#aesthetically it looks like it came directly from the late 90s/early 00s which is probably because it did
keendaanmaa · 1 year
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[TRANSCRIPT] Episode 0: The Anime They Once Saw (Or Didn’t See)
Kat  0:00  
Hello and welcome to the Untitled Tallgeese Podcast, a podcast where four of us will watch Gundam Wing and then tell you all about Gundam Wing. My name is Kat, I write about comics on the internet, and I will be your episode moderator for today.
Mallory  0:17  
And I'm Mallory, and I also write about comics. 
Cathy  0:20  
I'm Cathy, I don't write about comics. I am actually a lawyer, which sucks.
All  0:26  
Caitlin  0:28  
I am Caitlin. I'm a PhD researcher in Tokyo right now working on Japanese film. Yeah. 
Kat  0:33  
Extremely legit. 
Caitlin  0:35  
Are we? 
Cathy  0:36  
and we're all here to talk about the Gundam Wing.
Kat  0:38  
[crosstalk] I mean we might be.
Kat  0:41  
We are here to talk about Gundam Wing, the maybe not critically acclaimed, but fandom, okay, audience favorite anime  that was released in 1995 in Japan and then made its way to the US in March 2000 on Toonami. So, we're going to talk about our fandom history and our history with the show Gundam Wing and I guess I will kick that off. So I-- I grew up watching anime because my dad is a huge nerd. So we were obviously watching Toonami. And the promos blew my mind. My friends and I all got really into it in middle school. Then we discovered fanfiction and we started with Heero/Relena fan fiction. [Caitlin: Ugh.] And then then we realized people could be gay. 
Caitlin  1:29  
Uugh, thank god.
Kat  1:30  
That opened up like, I know it was like the clouds parted. rainbows fell from the sky. We were like, Oh, wow.
Mallory  1:39  
[singing] "A whole new world"
Kat  1:40  
[laughter] And then I don't know. I wrote a lot of fanfiction posted it on FF dotnet, got into fandom and then stayed in fandom. So, Mallory?
Mallory  1:53  
I didn't have cable growing up. So whatever anime exposure I got was like, whatever was on Saturday morning cartoons. So Digimon was my first fandom and I was really into that. 
Kat  2:08  
Hell yeah 
Mallory  2:09  
And that sort of like bled into Gundam Wing somehow, I don't really remember how. But I found my way to Gundam Wing, read a lot of fanfic, hadn't ever really watched the show. And then in high school, my friend had some like random episodes from the first season question mark. I have no idea. So I watched those, and really enjoyed that? But I have no idea what their context was, so I'm coming at this pretty, pretty new.
Cathy  2:44  
So you have never watched it from beginning to end?
Mallory  2:47  
Cathy  2:47  
Got it. This will be fun. 
Mallory  2:50  
I'm expecting to be really disapproving of all the adults in the room. I find that like, now that I'm watching anime about kids, I'm really protective of these kids like, "Hey, this is really unethical!"
Cathy  3:02  
So I'm like Kat, I started watching anime when I was I think around Middle School. I had a friend who got me into Sailor Moon, then I think it was Dragon Ball that was on Toonami at the time? I can't really remember the chronology. 
Kat  3:16  
Cathy  3:17  
But then they did the promos for Gundam Wing, so then I started watching that on Toonami. And it was my first mecha series. And my first Gundam series, I think it's a lot of people's first Gundam series in the United States. 
Cathy  3:31  
I have attempted to do similar projects to this multiple times where I go back and I rewatch, and I haven't really had the opportunity to actually finish those rewatches. But my memory of it is still kind of stuck of when I was in middle school slash high school. I did get into fandom, so I expect to remember a lot of inaccuracies about what happened. [laughter] Because a lot of what my facts have with this series are have now mutated and changed. But I was a huge Gundam Wing fan, I think it still remains my favorite of the Gundam series just because I have so many memories of it? But I really excited to talk to Mallory, about what you feel and your experiences because it's been so long since I've talked to somebody who actually has never seen the series and doesn't know the story. So I'm super excited about this.
