#a lot of people point to Miu's treatment of Keebs & Shuichi & Kaede as proof she's irredeemable
funishment-time · 3 months
(more miuposting) thank you all for
being mature and understanding that just because some of my faves are the Problematic Girls doesn't mean i think it's good they behave that way or that we should all put up with people who behave that way etcetera. i'm so traumatized by Twitter Tactics still ha ha.
it seems we've all come around on Toko but i know a lot of folks still shy away from the golden girl Iruma Miu. and i get it. i would never say you Need to like Miu, nor am i offended when people dislike her: she is extreme in a way that i think even surpasses Toko.
Miu is selfish and Miu crosses boundaries and Miu is really horribly rude at the worst times. however, Miu also, canonically/semi-canonically:
has psychotic breaks/delusions and depersonalizes (Shuichi FTs)
is so excited someone's paying attention to her that she doesn't mind if it's a fight/negative (Kaede FTs)
admits that her personality is an act (Love Hotel)
is so lonely she's willing to have a baby just to ensure her partner doesn't Leave (Love Hotel)
doesn't have Friends (Kaede FTs/Summer Camp)
is actually quite bothered she has no Friends but Toko does (Summer Camp)
acts surprised that Kaede is worried about her (Kaede FTs)
admits no one pays attention to her Inventions very much (Shuichi FTs) and invites Kaede for a sleepover the moment Kaede does (Summer Camp)
gets provoked by Kokichi for no reason, constantly, in a weird sexualized way (most of her English interactions with Kokichi - i'm told it comes off differently in Japanese)
continually talks about how no one understands her (every FT ever)
immediately falls in love with Shuichi in an Obsessive way because he acted like any person would and stopped her from self-harm (Shuichi FTs)
is genuinely sad when she thinks Shuichi doesn't want to be near her (Shuichi FTs/LATU scenes)
this is all unsurprising to me, because most people don't even try to talk to her like she's a Human Being, and when they do, they immediately get mad/aggressive and won't de-escalate. no, i don't expect Therapist Talk out of DR characters, but man, fucking...of course she's a weirdo who thinks she's a cyborg, when you even have Shuichi saying it's creepy when she's happy:
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in her mind, he only ever Cares about her when she's having a breakdown! he considers her Pube Blood Food a sign of a "genuine" love confession! Miu's behavior makes total sense to me.
this does not Justify how she is, no. but i see a lonely and alienated girl who decided to act out in an attempt to get some attention, even if it's bad. Miu reads as severely mentally ill to me and just because her mental illness isn't cute, aesthetic, or quiet doesn't mean she doesn't deserve healing.
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