#akb 9th ssk
air-wotathekpopfan · 7 years
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【Twitter】山本彩 (Yamamoto Sayaka)
Right now, I honestly do not know what to say. Apologies.
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sublimazion3 · 7 years
Miyawaki Sakura Mobile Mail [March 9th 2017]
Subject:  あと10日後                 Other 10 days
注意 かなり長文 Caution Pretty long post
もうすぐで19歳になるよ~ I’m going to trun 19 very soon ~
ラスト10代だ~~ It’s gonna be my last step as a teen-ager~ HKTに加入したのが13歳の時だから もうすっかりお姉さんになっちゃったなぁ Because I joined HKT when I was only 13 I feel like I’ve completely become an “older sister” by this time
正直、19歳になるまで居るなんて 思ってなかった…笑 To be honest, I didn’t expect I was going to last here in the group until my 19th birtday… lol 
加入した時はね 女優さんになりたくて入ったし 家族は勉強を疎かにしたら怒っていたから You know, when I joined the group, I did it because I wanted to become an actress and my parents also got mad at me because I was going to neglect my studies
最初の総選挙ランクイン出来なかったら 辞めるんだよって言われてた They told me that, if I wasn’t going to join my first SSK I had to quit 
センターでも無いんだし 居ても居なくても変わらないんだからって 言われてたな that because I wasn’t center, either I was or wasn’t there, nothing was gonna change. 
総選挙ランクインって普通に考えて無理な話だよね笑 加入して半年くらいの総選挙でランクインなんて…笑 To rank in the SSK, just by thinking about it, it feels like an impossible thing, right? lol I mean it was about only half a year after I joined the group, so… lol 
あーもう私辞めなきゃいけないんだって 思ってた I thought I had to quit, after all 
でも、まさかのランクイン。 運命が味方してくれた。。 (ファンの皆さんのおかげ泣) But instead, I made it.  Fate was by my side… (Thanks to all of you, fans *cries*)
それからも何度も何度も辞めようとしてた 辞めようとしてたというか、 辞めさせられそうだった After that moment, I thought about quitting so many times, more than “thought about quitting”, I felt like they made me think about that.  
今でこそ協力的な家族だけど 昔は、全然仕事も人気もなくて 娘の将来を家族なりに考えてくれてたんだと思う My parents are being quite cooperative now, but at the beginning, when I didn’t work much nor was I that popular either, I think they were just thinking about their daughter’s future
〇〇出来なかったら辞めてもらう という、家族の無理難題に必死で応えた。 And so that’s how I responded to my parents impossible demands such as “if you can’t do something, just quit”. 
最初は女優さんになりたいって思ってた 一度もアイドルになりたいって思った事無かった At the beginning, I wanted to become an actress. I not even once thought about becoming an idol. 
でも、アイドルになってから気付いた アイドルの凄さ、アイドルの楽しさ。 But since I became one, I realized how amazing and enjoyable it is to be an idol. 
アイドルを続けたい。 その一心だった。 I wanna keep being an idol.  That’s what I wholeheartedly thought. 
無我夢中で頑張っていたら。 AKBの選抜に入ったり、ドラマの主演をさせていただいたり。  As I began to do my best, losing myself into my job, 100% focused in it, I entered AKB senbatsu, I starred in dramas. 
いろんなことが舞い込んできた。 Many opportunities started coming to my way. 
もちろん 悲しいこともあった。 その度に家族に連絡した。 And with that, of course, sad and bad moments also came. And in those times, I called my family. 
そんなに辛いなら辞めればいいよ って、いつも言われた。 “If that’s really so tough for you, then just quit”, is what I was constantly told. 
今考えたら 16歳で家族と離れて、東京で暮らしていた私を 心配してくれてたんだろうな。 If I think about it now,  I must have caused them quite the worry, since I was 16 years old and I moved to Tokyo away from them at such young age. 
でも、その時の私はこんなに頑張ってるのに何で辞めればとか言うんだろうって冷たく当たってしまってた。 But, because at that time I was working so hard, I couldn’t understand why all they were able to tell me was to quit. That’s what hit me, straight into the faice. 