Caitlin  4:24  
Cathy  4:25  
All right, Cait, tell us about your family history.
Caitlin  4:27  
Yeah, so similar to all of us, I guess, I watched anime growing up. I got into Sailor Moon sort of through an accident of just happening to see a very specific episode on Toonami in like 1999, 1998 maybe. So after that, I got really into anime and really into the internet. I think I was very depressed as a child. [laughter] So I spend a lot of time online. I believe that like my my first memories of Gundam Wing are when it was on Toonami: Sailor Moon was on first and then Dragon Ball Dragon Ball Z, and then Gundam Wing. And then they also were showing like the quote unquote unedited versions late 
Cathy  5:09  
Kat  5:09  
Yes, the midnight run 
Cathy  5:11  
The midnight run Right. 
Cathy  5:12  
Yeah. So very specific memories of like, I think I was mainly attracted to the, like, team format of Gundam if that makes sense? [Cathy: Yeah yeah yeah!] where it was used to sailor Sailor Moon where you have a team of color coded characters. And I'd, at a younger age been really into Power Rangers, where you had a team of color coded characters. So the marketing of Gundam Wing really appealed. You know, cuz I was just a kid watching on TV, I never really, I don't know if I watched the whole thing as a kid, but I got really into the fandom. And by 2000, 2001, I already knew about gay stuff online.
Kat  5:48  
Wow. Look at you early bloomer.
Caitlin  5:50  
Yeah. So So I got really into the various Gundam Wing pairings, I think it was mainly, I was mainly a 3x4, I think as a child. I went through some, 1x2, and then 2x5 phases. [laughter]
Caitlin  6:09  
I still am a big advocate for 2x5, I think it's underrated.
Kat  6:12  
I'm a big 2x5. 
Cathy  6:13  
2x5 is a good pairing, it definitely is. 
Kat  6:16  
Cathy  6:16  
It's a better pairing as an adult. 
Kat  6:17  
So okay, I think that's actually a pretty good bounce off. So these are the things we remember about Gundam Wing. It was marketed, like, I remember the Toonami marketing 'cause I was really hype for this show. They had like these really extreme commercials. 
Caitlin  6:34  
Kat  6:35  
Um, and I thought the voice acting was good. I don't know, maybe we'll revisit that during this watch, to see if it still is, 
Caitlin  6:43  
[crosstalk] Was it dubbed?, 
Cathy  6:44  
[crosstalk] It was dubbed, yes.
Kat  6:44  
But I was ready for it. It was dubbed. 
Caitlin  6:46  
It was dubbed. One thing with the with the Japanese voice acting though, is that it's every single famous voice actor from the 90s. And so you can, you can use Gundam Wing is like a six degrees of every single voice actor from the 1990s. 
Caitlin  6:59  
Oh, that's cool.
Mallory  7:00  
I mean, there are a lot of big American or like, dub dub names on the dub side, too.
Cathy  7:06  
One of the things that I remember very strongly about Toonami is that they had what I think we would now call anime music videos, AMVs. 
Kat  7:16  
Cathy  7:17  
But they would play
Caitlin  7:18  
Cathy  7:18  
These montage trailers, where they'd stich together all their different series. And as they accumulated more anime series, these became really, I think, cinematic and gripping tales, where they would kind of try to tell a story to be about, like bravery or honor or like, 
Kat  7:36  
It's like, plugged directly into my little 11 year old brain like, Whoa,
Cathy  7:40  
Yes. And one of them was, I remember was called, like, "technological development" or something like that, that featured a lot of the Gundam Wing clips. 
Kat  7:47  
Oh, yeah, cuz you only download them from like, KaZaa,  or whatever horrible thing I was putting into my computer. 
Caitlin  7:52  
Yeah. We gotta see if we can find those. [crosstalk] They must be online somewhere.
Cathy  7:56  
They are online. And I think they actually came out with like, I think somebody had either like hand by hand remastered them.
Kat  8:03  
[crosstalk] Oh sick.
