#after everything explodes in their faces the other kids who have tbh been mostly vibing or at least if they're having issues they are not
vriskacircus · 2 years
Jane Terezi Dirk Vriska failfriendship part 2 because I cant sleep until I share my vision aka how these guys all interact with one another:
Terezi - Jane: literally the reason this whole clusterfuck happened in the first place they played ace attorney together or something and eventually their respective besties tagged along because they couldn't bug the pages and because Vriska and Dirk are Vriska and Dirk things quickly escalated. This friendship is almost functional hooray!
Jane - Vriska: This Just In: Local Former Heiress Has A Sexuality Crisis Over Feelings Of Hatred Towards Teenage Alien Goddess -> she sees all the shitty things about vriska and thinks "Yeah i can fix her. By antagonizing her and beating her up/getting beaten up by her. Also she's hot. I didn't say that." Vriska is just like "You were an heiress to a super powerful company? You hold the power of life itself in your hands? You have a cool nice dad? And you fell for Jake English??? God you suck."
Jane - Dirk: see my post obsessing about their friendship but also Jane is newly terrified of herself and her capacity for evil post-trickster mode and crockertier while Dirk is like 'been there currently still doing that' so they feed into each others' misery lol. Eventually Jane talks to Dirk about her hatelove for Vriska and its a heartwarming bonding moment or something.
Vriska - Dirk: she is like a shitty shoulder devil to him "cmon dirk youre strong you could be a hero and do such great things if you weren't a pussy who's all weird about yourself (haha this guy is such good entertainment and I'm definitely helping him uh huh yep)" and he's like 'yeah I deserve this eternal torment im going to go out of my way to spend time with her.' She gets him to lighten up but exactly the wrong ways at exactly the wrong times and it just makes everything worse. Also they too fight each other to the death sometimes just for shits and giggles.
Terezi - Vriska: Classic scourge sisters playing tug of war with the red string of fate. Terezi is pretending that she doesn't know how badly all this is going to end, "I have faith in my friends. I have faith in my moirail. They're all just having a little high stakes violent fun while i cheer from the sidelines and occasionally join in when it's not a duel to the death kind of day. It's fine." It is not fine.
Terezi - Dirk: Mutual respect over cool shades and having fought in the final battle together. They like to poke at each others' issues. Watching the spades blossom between Jane and Vriska is simultaneously concerning and amusing to them both.
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delusionaliisms · 7 years
that meme :)
♛ fill in the blanks | fluff otp edition accepting.  //  xander  &  bailey.
Q01. who’s more likely to find who wearing their clothes?
well obviously bailey is more often found wearing xander’s clothes bc xander is a fucking giant and would never fit into bailey’s clothes tbh.
Q02. who enunciates hand holding?
i think that they both do? like at least for xander, it’s an instinct to reach out for bailey’s hand when they’re out in public together (or alternatively, xander likes to have his hand on the small of her back too, kind of like leading her that way ya know)
Q03. who likes having their hair washed by who?
they both love having their hairs washed by one another !! and i feel like whenever they’re showering together, they do just that and it’s lowkey funny bc xander has to crouch down so that she’ll reach up to his hair LMAO
Q04. who likes to slow dance?
i’m gonna say bailey bc xander is this ~big bad super tough mob boss~ who absolutely does not like slow dancing but does it for his boo anyway.
Q05. muse who’s more likely to fall asleep with their head in the others lap?
i feel like they both do that bc honestly who doesn’t?? i think that if one of them has had a rough day, they just come and lay their head on the other one’s lap and then the other one just starts stroking their hair and they just end up falling asleep like that tbh.
Q06. muse that does all the cuddling in a blanket fort?
probably bailey or both? she’s much smaller than him so i feel like she’d have more room to wiggle around and about and switch positions, whereas xander can barely move in the blanket fort without it coming crashing down atop of them lmao
Q07. who hogs most of the covers at night?
bailey !!! i feel like she does this all the time (tho don’t quote me on that) and it just drives xander nuts but bc he’s completely and utterly whipped for her, he just lets her hog them but he always tries to wiggle in underneath the covers with her ://
Q08. muse who nuzzles into the others shoulder to get them to give them a head rub?
probably xander tbh when he’s feeling real needy and wants some lovin’ and affection. either he just nuzzles his head into her shoulder or he just straight up grabs her hand and brings it to his head / hair lmao.
