwJA
— Ivin Setnomarim 🌌 (@IvinSetnomarim) May 18, 2019
I'm.worried about this guy's knee.
— jonoski (@jonoski7) May 18, 2019
He almost had it. Whyyyy? pic.twitter.com/1UWnAHLVoI
— Padrino 💭 (@wagush) May 18, 2019
reaction* and I wasn’t even expecting that...I thought one of the girls would trip over their heels or something. 💀
— Nyawira (@GraceJustBeing) May 18, 2019
I was watching the whole thing wondering when something was gonna happen. pic.twitter.com/ueJsDw03V0
— Padrino 💭 (@wagush) May 18, 2019
What's hilarious is the fact he said "wait" to the dean only for that!
— Mzee Edd 🇰🇪 (@005e5n) May 18, 2019
Boutta be in his seat like this afterwards😂😂 pic.twitter.com/amMFbSEfe0
— Damian Ruvalcaba (@cashmoneydame) May 18, 2019
His family in the crowd like pic.twitter.com/4zZzuchSua
— Blu’ P.R.I.N.T (@richthanfamous5) May 19, 2019
In an attempt at sticking it to the system, he only stuck it to himself. So for anyone about to graduate, let this be a reminder to save the theatrics for when you're not in front of thousands of people who can clown you about it later. 
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Get your buzz on with this electric toothbrush cover of 'Wannabe' by the Spice Girls
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If you have a guitar, chuck it in the garbage right now. Take a sledgehammer to that old grand piano. The only instrument you'll ever need is an electric toothbrush. 
Device Orchestra is a YouTube channel that's taken on the impossible (yet entertaining) task of turning everyday appliances and inanimate objects into his own personal orchestra. 
Just like frogs taught to sing in Meet the Robinsons, Device Orchestra is tapping into the hidden musical potential of everything from credit card machines, to toasters, and now, electric toothbrushes.
He uses five brushes to create a flawless rendition of the "Wannabe" by the Spice Girls, including the rap parts. This sort of stripped down, whimsically hilarious energy is also reminiscent of a lot of YouTube otamatone covers. 
Now if only he could compose an alarm clock to wake me up with something nicer than harsh noise. 
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24 of the spiciest emoji for when you definitely mean masturbation
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May is National Masturbation Month, and we're celebrating with Feeling Yourself, a series exploring the finer points of self-pleasure.
There's something inherently a little silly about using tiny cartoon images to simulate sexual acts. 
But we all know the usual sexting suspects by now — eggplant emoji, peach emoji, pointing finger at OK hand symbol emoji. Yawn. Where are the quality masturbation emoji? 
The world's most recognizably phallic veggie may still reign supreme, but it's time to retire the ol' eggplant for a while. It's time to use other elongated food items — may we suggest the banana? Or maybe a bit of meat? 
And there are also so many options for vaginal masturbation! All you need to do is get a little creative.  
To help you out, we've compiled some emoji that are perfect for subtly sexting your date, having a laugh amongst friends, or quickly alerting your roommate to steer clear of your room for the next hour. 
1. Hand + food combo
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Image: mashable composite / APPLE 
2. Pettin' the kitty
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3. The ol' taco tango 
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4. Orbiting Venus
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6. Flicking the bean
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7. Shifting the joystick
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8. Blasting off 
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9. Just hands... like, every hand emoji
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10. Blow your own horn 
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11. Taming the beaver 
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12. Paddling the pink canoe 
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13. Hit the bullseye 
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14. Finger blasting 
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15. Shaking hands with the milkman 
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16. Spank the monkey 
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17. Ring the bell 
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18. Sweet, sweet honey 
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19. Gushin' 
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20. Choke the chicken 
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21. Make the bald man cry 
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22. Shower time 
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23. Pinching the dumpling 
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24. Clowning yourself 
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Give yourself a hand, and try out these emoji combos for yourself. Though you might need to provide an explanation to whoever you're sending them to, really the only important thing is that you know what's going on. 😏
WATCH: Consent-oriented condom packaging says four hands are needed to open it, but then again – maybe not
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Hilarious thread documents all the ridiculous 'Scooby-Doo' ripoffs
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Marvel movies? Passé. Don't even think about the DCU. Today, we're going deep into the only cinematic universe that matters — the SDCU (Scooby-Doo Cinematic Universe.) 
In the age of studios frantically scrambling to make a quick buck on rebooting something old, it's hard not to be cynical thinking about if we'll ever see the end of this Sequel Era. But if you can believe it, there was a time when it was much, much worse. Especially in animation.
There's no doubt that we're now in a golden era of animated programming for kids. In the realm of television, you're only a stones throw away (not literally, please don't throw rocks at your TV) from unique premises, mind-blowing art, and deep, emotional storylines. 