Cathy  8:02  
Or they created a remastered version of it. They're wonderful. But that's I think one of the things about Toonami that I remember really strongly was Gundam Wing kind of is one of their, like epitome of like, Cool Anime that I feel like Toonami did and what it did was like they stiched together all these different things Outlaw Star and Tenchi Muyo and all these other stories to create a story about teenage growth, which is kind of strange and also weirdly fitting at the end of the day about like where Gundam is in the whole universe. 
Kat  8:07  
I think that's one of the reasons it blew up so much here because the marketing was really intense. Like Toonami, like it sort of right at the beginning, like people were into Sailor Moon, Dragonball Z was getting big. And like the manga boom was sort of happening in bookstores. So contextually, I think, Cartoon Network knew what the hell they were doing. They were like, "We can market the hell out of this."
Caitlin  8:55  
And also objectively speaking, Gundam Wing was one of their cooler series. Like, Sailor Moon is cool. Tenchi Muyo is not cool. 
All  9:04  
Kat  9:06  
Caitlin  9:07  
Even even if you love it, it's not really cool. Dragon Ball. Love it. I don't know if it's really cool. Gundam Wing had like a very strong -
Kat  9:14  
[crosstalk] like the chad of animes
Caitlin  9:16  
- adult aesthetic to it, even though it was like, relatively, well, relatively appropriate for like 12 year olds. 
Kat  9:23  
And they swore during the midnight show.
Caitlin  9:25  
Oh yeah, 
Kat  9:26  
They swore and there was blood. 
Caitlin  9:27  
So it was very cool. And so I felt very adult watching it even though I didn't really understand what was going on because it's all this fake politics crap.
Kat  9:35  
Yeah, I was gonna say I did do a rewatch in like, like, right after college, so it was probably around 2010 ish, maybe? And I don't think we finished the series, but it was like, wow, I used to think this was very deep. [laughter] And I thought all the people in it who are the adults like Mallory, you were mentioning earlier, like they're actually like 17 and 19 
Cathy  10:01  
Kat  10:01  
in this show. So watching it at the age of 21, I was like, "Ooh no, don't give these people anything."
Cathy  10:09  
I was actually thinking about that. Because when you said Mallory, "oh, well, I become very protective of the children. I disapprove the adults," in my head of thinking "what adults?" [crosstalk, Caitlin: yeah what adults?] because actually, in Gundam Wing, there's a funny thing where people are either 15, 25 or like 70. And there's no in between and nobody really makes adult decisions. So it, That was one thing that really shocked me because as I go back to revisit it, I think, "Oh my god, I'm actually older than almost everybody in this series."
Caitlin  10:39  
How old, how old is Treize supposed to be? 
Cathy  10:41  
He's like 23, or 24. 
Kat  10:42  
He's 19.
Cathy  10:43  
No, Zechs is 19.
Kat  10:44  
Oh, Zechs is 19. Right. 
Cathy  10:47  
I just the idea of giving people who, you know, would have either been in college or just graduate college in my worldview, huge robots. 
Kat  10:58  
I think the ages of all the characters gets obscured by the anime art style, you know?
Cathy  11:03  
Kat  11:03  
In a lot of anime fandoms.
Mallory  11:04  
And when you're watching this, when you're a kid, you want to see yourself as the protagonist. So it makes sense that, you know, a 17 year old seems like old and cool, and I want to be that person. And then when you're 30, you're like, the 17 year old should not be at war. 
Kat  11:23  
Relevant is that we definitely watched Evangelion. That was our last series.
Caitlin  11:29  
I don't know, I think, I think Heero Yuy is doing fine in war. I'm gonna, I'm gonna be honest, as a 30 year old, I think these kids are much better at war than I would be. 
Cathy  11:39  
Well, so that's what I find kind of interesting, is that I think this series actually... I don't, I know this wasn't the point but when I rewatched it recently, or just like the first couple of episodes, it seemed, it made a lot of sense, because they were like 15 or 24. Like the series, actually stitches together... 
Caitlin  11:58  
Cathy  11:58  
...really well, because of how young they are, and kind of like the purity of feeling that they have, which I think is 
Kat  12:05  
Yeah, it is, like 
Cathy  12:06  
only maybe 
Kat  12:07  
like that [indistinguishable?] 
