#aiyaiyai im a ball of nerves
agayconcept · 2 years
ohohohohooo so New Gender Juice Doctor Who Is Awesome's office called and said they spoke to the Bad Evil Bigoted Doctor's office and they may have worked out a deal !?! (like i had said where the endo does all the work w hrt etc and the shitty drs office just hands it out to me n does basic upkeep)
(bc apparently my crappy drs office in fact Does know and have the math, resources and time slots available for this. they simply lied to me and said they didn't. quelle fuckin surprise...🙄)
i am to wait upon an email confirming if they can do this...
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and if so they will fit me in as soon as they have an opening with an NP which like. bc i happen to know half their schedules??? will be like. next week. maybe even early in the week? (ohoooooh they're gonna hATE IT if that happens lolllll)
oh how the fUCKIN TURNTABLES....
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