But it's taken the industry a while to get it right. Or, in the case of these animation studios, it seemingly took 20 years to stop recreating the one thing they did get right.  
And now (because no one asked)... A complete (?) listing of every Hanna-Barbera/Ruby-Spears Scooby-Doo clone: a thread pic.twitter.com/VPGMfkPgfa
— Jonathan H. Gray @ TCAF 🤪 (@jongraywb) April 28, 2019
SEE ALSO: Mainline 90s nostalgia with the forgotten cartoon channels of YouTube
Jon Gray, an artist and writer who's worked for Disney and Sonic the Hedgehog comics, recently dropped an intricate Twitter thread detailing the dark ages of Hanna-Barbera and Ruby-Spears, the animation giants behind The Flintstones, Tom & Jerry, and of course, Scooby-Doo. 
For the entirety of the late '60s and '70s, it seemed like they were either bafflingly incapable (or unwilling) of coming up with one singular good idea for a show that wasn't an exact carbon copy of Scooby-Doo. 
Gray describes it best, saying "H-B was notorious for cloning every successful idea they had eighty fold. Scooby was the most ridiculous example. My criteria for a clone is as simple as their shows: mystery solving and/or monsters with a pet. Sometimes one, the other, or both." 
— Sam Henderson (@magicwhistle) April 28, 2019
Gray's current count for Scooby-Doo clones is at 22, although he acknowledges he might've missed some just because of the sheer breadth of its content library. Here are our personal favorites: 
Scooby Doo Except the Sidekicks are Also Ghosts
*The Funky Phantom* Scooby-Doo with a non-talking bulldog Scooby-Doo and ghosts who are the sidekicks (an effeminate revolutionary war ghost and his snickering ghost cat) One of several HB series animated in Australia which is why it looks so different than everything else. pic.twitter.com/ToRg62AFIU
— Jonathan H. Gray @ TCAF 🤪 (@jongraywb) April 28, 2019
Scooby-Doo But With a Different Car 
*Speed Buggy* Scooby-Doo but Scooby is the Mystery Machine is & Shaggy is his mechanic. NOTE: Mark, Fred’s expy, is supposed to be Native American (revealed in an interview?) but you’d never know it b/c it’s never mentioned in the show & his skin is only darker in a crossover. pic.twitter.com/BGBtGexrtj
— Jonathan H. Gray @ TCAF 🤪 (@jongraywb) April 28, 2019
Scooby-Doo Except it's Shark Tale 
*Jabberjaw* Scooby-Doo but the setting is “Underwater Jetsons”, the kids are all in a band, the girls are transplants from Josie (minus Valerie) but w/ Fred & Shaggy expies & Scooby-Doo is now a shark that’s also Curly from the Three Stooges I mean, Damn Jabberjaw is a *LOT* 🤣 pic.twitter.com/QOt01ME0WS
— Jonathan H. Gray @ TCAF 🤪 (@jongraywb) April 28, 2019
Scooby-Doo: Old Town Road (Remix) 
*The Buford Files* Scooby-Doo in the Deep South with bumbling small town cops. Also Scooby-Doo is a lethargic confederate bloodhound with an occasional girlfriend. 15 min shorts that were always paired with The Galloping Ghost. Show description on the second picture. A mess lol pic.twitter.com/LBslMJPn7x
— Jonathan H. Gray @ TCAF 🤪 (@jongraywb) April 28, 2019
Scooby-Doo and Uhh...Whatever the Hell This Is
*Casper and the Angels* Scooby-Doo but it’s Casper the Friendly Ghost EXCEPT the Ghostly Trio is now Hairy Scary (a hairy ghost who likes Casper), the cast is all girls (who are space cops) & the setting is The Jetsons This and the next might be the biggest “wtf?!?” on the list. pic.twitter.com/IxYWtDwBUO
— Jonathan H. Gray @ TCAF 🤪 (@jongraywb) April 28, 2019
Scooby-Doo Except it's Oh My God What Is That Thing 
*The New Shmoo* Scooby-Doo but the kids work for a comic book company & Scooby-Doo is now the Shmoo. For whatever ungodly reason the Shmoo from Li’l Abner became STUPID popular so H-B shoved him into everything from a blatant Scooby clone to having it meet the Flintstones TWICE. pic.twitter.com/We16hqY2rJ
— Jonathan H. Gray @ TCAF 🤪 (@jongraywb) April 28, 2019
Scooby-Doo And We Are Clearly Running Out Of Ideas I Guess He's [spins wheel] A Werewolf This Time? 