Cathy  12:07  
which I think is like only really, truly possible because I have to think of them as like 15 or 21 or 19 year olds. that is not at all when I took away when I was watching in high school. Right? 
Mallory  12:21  
Well, I mean, right.
Caitlin  12:22  
Part of the ideology of Gundam in general is like trying to restore a form of hope, and youth to, like, young people growing up in Japan, who are the target audience for this, and this idea that, like, you still have the power to change the world, you still have the power to bring about peace in a way that you want, even though you're being manipulated and oppressed by all these crazy adults who make you pilot giant robots. So I think there's a significant, like part of the series is the fact that they are kids who have been recruited into child warfare, and now have to find some way out of that. And like my memory of the series is that even though most of, most of the decisions made are very bad, the kids in general are not making terrible decisions. They're making pretty good decisions.
Kat  13:12  
Yeah, the pilots themselves... 
Mallory  13:14  
[crosstalk] Yeah 
Kat  13:14  
...are like doing the best they can be doing in that circumstance. 
Cathy  13:17  
[crosstalk] Exactly, exactly
Kat  13:19  
But I think it's sort of interesting, 'cause it's like, to me Gundam Wing is definitely like a fandom era, because I think a lot of stuff exemplifies like...there's like a lot of tropes cycling through it. But also like, the series itself, is so perfectly...like, I think of it as a series that are so perfectly set up for fandom because there's a lot of like, here's my one episode mission, and we have to be at a safe house, I guess. And it's just like, a long interminable war. So there's like, a big, a lot of world building. Yeah, that creates all these spaces that sort of separate from all the political machinations of the series.
Caitlin  13:58  
And that's also I think, a lot of what it was meant to be when it was created within the Gundam franchise like it was it was designed to have sort of a BL appeal to girls writing for comic market and that sort of thing. So it had like the setup of five hot guys who you could combine in various forms. And then also like Gundam itself, in general, it's designed to be and a sort of open universe that you can step into at various points, which also facilitates fandom engagement 
Mallory  14:28  
[crosstalk] literal fandom bait. 
Caitlin  14:29  
usually in the form, yeah, usually in the form of model collecting, which is like one of the main Gundam forms of fandom which we probably won't talk about too much on the show. But you, you kind of
Kat  14:41  
Uh I've definitely built some Gundam models. 
Caitlin  14:43  
Yeah. Well, you will be the expert on that because I've never touched a Gundam model in my life. But that is like the big thing where you can you can get the model you can construct it, you can learn a little bit more about the, like, the technology and the different like details of the models and stuff like that. And it just gives you like a slight, like Little bit more of these like tiny narratives and that sort of what the fans are consuming rather than an overall plot that makes sense, which is not what Gundam has really.
Kat  15:11  
So Gundam [Wing] has like the cool robots but also these hot boys in them.
Caitlin  15:15  
That's what I want. 
Mallory  15:16  
I mean Well, that's exactly what I want to show right now. So it sounds perfect?
Kat  15:21  
Honestly, yeah.
Mallory  15:23  
I think Evangelion, sort of, because, Kat, you and I just finished -- or are almost finished with -- Neon Genesis Evangelion [Kat, crosstalk: we haven't done all the movies yet] which was also it was my first time [Cathy, crosstalk: Congratulations, laugh] watching the whole series...wow, grim 
Kat  15:40  
I also only consumed 
Mallory  15:42  
[crosstalk] grim 
Kat  15:42  
[crosstalk] I consumed it like piecemeal too 
Mallory  15:44  
And depressing
Kat  15:45  
It was great. 
Mallory  15:46  
Very good but um grim.
Kat  15:50  
Yeah it's pretty grim.
Cathy  15:52  
Yeah, it's interesting to me because I feel like Evangelion doesn't make a lot of sense as a cultural product unless you've consumed a series like Gundam or its ancestors before watching it and yet Evangelion is a lot of people's introduction to giant robot series. So I always find that kind of interesting...
Caitlin  16:13  
[crosstalk] It's very weird.