心のすれ違いが、いっぱいあった時期。 It was a time in which we had many conflicts. 
毎日泣いてたな。 希望的リフレインのセンターを発表された時は、怖くて怖くてずっと泣いてた。些細な事がある度に、ひたすら泣いてた。 And I cried every day.  At the time of the announcement of me as center of Kibouteki Regrain, I was so scared, so terrified, I kept crying the whole time. Even at the smallest problem or trivial thing. 
泣いて泣いて泣きまくって Crying and crying, I couldn’t stop crying. 
それでも、絶対そんな弱い自分に負けないって いつも思ってたな。 And despite that, I always told myself I wasn’t going to let that weak side of me win. 
その頃から、家族には弱音は吐かなくなった。 心配かけたくなかったから。 ただでさえ心配かけてるのに これ以上かけたくなかった。 From that moment, I stopped complaining with my parents.  Because I didn’t want to make them worry. And even if they were already worried by that, I didn’t want to make them worry any further. 
誕生日も、年越しも、 いつも一人だったけど 寂しくないそぶりをしてた。 私、甘えるの下手だからね。笑 My birthdays I spent them alone, the New Year’s Eves I spent them alone too,  but I never asked for them to come.  ‘Cause I can be pretty stubborn, you know. Lol 
嬉しい事だけ、伝えてた。 I would only report them the happy/positive things. 
そしたら、家族がよく褒めてくれるようになった。 And with time, they started to praise me.    私は、自分で自分を褒められない性格だから 家族が代わりに褒めてくれたんだと思う。 Because I’m not the kind of person who can praise herself,  I think my parents did that for me. 
さくらは本当に頑張ってるよって。 Like, “You’re really doing your best!”. 
一年前くらいに、お母さんが東京に来てくれて3日間くらい泊まりに来てくれて。 駅から家までの家路を2人で歩いてて。 私だけ自転車だったから、先に帰って家事しとくねってピューっと走って行ったの。 About one year ago, my mom came to Tokyo to spend three days with me.  As we were walking our way from the station to my home, I was the only one riding on the bike, so my mom told me, “Get home ahead of me and do some housework, alright?”, and as she said that I would rush home.  その後ろ姿を見て、お母さんは泣いたんだって。 娘が、東京みたいな大都会で1人でたくましく生きてる姿が、嬉しくて、でも、寂しくて、どうしようもなかったって。 Some time later she’d tell me that she started to tear up while looking at my back rushing at home.  She told me that she felt both happy and sad by the fact that her own daughter was living alone in such a big city as Tokyo, and that she felt like she could do nothing to be of help. 
そんな話を聞いて、私も泣いちゃった。 When I heard that story, I ended up crying too. 
私も家族と離れて寂しかったけど 家族だって私と離れて寂しく思ってくれてたんだなぁって思った I felt sad when I had to move apart from my family too,  but that was the first time I realized that they felt sad by being so far from me, too. 
私が頑張るのは 夢のためであり、ファンの皆のためであり、 The reason why I’m working so hard is because I wanna fulfill my dreams, for my fans, 家族のためでもある。 and for my family.
家族に嬉しい報告を沢山する。 側に居てあげられない私が、今出来る親孝行はこれしかないんだ。 I wanna be able to report to them many happy things.  Even if I can’t stand by your side right now, here’s how I am going to show you all my affection. 
だから、わたしは 毎日頑張れる。 That’s why,  I’m able to do my best everyday. 
絶対に頑張るんだ。 That’s why I’ll definitely do my best!
19 歳になっても 私はずっとずっと 頑張り続ける。 休んでる暇はないから。 Even if I turn 19,  I’m gonna keep doing my best, always.  ‘Cause I’ve got no time to rest. 