*Fangface/Fangface & Fangpuss* [RS] Scooby-Doo but now Shaggy turns into Scooby-Doo who is also a werewolf. It’s highly ironic that when Ruby-Spears split from Hanna-Barbera to form their own studio their first cartoon was a Scooby clone. Fangface Is so blatant a clone that... pic.twitter.com/4WHlxPIlJ9
— Jonathan H. Gray @ TCAF 🤪 (@jongraywb) April 28, 2019
By the early '80s, Gray writes, the Saturday morning Scooby-Doo clones had fallen out of favor, with the last one officially being A Pup Named Scooby-Doo in 1988. We can't possibly imagine why. The viewing public's appetite for H-B's main cash cow wouldn't arise again until the next Scooby-Doo movie, 10 years later. 
It's mind-boggling to think about how one behemoth could dominate an entire industry by just flooding it with knock-offs of its main property. OK, maybe it's not that unbelievable. All you really need is one profitable idea and the belief that kids will watch damn near anything that's put in front of them. Alex Hirsch, creator of a little show called Gravity Falls, described this era best. 
The 70’s were the animation dark ages, a coked-out whirlwind of talking dune buggies, dogs with neck ties, and teens in groovy bands. Every shark had a tambourine and every sherif was a ghost. And we haven’t even mentioned these bastards yet: pic.twitter.com/iekwpPMeLx
— Alex Hirsch (@_AlexHirsch) April 28, 2019
But even the shows that were blatant cash grabs with awful concepts that took one collective corporate brain cell to produce are still nostalgic for someone. The only redeemable quality of these shows may lie in the fact that they were the best part of some kid's Saturday morning.
It's no mystery that the animation industry is clearly much better off now without these ripoffs, though. We may be stuck in an endless loop of reboots (both good and bad), but creativity abounds in the shows recognizing that kids are more intelligent than previous animation studios gave them credit for. 
So let's send off the gangs of meddling kids (and their dogs, or ghosts, or shark) that came before. They've solved enough mysteries to entertain a generation. 
WATCH: Kingdom Hearts III continues Disney's crossover gaming magic — Games to Play Before You Die
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Professor keeps a hilarious list of slang terms he learns from students
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Nothing is more cringe-inducing than when your professor (or any adult, really) tries get hip with the kids and sprinkles some totally rad teen lingo into their everyday lectures. 
That's why one professor goes the extra mile to avoid stepping into "How do you do, fellow kids?" territory. Twitter user @mewtailv2 posted a picture of a document their sociology professor created of new slang terms he's learned from his students, titled the "Callahan's Generation Z Dictionary." 
My sociology professor keeps an alphabetic list of new slang terms he learns from students and I will never get over it pic.twitter.com/UxOxRsNJbb
— Ehhhhhh (@mewtailv2) April 30, 2019
SEE ALSO: People are sharing videos and pictures of their college professors being ridiculous
The column on the left features words and phrases such as "big mad", "sus", and "tea/spill the tea." On the right, the professor takes his own stab at defining the phrases, which are hilariously wholesome in their own right. ("Willing to make a sacrifice" makes "taking the L" sound more noble than it usually is.)  
Commenters applauded the professor both for taking a genuine interest in the culture of his students and also for being a pretty funny practical application of sociology. 
It’s a complicated time pic.twitter.com/3OvG2zlZAI
— Meg Walsh (@gay_disco) May 1, 2019
I'm dead, your sociology professor is high key a real one 🤣
— Δυmmy [Reborn Szn] (@traumvtic) April 30, 2019
The fact he teaches sociology is what makes this special.
— 💨 (@BlvckCloud_) May 1, 2019
ACTUAL sociology
— Seo Belmont (@BelmontSeo) April 30, 2019
Others wanted to throw in their own submissions to help expand the chart. "Yeet" was an incredibly popular choice. 
Explain yeet to him, it'll need its own chart
— Exen (@exentrik137) May 1, 2019
“Kobe” for accuracy, “Yeet” for distance + velocity
— Sixfour (@sixfour_music) May 1, 2019
It’s 2019. The world is a dumpster fire and no one can agree on much. However, that will not stop the Internet from coming together to make Mr. Callahan’s Generation Z Dictionary more complete. pic.twitter.com/CDakAMx85h
— Dizzy (@DizzyGirlSusie) May 1, 2019
Some also suggested there be a separate part of the document for examples of usage in a sentence, lest he doesn't end up applying them like this wannabe cool professor. 
he had these up a few weeks ago too LMAOOOO pic.twitter.com/6VZcHWI4II
— la miki minach (@bevndakwe) May 1, 2019
The swell of online pride stems from the fact the professor so obviously wants to connect with his students in a relatable way without coming off as condescending. It's little bittersweet too, considering that the effort he's making is not usually the norm. Many professors still ban students from speaking their own cultural language under the guise of "professionalism" or "speaking properly." 