Cathy  16:14  
because it, it is subversive, and I think it's subversive even if you don't know the tropes of the giant robot series, of which Gundam is perhaps a prime example. Gundam Wing...
Kat  16:27  
So I was gonna ask that and like, would you say, since Evangelion is definitely a like the subversion of this genre, would you say Gundam Wing is like the type of series that it is subverting? Or do you think it's in a different place?
Caitlin  16:41  
Gundam Wing and Evangelion came out the same year? Gundam Wing is in some ways a, it's already like a parody form of the original iteration of Gundam. 
Kat  16:55  
Okay, so it's--is it like, um, like the pure essence of teens-robots.
Caitlin  17:02  
It's, it's more like, I feel like by the time of Gundam Wing, the tropes of the original Gundam series are so well set that a lot of things in Gundam Wing to, like the fans who watched the original Gundam or like later Gundams, seemed like a rehash but it was designed to bring in new fans. So something like Zechs Merquis is very clearly like a Char Aznable character. It's just sort of a reiteration of that.
Kat  17:29  
So is it like a Star Wars, like a Star Wars sequel?
Caitlin  17:33  
Like how the Force Awakens is kind of a rehash of yeah, of A New Hope. And then, but it still brings in a lot of fans and has appealing characters and good aesthetics
Kat  17:43  
Right, yeah, I guess I think of them, the two shows, as sort of like, splitting the take on... like, what would you say is like the ur-mecha show? 
Cathy  17:52  
The original Gundam 
Caitlin  17:54  
Original Gundam? 
Cathy  17:54  
Yeah, Mobile Suit Gundam. 
Caitlin  17:56  
I mean, they're, they're older iterations, there's other robot shows. But I feel like when people think of mecha, the first thing they think of is Mobile Suit Gundam. 
Cathy  18:06  
So the way like I now think of Gundam Wing after the fact of experiences I have now is that like Gundam Wing is actually a perfect like K-Pop boy band way that they built it and so if you can kind of think of it like that, like it's, you need enough of the tropes and symbols, so that everybody watches it and immediately knows it's a Gundam series.
Cathy  18:30  
Like the colors of Wing Gundam are so obviously 
Kat  18:34  
Cathy  18:34  
a Gundam Mecca and you need that you can't get away from it. And same thing with like Zech's having a mask it the reason I think of it as being in in the Kpop industry is like there's a derivative sense. And that's animated by both like Merchandising, and advertising and what audiences want but at the same time, it's like this incredibly pure understanding of what makes us like things? And like when you get that when you really get it, like, it doesn't matter how like, quote, unquote manipulative or exploitative it can seem like you love it. And that's enough, right to make it like a thing that we all want to keep coming back to.
Mallory  19:12  
And there's basically like, an archetype right? In  all of the different characters like you have the more
Kat  19:18  
Yeah, you have the serious one. 
Mallory  19:20  
That's what I was thinking.
Kat  19:21  
Like, the goofy one.
Mallory  19:23  
Yeah, the goofy one, the sort of mess 
Kat  19:25  
the ugly one, 
Mallory  19:26  
like really cute one.
Kat  19:29  
Yeah, that's why I was thinking American boy bands cuz they all have to have like a type of heartthrob. Yeah, I'm a bad boy. I love death.
Caitlin  19:38  
One of them's, one of them's a rapper.
Kat  19:40  
Okay, so we talked a little bit about how we got into it. We talked a little bit about fandoms. And we touched on pairings, do we want to go into pairings at all? Or like our fave characters, or who we think our fave characters will be Before this rewatch?
Cathy  19:54  
You know before we do that--Mallory, can you try to tell us what you think this series is about? I'm actually really curious, like before you do a complete viewing, like what? what is what is your understanding of what happens in Gundam Wing?
Mallory  20:08  
Um, there's a long interminable war. These boys are recruited by some shadowy government whatever. And they're piloting these mecha. Uugh, I just remember Duo being really annoying.
Caitlin  20:28  
[loud gasp] [laughter] [crosstalk] Oh my god.