Q09. how do they share a desert? two forks or one?
i think it varies but the outcome is always the same. two forks or one, xander always lets bailey have most of the dessert and he’s just sat there giving her the heart eyes tbh. and like if they have just one fork, he’s probably feeding her too just to go that extra mile and be a little more ~romantic~ (or annoying bc i can also see him feeding her but purposely messing up and getting it all over her face tbh)
Q10. who gets jealous more easily?
ok well i don’t know how jealous bailey is or how easily she gets jealous but i feel like this one goes out to xander tbh. he’s thE MOST jealous and the most possessive person ever like it’s beyond ridiculous how easily he gets jealous. especially when it’s for nothing tbh
Q11. who gets angered more easily?
again, xander. this boy has some serious anger issues that he needs to work on bc he gets angered sooo easily it’s ridiculous. it’s super easy to push his buttons & honestly when he explodes (like really, really explodes when he’s hella fucking angry), the hell is loose tbh
Q12. how do they go to sleep at night?:
probably half naked and cuddling tbh. they probably fall asleep every night all cuddled and tangled up in each other or if not completely wrapped up around each other, they’re at least touching somehow because xander needs to be touching her to know she’s still there. like he’d have his arm thrown over her middle or he’d just have like his hand touching her back or just rly simple little things like that?
Q13. who gets the most shoulder rubs?
xander i think?? idk i just feel like she’d try and give him some shoulder rubs after a hard / rough day at work bc idk it’s a cUTE THOUGHT TO HAVE OKAY
Q14. what are there arguments/fights like? how often do they fight?
they probably don’t fight or argue that often? but when they do, the arguments are probably really silly and kind of lighthearted about what are they going to eat for dinner / who chooses the movie / about her hogging the blankets etc. but when they fight, it’s more often than not about xander’s line of work i think?
Q15. who is more likely to throw things in fights?
xander for sure :// he doesn’t need to be even that angry to like throw a glass at a wall or anything that’s within his grasp. but he’d never ever aim at her because even though he’s aggressive / impulsive / hotheaded and problematic af, he’s not That Guy™
Q16. how do they make it up to each other/apologize after an argument?
he buys her something as an apology tbh. his dad did that to his mum when he was young and i think that kind of just?? got stuck with him like buy her a flower bouquet and a lil somethin’ somethin’ or some pretty lingerie or jewelry and you’re Good To Go ! but then he always pairs that up with a proper apology tbh.
Q17. do they have nicknames for each other?
xander has like a hundred nicknames for her tbh. kitten and angel are his favorites but then there are others like sweetheart, honey, princess, darling etc  &  on the other hand, she calls him daddy or like.. xan?? idk what other nicknames she has for him lmao
Q18. caring for each other while ill, how does the other muse go about it?
xander turns into this …. complete mama bear when she’s sick ok.. like he’s the type to stay home from ~work~ and just cuddle her, make her some soup and just generally make sure she has everything she needs / wants bc he’s completely wrapped around her fingers tbh.
Q19. who’s more likely to be patching the others wound?
bailey’s always patching xander up tbh. he gets hurt a lot in his line of work and even though he’s always super dismissive about his wounds / cuts / bruises and shit, he appreciates her trying to clean and patch him up? it’s just very sweet.
Q20. muse that says ‘i told you so’, after they come home from the beach and other muse is burnt to a crisp while whining how bad it hurts for not listening and putting on sunblock after the other muse repeatedly told them they’d get burnt?
iiii dont really know?? because xander doesn’t burn very easily, he just tans but idk about bailey so?? I DONT KNOW??? help??
Q21. your otp has a newborn baby, who gets up in the middle of the night when he/she cries?
what a concept…… xander and bailey with a newborn baby…. ok ok but uhhh i think xander would be the one to get up in the middle of the night because he doesn’t really sleep much anyway, being an insomniac and all, so he probably gets up and lets bailey sleep tbh.
Q22. your muse’s of the otp reaction to finding the others crying about something? and how do they make them feel better?
he’d get sO worried and he’s be all !!!! ready to fight someone who’d made his lil kitten cry. and he’d do everything he could to make her feel better? like cuddling her, drying her tears and just comforting her in general?? he’d go into a protective mode real fast tbh.
Q23. what would they be like as parents?
bailey seems like she’d be the soft parent?? whereas xander would be the overprotective one like he’s the type who’s ready to fight anyone who even ?? LOOKS WRONG at his kid. but he’s the silly, fun dad who’s always cracking jokes but then he’s also very protective and caring even tho he’s shit at showing how much he CARES.
Q24. what would they have been like as childhood sweethearts?
probably really sweet and soft and sO CUTE??? bc she would’ve been tHE EXACT KIND OF PERSON AND VIBE he’d have needed back when he was a teenager like he rly could’ve used someone as bright and lovely as bailey in his life.
Q25. who enunciates taking a bath together?
that kind of depends on the situation so i think they both do?
Q26. who likes who playing with their hair?
BOTH !!!! they’re both suckers for the other playing with their hair. xander especially loves it?? he’s a real softie for having her play with his hair / stroke it / braid it and just?? touch it??
Q27. the place they mostly likely accidentally fall asleep together?
imma assume this has to be something other than the obvious bed, so i’m just gonna go with… the couch?? lmao that’s so lame but like?? fr tho
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