We’ve come a long way since 2014 pic.twitter.com/RaV1DlX2p9
— Sergio (@BerlangaS_) May 1, 2019
It's worth noting that many of the phrases, both on the list of banned words above, and even in "Callahan's Generation Z Dictionary," are actually AAVE, African American Vernacular English, or at least originate from black LGBTQ culture. And the fact that there's a stigma of teens using those words specifically in the classroom, is, as the kids say, a little sus.  
Which makes it even more special that this professor is making the effort and getting to know what these words mean to his students. It may be as simple as someone older just trying to understand the conversations around him, but I also imagine it's a great way for the students to feel included and supported. 
Keep up the good work, Callahan. Please seriously consider the addition of "yeet." 
WATCH: Meet the kid who paid for college by creating a Roblox game
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Chase bank tried to be relatable on Twitter and got absolutely dunked on
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Brands, may we remind you for the umpteenth time, that if you're trying to get #relatable on Twitter, you're opening yourself up to being completely and utterly owned. 
People have a lot of strong feelings about when and where brands can interject their own witty repartee in online discourse. No matter how seemingly wholesome (woke soap, anyone?) or unbelievably tone deaf (Sunny D's faked mental health crisis), the response is usually a resounding SILENCE BRAND. 
JPMorgan Chase was the latest brand to get shut down over a failed attempt at reaching the masses with a tweet that has since been deleted. However, the internet always keeps the receipts. 
Hey, @Chase, why'd you delete this tweet where you tried to flex on poor people after taking a $12 billion dollar bailout? pic.twitter.com/dts1Q52CPs
— kelly (on a rehab assignment) (@kellyawallace) April 29, 2019
People agreed that Chase had gone too far, trying to reach into the sensitive territory of people's personal finances all for the sake of the meme.
Along with mentioning Chase's fees which can often take advantage of its struggling customers, many were quick to point out that the Federal Reserve had to bail out JPMorgan Chase in 2008 to the tune of $25 billion. 
Maybe they should have made their coffee at home. 
Bank: Charges ridiculous overdraft fees if you transfer one minute late. -$35.00
— Jairo C (@jcarrillo83) April 29, 2019
— ⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟_⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟⍟ (@CherylGustafson) April 29, 2019
Chase? Jp Morgan Chase? We had to be bailed out Chase? That chase?
— Rob (@NexnecisUmbra) April 29, 2019
I use Chase, and don't generally have complaints about the service, but for this, you can fuck right off. You have several employees who should probably be in prison, and you continually keep getting caught and fined for corrupt practices. But hey, I should make coffee at home.
— Teppec (@Teppec) April 29, 2019
When I was a high school student student you charged me a total of 700$ in fees in one year.
— Philip (@philip) April 29, 2019
Thanks for sharing. Now return all my past overdraft fees.
— Sir (@kurweezy_) April 29, 2019
This is definitely motivating me... To seize the means of production.
— grillcover (@bizarrojenkz) April 29, 2019
Send the CEO and board of every bank to a deserted island and leave them there to eat each other.
— Rob Rainbolt (@Rob_Rainbolt) April 29, 2019
lol, as always, eat the rich
— JazzFlight (@JazzFlight) April 29, 2019
This from a group that had to be bailed out to the tune of billions of dollars we funded because their balance was too low? Oh.
— Tony 🌹 (@TweetKnick) April 29, 2019
Also bank: That'll be $4 for talking to a teller for the 3rd time this month.
— 11 HOF, Self-Made Thrillionaire (@RealPLUTim) April 29, 2019
keep doing these please pic.twitter.com/JA8ffr8N18
— Brands Saying Bae (@BrandsSayingBae) April 29, 2019
Wells Fargo Bank: We are the most embarrassing big bank. Chase Bank: Hold my beer. pic.twitter.com/QDGil5BWwH
— Ivan the K™ (@IvanTheK) April 29, 2019
Hahahah Chase Bank right now pic.twitter.com/Yc7V3ahHpi
— K! (@molotovmaz) April 29, 2019
no one: seriously, not a single person: no, but actually, not one human being on planet earth: @Chase: what if we dunked on millennials in their favorite meme format for being poor? lmao eat a massive dong, chase bank pic.twitter.com/eezw5zonA1
— Nick Solheim (@NickSSolheim) April 29, 2019
Brands (and social media marketing managers) this is a learning experience for you all — don't dish it out if you can't take it. Or at least have the decency to actually be funny. 
Mashable has reached out to JPMorgan Chase for comment. 