Mallory  20:29  
I mean, not annoying, like, being sort of... 
Kat  20:32  
Mallory  20:33  
...the one the pushy one like, he's the challenging one to Heero's "I'm serious and dour." Literally, I have the most broad strokes impressions of what this show is. I just know it looked really fucking cool every time I saw it in, like, a commercial and couldn't watch it.
Cathy  20:55  
Caitlin  20:57  
Honestly, even having seen Gundam Wing, I'm not sure I could explain it much better. I don't remember who recruited them.
Mallory  21:03  
Okay. Okay, that does make me feel better. Because I was like, Oh, I don't? Do I actually know what the show is? What am I getting myself into? 
Caitlin  21:14  
There's there's a lot of weird politics. 
Mallory  21:17  
Well, I'm really excited for that. And I don't mean that sarcastically. Like, I'm really excited to, to see what this world is like, because I remember, like images or impressions. But everything is like out of context. So it'll be cool to see what that context is. Like deja vu? Oh, I remember that. I've seen that in AMV.
Kat  21:48  
I remember this from fics that just rewrite scenes from this show.
Mallory  21:55  
Yeah, like, what do I know? What do I know of Gundam that is from fanfic only, or is actual canon? I'm curious to figure out.
Kat  22:10  
I think everyone's a lot less obnoxious in canon.
Caitlin  22:14  
That's true. 
Mallory  22:15  
Okay, okay. 
Caitlin  22:16  
This was a this was a really good fandom for the the fandom phenomenon of, you take a character's most, like, annoying trait, and you emphasize it like times 10 in your fanfic.
Cathy  22:28  
Kat  22:28  
Caitlin  22:28  
Just so everybody knows you know what that character is like.
Kat  22:31  
Heero's gonna threaten to kill everybody all the time, constantly.
Caitlin  22:34  
"Omae o korosu."
Cathy  22:36  
[laughing crosstalk] And so, it's funny that you guys mentioned safe houses, because actually, there are very few safe houses in the original series. In fact, I think there's like maybe one or two scenes ever, where they are all in a safe house provided by one of their allies. And it's a really fascinating trope, because it like pervades the fanfic? But I remember, that I remember was like a big deal, like, I went back and I was like, actually, these people spend very little downtime with each other in the actual series and I find that fascinating.
Kat  23:12  
Right? So you have to fill it all in. 
Mallory  23:13  
Oh, wait, what?
Caitlin  23:14  
They actually barely know each other.
Cathy  23:16  
Yeah, they truly barely know each other. [crosstalk]
Mallory  23:18  
Wait. Oh no, I thought, I thought this was going to be like..
Kat  23:23  
[crosstalk] They actually never interact. 
Mallory  23:24  
we're going to get together and become like a team 
Caitlin  23:26  
No, no.
Cathy  23:26  
Absolutely not, 
Caitlin  23:27  
They don't fight together; It's 50 episodes of them not interacting. 
Cathy  23:31  
They, they literally have like, they like, there's probably one or two scenes in which all five of them are on the same battlefield at the same time. And almost every single one of those scenes involves them fighting with each other because like, 
Kat  23:44  
[crosstalk]Oh, yeah, they fight each other alone. 
Cathy  23:45  
What's going on? And this was the thing that I'm sure we'll come back to when I came back to this is when I was rewatching. It in college, I realized that of the two people who spend the most time with each other, it's like Trowa and Heero. Because, yes, it is what arc where they actually go on a road trip, which like, 
Kat  24:03  
it's great. I wrote a thing 
Cathy  24:04  
like wiped it from my memory when I was thinking about the series, but it really drives home. You know, again, to your point like what of this series do I did I remember that was just from fanfic, and was just what like the fanfic I read very specifically. And so that was one of the things is like, when you come back as an adult, I was like, all of this stuff is so much more interesting to me because like, I actually, like, I don't get me wrong, I still have shipping opinions. But like, I'm older and I have I I'm famous for this. And Kat knows this. I like don't have OTPs. And I'm like not very good about actually being very loyal to pairings. And so as an adult coming back to this, I was like, Oh, this is actually really interesting because the permutations that fandom came up with also came from, like,  non-canon material, because there's a lot of non-canon material, like promotional images that bear no resemblance whatsoever to canon. 