無理しないでねは禁句よ(^_^) 頑張るって言ってるのに 頑張り過ぎないでって言われると 何で!?って思っちゃうの(^_^)笑 心配は不要よん(^_^) 私には応援が必要(^_^) “Don’t overdo yourself” is not accepted (^_^) When you tell me “please, don’t work too hard” altho I’m just telling you that I’m totally gonna work hard I just go “why?!” (^_^)Lol I don’t need you to worry for me (^_^) What I need is your support (^_^)
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ahsanulhikam-blog · 7 years
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[INFO] AKB48 49th Single General Election (a.k.a AKB48 9th SSK 2017) Periode pengajuan partisipasi member : 25 Maret 2017 Pk 09.00 WIB ~ 31 Maret 2017 Pk 22.00 WIB Syarat kandidat : 1. Member yang memiliki posisi sebagai member AKB48, SKE48, NMB48, HKT48 dan NGT48 (per 20 Maret 2017) 2. Kaigai member yang berasal dari AKB48, yaitu Rina Chikano (JKT48) Metode Vote : 1. AKB48 Official Fanclub「二本柱の会」Subscribers 2. AKB48 Mobile Monthly Subscriber 3. AKB48 Official Smartphone App Monthly Subscriber 4. AKB48 Mail Monthly Subscriber 5. AKB48 LIVE!! ON DEMAND Monthly Subscriber 6. AKB OFFICIAL NET Monthly Subscriber 7. SKE48 Mobile Monthly Subscriber 8. SKE48 Mail Monthly Subscriber 9. SKE48 LIVE!! ON DEMAND Monthly Subscriber 10. NMB48 Mobile Monthly Subscriber 11. NMB48 Mail Monthly Subscriber 12. NMB48 LIVE!! ON DEMAND Monthly Subscriber 13. HKT48 Mobile Monthly Subscriber 14. HKT48 Mail Monthly Subscriber 15. HKT48 LIVE!! ON DEMAND Monthly Subscriber 16.NGT48 Mobile Monthly Subscriber 17. NGT48 Mail Monthly Subscriber 18. NGT48 LIVE!! ON DEMAND Monthly Subscriber 19. AKB48グループ REVIVAL!! ON DEMAND Monthly Subscriber 20. AKB48 48thth Single's Serial Number Periode Vote : 30 Mei 2017 Pk 08:00 WIB ~ 16 Juni 2017 Pk 13:00 WIB Preliminary Results (a.k.a Sokuhou) : 31 Mei 2017 di Theater AKB48 Official Site & Full Info : http://www.akb48.co.jp/sousenkyo49th
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air-wotathekpopfan · 7 years
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Cr: ataru_mix@twitter
Yukirin’s expression when Ogino Yuka was announced as number one in the AKB48 9th SSK prelims
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air-wotathekpopfan · 7 years
AKB48 9th Senbatsu Sousenkyo (2017) - Final Results
KEY: Rank. Team/Kennin NAME 2017votes (change compare to:2016rank/2016votes) (/) - did not participate in 2016 (-) - did not rank in 2016
1. H/STU Sashihara Rino 246,376 (0/+3,365)
2. B Watanabe Mayu 149,132 (0/-26,481)
3. S Matsui Jurina 113,615 (0/+1,274)
4. KIV/A Miyawaki Sakura 82,803 (+2/+4,524)
5. NIII Ogino Yuka 73,368 (-)
6. E Suda Akari 63,124 (+1/-6,035)
7. A Yokoyama Yui 58,314 (+4/-296)
8. KII Souda Sarina 52,475 (+22/+24,106)
9. 4/STU Okada Nana 48,143 +5/+4,825)
10. NIII Kitahara Rie 45,684 (+2/-4,506)
11. 4 Takahashi Juri 42,663 (+4/+2,015)
12. M/A Shiroma Miru 41,491 (+12/+11,508)