UPDATE: April 29, 2019, 3:25 p.m. EDT After reaching out for comment, JPMorgan Chase responded by redirecting us to their most recent tweet below. 
Our #MondayMotivation is to get better at #MondayMotivation tweets. Thanks for the feedback Twitter world.
— Chase (@Chase) April 29, 2019
UPDATE: April 29, 2019, 4:07 p.m. EDT Even Senator Elizabeth Warren got in on the dunking with a tweet that mocked Chase's meme format.
.@Chase: why aren’t customers saving money? Taxpayers: we lost our jobs/homes/savings but gave you a $25b bailout Workers: employers don’t pay living wages Economists: rising costs + stagnant wages = 0 savings Chase: guess we’ll never know Everyone: seriously? #MoneyMotivation pic.twitter.com/WcboMr5MCE
— Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) April 29, 2019
UPDATE: April 29, 2019, 5:19 p.m. EDT An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that the Federal Reserved bailed out Chase for $12 billion. The actual number is $25 billion. 
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13 hilarious times people totally misheard the lyrics to a song
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Arguably the best part about jamming out to some tunes is being able to scream the lyrics.
But some musicians really make you work for it. Chronic offenders of the Incomprehensible Lyrics Club include Patrick Stump, Elton John, and The 1975. 
We shouldn't place all the blame on our favorite artists, though — sometimes it's our own shitty ears that mishear a word or phrase. Even when we learn the right lyrics, it's already wormed and lodged itself into our brains, and nothing can ever stop you from singing "All the lonely Starbucks lovers" to Taylor Swift's "Blank Space" again. 
Some are Freudian slips. Some are just hilarious, distorted misunderstandings. Here are our favorites. 
1. Got the horses in the... hotel room? 
I love misheard lyrics pic.twitter.com/ki6kjXva30
— Alyssa DeHayes (@alyssadehayes) April 24, 2019
— Pete Stewart (@Peter5tewart) September 16, 2018
3. Now that's one queen bee 🐝👑
4. This is the rhythm of the athletic footwear
5. What a shitty misunderstanding 
The meaning of “baby shark” changes dramatically if you sing “baby shart” instead. #ThingsToDoubleCheck #MyChildishBehaviors#MisheardLyrics Doo doo doo 💩 💩
— 🌈 𝐃𝐚𝐰𝐧 𝐄𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐡 🦄 (@barelyliterate) April 23, 2019
6. Well they got halfway close to the original lyric
Who doesn’t like starting Friday w a sing-a-long! #ccms #incredibleironmasters #MisheardLyrics Squidward on a chair??? pic.twitter.com/VnKhwQsVaz
— MrRohrbachCCMS (@Mike141Rohrbach) April 5, 2019
7. Fully-automated luxury space communism, here we come
#misheardlyrics my favourite misheard lyric is my mom thinking Hollaback Girl was "i ain't no Holodeck girl' .. and then goes on to logically explain how it is a sound Star Trek reference about holograms and womens rights
— Jude (like the Hey) Keefe 🌎🤘❣ (@judithjoy) February 9, 2019
8. What a tasty jam
My wife was playing Ariana Grande's 'thank u, next' this morning, and I was convinced the chorus went: "Bacon, eggs Bacon, eggs Bacon, eggs I'm so Fuckin Thankful For breakfast" I was like damnnnn I can get down to this, that shit tasty af. I was sad when I learned the truth :(
— Elvis The Alien (@ElvisTheAlienTV) November 5, 2018
9. Charlie Puth, known turtle aficionado
In “Attention” by Charlie Puth my friends and I heard “you’ve been runnin’ round runnin’ round runnin’ round throwin that turtle on my knee”🐢🐢#MisheardLyrics
— Emily Diehl (@realdiehl9) February 7, 2019
10. Just Ariana and her sword
I thought @ArianaGrande’s song said you can hit it in the morning, yeah yeah like a SWORD. I mean bored does rhyme with sword way better. Also thought damn he must be long and pointy. #misheardlyrics pic.twitter.com/bIaGWpZ8cV
— Troo (@tnkline) April 24, 2019
11. Witches! In! Space! 
In "Popular" in @WICKED_Musical, Elphaba says, "but of course I'll care for Nessa." Up until a few days ago, I used to think she always said, "but of course I'd care for @NASA" like she'd go there as an alternative for school... #misheardlyrics #wicked #theatre
— Rebekah (@Rebkah_life) April 19, 2019
12. Is the preacher working on the railroad, or? 
This is a rare pop song that contains a flute solo. One of the more misheard lyrics comes in the second verse of this song, as "You know the preacher likes the cold" is often mistaken as "the preacher lights the coals."https://t.co/Ubg8sUU94P
— Emotional Rescue (@AtomicPunk8) April 26, 2019
13. A true classic
Even if you don't remember the exact lyrics, always remember to sing with confidence. Nobody will tell Tony Danza if you sing "Tiny Dancer" as "Hold me closer, Tony Danza... " 
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People are sharing videos and pictures of their college professors being ridiculous
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Imagine you're in high school, goofing around and chatting with your friends when your teacher breaks out the classic phrase — "you won't be able to get away with this in college!" 