Kat  24:54  
Okay, I would,  I would call those extra canonical, right?
Caitlin  24:58  
No, they're, they're extra canonical, they count in some form. 
Kat  25:02  
Right? 'Cause they're official.
Cathy  25:04  
I guess so. I mean, sure, we'll talk about that as time comes but like.
Caitlin  25:08  
Listen, a canon is not just the story. It's the entire media mix around it. It's those, it's those things that you can collect. It's the extra manga. It's Frozen Teardrop, 
Cathy  25:18  
Like, Gundam Wing actually, I think is one of the few franchises I know where like "pair the spares" was a real merchandising tactic. 
Kat  25:26  
Yes, it was. 
Cathy  25:27  
And so, so everybody had somebody... gay, I mean, like, not like, 
Kat  25:34  
Wufei had two! 
Cathy  25:35  
They had a gay and a straight interest that they were paired up with. And so, um, so it's like, fascinating to me to come back and be like, actually, the canon is a lot more flexible and interesting than I remembered it.
Caitlin  25:49  
The canon for me is like, remarkable in its commitment to not officially putting anyone together. Like it was, it's very good at balancing out all of the different pairings that it wants to support. 
Mallory  26:01  
Mm hmm. 
Caitlin  26:02  
Um, it's interesting to see which ones got picked up as the main two in fandom, which for me, were always 1x2 and 3x4 dominated the fandom, because they're both like, friendly, maybe talkative, personable guy and like silent, brooding, weirdo, 
Kat  26:22  
Caitlin  26:22  
What fandom loves! Fandom loves that exact dynamic in every form. And so like, what 1, 1 and 3, were never going to work together because they're both silent and brooding. Fandom was never gonna pick that up. It's too It's too boring. It's not dynamic enough, right?
Mallory  26:37  
Like, you can't fight. There's no banter,
Cathy  26:39  
Which is actually weird, because if you go back and watch the episodes, you'll see it. Heero actually is not that quiet. And Trowa is like a nutcase. And so 
Kat  26:48  
they're really funny together, 
Cathy  26:49  
when they are together, they're actually incredibly dynamic in ways that in fact, the canon doesn't establish 1x2, or 3x4 to be. And so it is really fascinating, because I do agree with Caitlin. What came out of this canon is very different from what I think the show gives. And I don't know the show was like, open minded because it wanted to sell as much merch as possible or
Caitlin  27:13  
It's that.
Cathy  27:13  
Yeah, so I don't know.
Mallory  27:14  
Kat  27:16  
I am gonna say I think the show is a 3x4 shipper. Like I think if the show had a pairing, it would be a three, it would be 3x4, like from my recollections of the show
Mallory  27:26  
Caitlin  27:26  
I always thought that was true. But now 
Cathy  27:28  
I disagree. 
Caitlin  27:29  
I feel like I'm gonna go into this and and be like, they never
Kat  27:32  
Nobody else has a musical interlude.
Cathy  27:34  
But the but the thing is, here's Okay, so not to, like, make this too much about the pairing... But I also think 1x2 and 3x4 become established. I put that in quotes early in the series. And so it becomes entrenched and people assume that that's the pairing. But actually, I just remember so strongly when I went back and rewatched that I was like, there really is not that much evidence for Trowa and Quatre's like instantaneous connection because Quatre has that with almost every other pilot, and Trowa's relationship with Heero is like so much more interesting when I come back to it, even though I definitely think they would never work. They would like killing each other and instead as an adult.
Kat  28:12  
And I mean, I love that pairing. And like the one thing that came out of my rewatch a million years ago was I wrote a 1x3 fic cuz I really love those episodes, and fandom didn't do anything with it. But I feel like, I feel like Quatre and Trowa are framed slightly differently than all the other potential pairings so that they could be together.
Cathy  28:33  
Even up until Endless Waltz like, I really just feel like that that was an early series thing. And then as you go on into the series, that relationship while still important, was not really emphasized any more or less.