13. NIII Honma Hinata 41,230 (-)
14. KII Furuhata Nao 40,202 (+15/+11,649)
15. KII Takayanagi Akane 38,576 (+5/+5,400)
16. M Yoshida Akari 35,540 (+61/+22,028)
Under Girls
17. K Mukaichi Mion 35,201 (-4/-11,893)
18. KII Matsumura Kaori 34,977 (/)
19. K Minegishi Minami 34,688 (-2/-5,323)
20. N Suto Ririka 31,779 (+24/+10,220)
21. B Kato Rena 30,282 (+5/+949)
22. S Oya Masana 30,236 (/)
23. NIII Nakai Rika 29,953 (-)
24. 4 Kojima Mako 29,699 (-5/-3,825)
25. NIII Takakura Moeka 28,623 (-)
26. KII Oba Mina 28,554 (-4/-3,564)
27. BII Ota Yuuri 28,457 (+25/+8,923)
28. H Tanaka Miku 28,355 (+17/+7,346)
29. 4 Kawamoto Saya 28,118 (-2/-1,095)
30. 8 Kuranoo Narumi 28,037 (+4/+1,885)
31. KIV Moriyasu Madoka 27,384 (+19/+7,156)
32. B Fukuoka Seina 26,444 (-)
Next Girls
33. M Kato Yuuka 25,988 (-)
34. KIV Fuchigami Mai 25,900 (+6/+2,905)
35. KIV /4 Tomonaga Mio 25,733 (-12/-5,581)
36. KII Ego Yuna 25,731 (-1/-232)
37. H/B Yabuki Nako 25,364 (-9/-3,342)
38. KIV Tomiyoshi Asuka 24,996 (+4/+3,115)
39. BII Murase Sae 24,585 (-)
40. H Tashima Meru 24,458 (+3/+2,594)
41. NIII Nishigata Marina 24,401 (-)
42. 4 Iwatate Saho 24,303 (+9/+422)
43. A Sasaki Yukari 24,276 (-5/+217)
44. E Kamata Natsuki 24,108 (+30/+10,226)
45. A Taniguchi Megu 23,304 (+24/+8,354)
46.E Goto Rara 23,225 (-)
47. AKB kks Kubo Satone 22,895 (-)
48. BII Okita Ayaka 22,264 (-23/-7,253)
Future Girls
49. H Sakaguchi Riko 21,643 (+10/+4,804)
50. H Tanaka Natsumi 21,472 (-)
51. 8 Oguri Yui 21,296 (-)
52. 4 Komiyama Haruka 20,910 (-31/-11,976)
53. NIII Yamaguchi Maho 20,888 (-)
54. KIV Ueki Nao 20,640 (+4/+2,742)
55. AKB kks Muto Orin 20,356 (-)
56. KII Takeuchi Saki 19,919 (-25/-8,363)
57. N Tanigawa Airi 19,752 (/)
58. KII Arai Yuki 19,467 (-)
59. H Matsuoka Natsumi 19,372 (-13/-1,608)
60. M/4 Shibuya Nagisa 19,263 (-4/+123)
61. N Ichikawa Miori 18,814 (-)
62. KIV Motomura Aoi 18,363 (-26/-7,250)
63. E Kumazaki Haruka 18,299 (+4/+2,699)
64. S/4 Kitagawa Ryoha 18,052 (0/+2,259)
Upcoming Girls
65. 8 Ota Nao 17,757 (-)
66. E Tani Marika 17,744 (-11/-1,530)
67. 8 Nagano Serika 17,662 (-)
68. E Sato Sumire 17,320 (+7/+3,663)
69. 8 Sakaguchi Nagisa 17,303 AKB (+1/+2,390)
70. NGT kks Miyajima Aya 16,930 (-)
71. NIII Kato Minami 16,641 (+5/+3,070)
72. KII Obata Yuna 16,511 (-)
73. A Hiwatashi Yui 16,492 (-)
74. K Mogi Shinobu 16,393 AKB (-27/-4,520)
75. 4 Omori Miyu 16,162 AKB (-2/+1985)
76. B Goto Moe 16,097 (-)
77. NGT kks Kado Yuria 15,990 (-)
78. SKE kks Takahata Yuki 15,804 (-)
79. HKT kks Toyonaga Aki 15,598 (-)
80. TII Matsuoka Hana 15,396 HKT (-)
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air-wotathekpopfan · 7 years
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Rumours have been flying around, but regardless of what the truth is, management has spoken: there has been no voting bug, and the preliminary results will stay as they are.