The image is then conjured in your mind of how college must be a time insanely rigid deadlines (no extensions EVER), uptight teachers with inflexible lateness policies, and an overwhelming mountain of coursework. And yeah, some professors are unfortunately, like that. 
However, most of the time, college is more like emailing your professor a five-paragraph, carefully-worded inquiry and receiving "k — Sent from iPhone" as a response. 
SEE ALSO: Why Colleges Love Influencers
Twitter user @katiesmith024 kicked off a thread of professors either goofing off during their own lesson or using some uh, unusual teaching methods. Her own professor is seen standing on a desk, dancing and jamming on the ol' tambourine to "End of The Line" by Traveling Wilburys. What was his original lesson again? Who cares!
These professors are too chill for their own good. Here are our favorites.
 1. Ah shit, here we go again.
Proof part 2 pic.twitter.com/Bhs7jm5lyR
— Krista Stoner (@kristastoner) April 24, 2019
2. Break out the glow sticks, cause this class just turned into a RAVE.
She speaks (well tweets) truth. Enjoy this clip of my chemistry teacher geeking out over magnesium last semester! pic.twitter.com/xFBnvZd4Dv
— dianna romero 🌹 (@dee_rosemary) April 24, 2019
3. "Elon Musk, move over, here I come!" 
astronomy 101!! pic.twitter.com/wBimiEO5p5
— Lulu (@luxiangduan) April 24, 2019
4. Ay, but where's the mixtape though. 👀
she ain’t lyin pic.twitter.com/29IU90YvYR
— add (@addiemcdonnell) April 24, 2019
5.  Improvise! Adapt! Overcome!
“I’m not feeling that good today.. this is how I’m teaching today” pic.twitter.com/mQgh4FGMN7
— Kayla Serica (@Kaylaxoxoo) April 24, 2019
6. "Well if you're sure — better be THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION."
My professor made us line up and pick our 10 page research paper topic from the sorting hat pic.twitter.com/jd9N4xY6S0
— Vitamin G (@Gizzellii) April 25, 2019
7. Wheelin' and dealin' (out knowledge.) 
my biology professor rolls around in heely’s before he lectures us pic.twitter.com/4UZWbGrygw
— 🏆Gold Experience🏆 (@iamkhalilxo) April 24, 2019
8. Method actors, always trying to upstage you. 
the man, the myth, the legend pic.twitter.com/biBe7nDXDr
— m (@myraacu) April 24, 2019
9. Merry anniversary of thy birth. 
My professor brought in cake for Shakespeare’s birthday 😭 pic.twitter.com/elGV1qPdFQ
— Li (@LisaTheGemini_) April 24, 2019
10. A seven nation army couldn't hold him back.
He deadass played/sang for 30 mins of class. This was in Physics lol pic.twitter.com/vW7lVjCVCz
— s (@SamAguinaga1) April 24, 2019
11. Accurate. 
First day of class in an African American studies class pic.twitter.com/lzBwTyHenq
— Jordan Snow (@lovingthecrewe) April 24, 2019
12. Oh you KNOW he's got the horses in the back. 
My conservation teacher is the man pic.twitter.com/KPlyUTS50A
— Heather (@HeatherMannis) April 24, 2019
13. Word: Robert. Definition: A really cool professor. 
also one of my professors took up a whole class looking up his name on urbandictonary pic.twitter.com/YPHQ3a61o2
— PEACH ♡ BABE (@tsukikobaby) April 24, 2019
14. Forget mitochondria, anime is the real powerhouse of the cell. 
My molecular biology professor is an otaku pic.twitter.com/sTiFjyVq85
— marieta 🦋 (@flordecirco) April 24, 2019
15. Why are you hitting yourself? Why are you hitting yourself? 
How my CrJu professor was demonstrating a scenario 😂 pic.twitter.com/NWJg9A5IYW
— Ty♨️ (@TyLaFlaree) April 24, 2019
This one's for all you educators that learn the latest dance craze or let your students call you by your first name. You're not a regular professor, you're a cool professor.
WATCH: Meet the kid who paid for college by creating a Roblox game
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Marvel Studios president has an extremely hilarious reaction to reporter's question
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We're down to the wire, counting the final hours until everyone collectively lose their minds over Avengers: Endgame. Tensions are high, and there's a lot to worry about — rogue spoilers, reviews, the entire legacy of the MCU. 