Kat  28:47  
But I mean, if it, if it comes out of the gate strong, [laughter] like
Caitlin  28:51  
That's all that matters
Kat  28:52  
I still think that the show was pushing that one if it pitched. Like if it was giving the most evidence to any one of them, I think the early stuff was really like, ~look at this beautiful pairing.~
Caitlin  29:04  
So wait do we all want to, maybe to end this episode, we should all go through and predict what are OTP or pseudo OTP for Cathy will be by the end of this rewatch. 
Kat  29:16  
But also tell me your fave character because that's what I asked like, 15 minutes ago.
Cathy  29:21  
Okay, Kat you first.
Kat  29:23  
Oh, well, my favorite character has always been Duo Maxwell. And I'm predicting that he's still going to be my fave character. And I am going to stake my flag on Duo/Wufei, 2x5.
Cathy  29:36  
Mallory  29:37  
I think from what I remember, I really liked Trowa, I thought Heero was too dour, but I also think that I might relate to him a lot more this time around. So I'm going to say that Heero is going to be my favorite character. And I've always liked...see, I don't know about fandom pairings. I want to say it'll be...well it was Duo/Heero before? No, but I've-- I really like Duo/Wufei so, like, I think that's just always gonna be my Gundam Wing ship.
Cathy  30:20  
So when I was a kid watching it my favorite was Duo Maxwell, but I know from my prior rewatching, or attempts to rewatch the series, that as an older person coming into the series, I actually like the girls a lot more, like Relena and Dorothy and Noin became my favorite characters and I did not give them the credit they deserved when I was watching it as a younger person. 
Cathy  30:41  
I also was 1x2 shipper but again, I know that what I came out of the series really shipping was disastrous Heero/Trowa, and then Duo/Wufei.
Caitlin  30:56  
Okay, I see we are all Duo/Wufei fans now.
Kat  30:59  
[crosstalk] That's why this is going to be the superior Gundam Wing podcast.
Caitlin  31:02  
Yeah. I feel like so, my favorite character when I was originally watching as a kid was Quatre. I think probably because like I always liked like, the friendly blondes in boy bands? 
Kat  31:13  
That go apeshit? 
Caitlin  31:15  
When I got older, I was more into Duo and Duo is was probably still my favorite character. I was into Duo/Wufei for a long time. I just think that they are funny together and terrible. And I actually really like Wufei a lot. I sort of admire that fake honor sort of thing. But I, since everybody said Duo/Wufei, I feel like I should say something else, which is that I think that I will get more into 3x4 again after this rewatch, because it's a comforting pairing, in some ways. It's a return. And we're all very full of anxiety right now. [laughter] And so we just need Quatre and stupid, crazy Trowa, you know, having their pure love connection that fandom imagined for them from the beginning.
Kat  32:02  
It's real.
Mallory  32:03  
I look forward to it. 
Cathy  32:04  
I do too. I also look forward to hating Treize because that's what happened the last time I rewatched this. He's such a fuck boy.
Kat  32:12  
I'm excited to love Dorothy and Relena.
Cathy  32:14  
My god, they're so good. Yeah, they're so good. That's what I should have said is my favorite pairing.
Kat  32:20  
Fandom definitely ruined me for a little bit, like, "urgh, Relena!"
Caitlin  32:24  
When I was a kid, part of the appeal of Gundam Wing fandom was in some ways that it was so sexist, and so I could like act out my own internalized misogyny at the time. And so like, I like I was definitely participating in that of like a group breaking up the boys, whatever. And then in later iterations, I like love Relena. So.
Kat  32:45  
Yeah, she was just such an easy reason for them to get together, right? For 1x2, but in the show, she's way more than a plot device. So that was kind of frustrating.
Caitlin  32:56  
In the show, she's easily the most one of the most interesting and active characters for sure.
Kat  33:02  
As podcast Daddy, I declare Episode Zero officially over. Thank you everyone for your time and catch us in two weeks with Episode One: The boy whose wings killed adolescence.
Caitlin  33:16  
Byeeee [laughter]
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