Now this is exciting *Akipig smile*
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air-wotathekpopfan · 7 years
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【Twitter】 岡田奈奈 (Okada Nana)
【 “ 速報第10位 ” 16867票 】 去年の速報より 票数増えてる … 😭💞 ありがとうございます 😭😭😭 本番当日は 神7入るぞぉぉぉぉぉ !!!!!
【'10th place in preliminaries’ 16867 votes】 The number of votes has increased compare to last year’s preliminaries…😭💞 Thank you 😭😭😭 On the day of the main event Let’s get into Kami7!!!!!
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air-wotathekpopfan · 7 years
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Cr: green_tea_boy@twitter https://t.co/BZOxAxeqy2
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air-wotathekpopfan · 7 years
AKB48 9th SSK Preliminary: 80-65
80. HKT48 Aramaki Misaki (4431) 79. NMB48 Naiki Kokoro (4618) 78. AKB48 Kitazawa Saki (4641) 77. HKT48 Murashige Anna (4659) 76. HKT48 Ueki Nao (4666) 75. HKT48 Fukagawa Maiko (4673) 74. HKT48 Akiyoshi Yuka (4679) 73. SKE48 Oba Mina (4692) 72. AKB48 Hiwatashi Yui (4741) 71. HKT48 Motomura Aoi (4789) 70. NMB48 Ichikawa Miori (4795) 69. HKT48 Hokazono Hazuki (4800) 68. AKB48 Kato Rena (4909) 67. SKE48 Kitagawa Ryoha (4972) 66. Team8 Nakano Ikumi (5048) 65. NMB48 Kawakami Rena (5112)
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air-wotathekpopfan · 7 years
AKB48 9th SSK Preliminary: 16-1
16. AKB48 Kubo Satone (11363) 15. NMB48 Okita Ayaka (11373) 14. AKB48 Kawamoto Saya (11864) 13. Team8 Kuranoo Narumi (11961) 12. Yokoyama Yui (12031) 11. NMB48 Kato Yuuka (12396) 10. AKB48 Okada Nana (16867) 9. AKB48 Takahashi Juri (17047) 8. HKT48 Miyawaki Sakura (21151) 7. NGT48 Takakura Moeka (21667) 6. SKE48 Suda Akari (24947) 5. NGT48 Homma Hinata (25032) 4. AKB48 Watanabe Mayu (27614) 3. HKT48 Sashihara Rino (32340) 2. Matsui Jurina (34641) 1. NGT48 Ogino Yuka (55061)
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air-wotathekpopfan · 7 years
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【Twitter】川本紗矢 (Kawamoto Saya)
#akb総選挙2017 速報発表
『14位 11864票』
本当にありがとうございます( ; ; )
本番まで不安で怖いですが、 目標の『15位』を諦めず、 走って行きたいです。 本当にありがとうございました😭✨
#akbSSK2017 Preliminary results
『14 place 11864 votes』
Thank you so much( ; ; ) I feel uneasy and scared of the main event I don’t want to give up on my goal of 『15 place』, I will run towards it Thank you very much 😭✨
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air-wotathekpopfan · 7 years
AKB48 9th SSK Preliminary: 32-17
32. SKE48 Kamata Natsuki (8312) 31. NGT48 Miyajima Aya (8401) 30. AKB48 Mogi Shinobu (8448) 29. AKB48 Mukaichi Mion (8626) 28. AKB48 Iwatate Saho (8653) 27. AKB48 Kojima Mako (8729) 26. NMB48 Ota Yuuri (8965) 25. AKB48 Fukuoka Seina (9624) 24. NGT48 Yamaguchi Maho (9966) 23. AKB48 Taniguchi Megu (10113) 22. SKE48 Goto Rara (10489) 21. NMB48 Murase Sae (10737) 20. HKT48 Fuchigami Mai (10767) 19. NMB48 Shiroma Miru (11084) 18. SKE48 Takeuchi Ayaka (11127) 17. NMB48 Sutou RIrika (11207)