Needless to say, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige probably has a lot on his plate right now, which makes his reaction to a reporter's question even more nerve wracking. 
SEE ALSO: ‘Avengers: Endgame’ stars make emotional speeches at premiere
What was this reporter asking Feige? "Who will remain alive after Endgame?" Maybe they asked, "Will Groot finally get a love interest?" Or possibly, "Can Ant-Man really defeat Thanos by shrinking down and going up...you know where??" Or better yet, "Is Steve Rogers a virgin?"
While we're unsure exactly what was asked, Twitter was quick to roast Feige's exaggerated display of — some kind of emotion.
That’s Kevin’s reaction when introduced to the Ant Man butt theory.
— Jeremy Conrad (@ManaByte) April 24, 2019
— Dan Foley (@fraudulentfoley) April 24, 2019
This the exact gif that's matches his reaction pic.twitter.com/TXreeuL9qs
— Spring snowmew🌻🌼🌱 (@MonoyashaDvC) April 24, 2019
The reporter found out that he is a skrull.
— ItsYaBo93 (@PetsyPetsyPetsy) April 24, 2019
— Joey Polanco (@_BrooklynBear) April 25, 2019
Same energy pic.twitter.com/bUfli4thiD
— TheGreenPrince (@TheGreenPrince_) April 24, 2019
Got a history of making this face, I think pic.twitter.com/bbvIoovn1N
— Pone Tony (@BoomBizzle) April 24, 2019
While we may not know what context made Feige react like that, but nevertheless, that's the face we'll all have whenever anyone tries to spoil Endgame. 
WATCH: ‘Avengers: Endgame’ stars make emotional speeches at premiere
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'How to Make a Tyler, The Creator Song' is a perfect example of music comedy
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Game recognizes game.
Sometimes, a musician's style is so well known and specific that it's only a matter of time before they get lovingly roasted. Popular "how to make an X song" videos have musicians trying to recreate the sound of their favorite artists, with varying levels of parody and sincerity. 
Normally the original artists don't respond to the appreciative jest, either because of their status or just that they're card-carrying members of the NFL (the No Fun League.) 
But this time, an artist truly recognized that a parody was hilarious. And also, pretty accurate. 
SEE ALSO: 'One Punch Man' perfectly blends comedy and action
Nat Puff, also known by her stage name Left At London, is a trans singer/songwriter who's known for her deeply personal indie rock, iconic Twitter posts, and being the girl from the "haha, I do that" Vine. But she's much more than that, and has been fusing her backgrounds in music and comedy to create some truly great content. 
Having previously created an on-point "How to make a Frank Ocean song" video, she stepped it up this time imitating another one of her favorite artists, Tyler, The Creator. 
After breaking down the key types of instrumentals and beats typically used in his songs, as well as highlighting some stereotypical lyrics, Puff beaks into a perfect impersonation of Tyler's vocal sound and flow. 
She also goes the extra mile by performing a version reminiscent of his older style where she describes Tyler's newer persona as "a lonely gay man who made the Grinch soundtrack." 
On balancing her own online persona with a blossoming music career, Puff told Mashable that she tries to "mash them together and see what people like. I’m still getting the hang of it. But I’m much more established in comedy than I am music. Which is fine just as long as I can make the switchover." 
But when content (especially if it's a roast) is good, you can't deny its presence. The video skyrocketed in views after it was retweeted by Tyler, The Creator himself, who actually had a good laugh.
Twitter confirmed that the video was genius, and legitimately great music-making. 
— Tyler, The Creator (@tylerthecreator) April 24, 2019
  Tyler rn pic.twitter.com/Ug03VqH34i
— MOON KNIGHT IS BIG YOSHI 🦀🛡🌵 (@Chaos20X6) April 24, 2019
RESPECT THE HUSTLE pic.twitter.com/hTqsRZPeny
— wuffalobildbings (@chichamorada_97) April 24, 2019
THAT FUCKIN VOICE CHANGE 😭😭 pic.twitter.com/56cQUH8Wj4
— 💆‍♀️ (@barbiemels) April 24, 2019
Here I fixed it pic.twitter.com/jtx5F3bz5r
— 🕸 (@Bigandnasty86) April 24, 2019
— zlata (@cantstalkmenow) April 24, 2019
Puff says what's unique about her comedy is that it's intrinsically music-based. "That’s why I’m very set in the idea that you can listen to my music without watching my comedy, but you can’t watch my comedy without listening to my music. They’re parts of me, and if you want to get to know me, I suggest you get to know all of me."
While Puff can clearly do a pretty great imitation, if you want to hear more of her original music (and who doesn't wanna support LGBTQ indie artists?), check out her latest EP, Transgender Street Legend Vol. 1, on most streaming services and Bandcamp. 
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Sportscaster responds perfectly to being ditched during viral interview
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There are plenty of savage insults, but perhaps the most savage of all is simply walking away mid-conversation.
Sportscaster Kelly Cates got accidentally dissed in that exact way by her Sky Sports colleagues Gary Neville and Jamie Carragher during a broadcast in early April. And now she's responded by recreating the viral moment where she got snubbed.
The original video showed Cates asking a question about Liverpool's upcoming game. Then Neville and Carragher respond by immediately turning around and walking away while answering her. An odd directing choice. 
Baffled fans criticized the two for ignoring Cates, but all's well that ends well, as Cates tweeted that it was a simple misunderstanding. 
They were going to interview Hasenhuttl in the tunnel! Would have looked weird if they didn’t have anything to say I the way there 😁 https://t.co/9O36FoBEoa
— Kelly Cates (@KellyCates) April 6, 2019
But that didn't mean she was gonna let them get away without a little light-hearted revenge. In their most recent interview on Tuesday, the tables were finally turned while previewing the Manchester Derby. 
When Neville asks when the derby will be, Cates smiles and simply walks away, responding "the Manchester derby, Wednesday 7pm on Sky Sports Premier League. Don't you dare turn your back."
The internet applause was immediate. Everyone loves some classy pettiness, after all. 
— Amal Ansari (@ClinicalSad10) April 23, 2019
— johntheswan (@John_swan4) April 23, 2019
I love how hard you’re trying not to laugh. Can’t stop watching. 😭
— Maverick Is Actually Back (@maverick99sback) April 23, 2019
Smashed it😎😎 pic.twitter.com/CLHd7WAUZ6
— Akshay Purushothaman (@akkki009) April 23, 2019
— Santosh poudel (@born_to_live_li) April 23, 2019
Oof, I wonder if Neville and Carragher will need some ice for that burn. 
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Confused dog has the best reaction to a head massager
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The world can be very strange and confusing for a simple creature whose only responsibilities are eating, sleeping, and being a vessel of pure goodness.
It's clear that dogs have a lot of love in their hearts, but don't always have a lot going on up in the ol' brain department. Take for example, Tucker, and his fierce battle with the vicious beast — a head massager. 
"Tucker has been sniffing and trying to play with these head massagers ever since we got them so we decided to see his reaction if we let him play with them. His reactions to new toys are always hilarious," Tucker's owner wrote on YouTube. 
Looks like the head massager wins this round. 
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This dad covered BTS' 'Make It Right' with his trumpet and ARMYs are obsessed
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What's better than a polished cover of your favorite single, artfully recorded with only the best equipment and editing? A dad with a trumpet, that's what! 
Even though it's been less than a week since BTS shook the world up by dropping their latest album Map of the Soul: Persona, there are already tons of track covers on YouTube. But nothing can beat this dedicated dad who wanted to support his ARMY daughter's stanning. 
Sadie Neighbor and her sister are huge BTS fans, and have been playing the album on repeat for the past few days. Their dad, who practices the trumpet, walked in on them listening to the track "Make It Right" and jumped right in. 
The video went viral fast, thanks to the insanely powerful range and energy of BTS ARMY Twitter. When she told him about the internet's support, he had a great reaction.
— sadie | wembley !! (@lusjeon) April 15, 2019
Now ARMYs are calling for a potential duet with BTS, or at the very least, a full version. 
imagine taehyung on the saxophone and my dad on the trumpET HSJJSKSKA
— sadie | wembley !! (@lusjeon) April 15, 2019
— ☁️m. with luv (@unknownbangstan) April 15, 2019
— jisue💜 (@jisueepark) April 16, 2019
Petition for the full cover pic.twitter.com/DxllABaC7d
— | BTS ᵢₛ ₜₕₑ ₒₙₗy ₜₕᵢₙg ₖₑₑₚᵢₙg ₘₑ ₛₜᵣaᵢgₕₜ | (@rachel_cln) April 15, 2019
Where's the full version??? pic.twitter.com/RzaERkjGMd
— ? (@RMslostpassport) April 15, 2019
UR DAD IS ICONIC pic.twitter.com/CZjyEtqA3F
— PERSONA IS HURR 🌻 SOLDIER FIELD namjoon’s neck (@namjoon_neck) April 16, 2019
WE STAN ! pic.twitter.com/4TtdUNyV43
— “HORIZON„ (@bang_prettymix) April 16, 2019
Move aside, Trombone Dad and Oven Kid — we have decided to stan Trumpet ARMY Dad now. 
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