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air-wotathekpopfan · 7 years
AKB48 9th SSK Preliminary: 48-33
48. HKT48 Yabuki Nako (6175) 47. AKB48 Omori Miyu (6496) 46. SKE48 Aoki Shiori (6516) 45. HKT48Tanaka Miki (6681) 44. HKT48 Toyonaga Aki (6684) 43. SKE48 Kumazaki Haruka (6753) 42. SKE48 Obata Yuna (6785) 41. Team8 Ota Nao (6811) 40. SKE48 Furuhata Nao (6854) 39. AKB48 Goto Moe (6981) 38. SKE48 Arai Yuki (6984) 37. Team8 Oguri Yui (7288) 36. SKE48 Takahata Yuki (7302) 35. Team8 Nagano Serika (7433) 34. NGT48 Nishigata Marina (7983) 33. NMB48 Yoshida (8160)
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air-wotathekpopfan · 7 years
AKB48 9th SSK Preliminary: 64-49
64. SKE48 Ida Reona (5148) 63. Team8 Tanikawa Hijiri (5154) 62. SKE48 Souda Sarina (5159) 61. Team8 Onishi Momoka (5218) 60. HKT48 Shimono Yuki (5230) 59. AKB48 Muto Orin (5286) 58. SKE48 Kumazawa Serina (5361) 57. SKE48 Ishiki Rena (5393) 56. SKE48 Takayanagi Akane (5523) 55. AKB48 Komiyama Haruka (5557) 54. SKE48 Tani Marika (5594) 53. SKE48 Uchiyama Mikoto (5612) 52. NGT48 Nakamura Ayuka (5994) 51. AKB48 Sasaki Yukari (6024) 50. HKT48 Tomiyoshi Asuka (6031) 49. HKT48 Tomonaga Mio (6144)
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air-wotathekpopfan · 7 years
AKB48 9th SSK Preliminary: 100-81
100. NMB48 Tanigawa Airi (3531) 99. SKE48 Suenaga Oka (3682) 98. HKT48 Tanaka Natsumi (3770) 97. NMB48 Shibuya Nagisa (3799) 96. Team8 Sakaguchi Nagisa (3819) 95. HKT48 Moriyasu Madoka (3833) 94. NGT48 Nara Miharu (3848) 93. NMB48 Kushiro Rina (3850) 92. NGT48 Kitahara Rie (3948) 91. SKE48 Matsumura Kaori (4111) 90. HKT48 Tanaka Yuka (4150) 89. NGT48 Tano Ayak (4199) 88. HKT48 Tsukiashi Amane (4261) 87. SKE48 Ichino Narumi (4290) 86. SKE48 Takagi Yumana (4324) 85. SKE48 Hidaka Yuzuki (4388) 84. HKT48 Matsuoka Natsumi (4396) 83. NGT48 Nakai Rika (4404) 82. HKT48 Tashima Meru (4407) 81. NMB48 Jo Eriko (4421)
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air-wotathekpopfan · 7 years
Air’s thoughts on AKB 9th SSK prelims
I’ve been busy and will continue to be so throughout ssk period, but some thoughts on the prelims:
I am actually so excited right now. The adrenaline rush typing up the top 32 girls was real. 
I did doubt whether Mayu can stay in first two for the prelims, but Sasshi in 3rd place was definitely not what I expected. The NGT fans are going all out - aside of the splatter of girls throughout the whole list, Takakura Moeka, Homma Hinata and Ogino Yuka. Wow.
I’m very happy with the new gen AKBs, and NMB fans have certainly stepped up (my bbs Ota Yuuri, Okada Nana, Kawamoto Saya, Iwatate Saho).
This is the first time in a while I’m actually anticipating the big day.
I wonder… if STU fans will try to pull something like this at the finals…
If anyone has any thoughts on the prelims feel free to share in the comments or reblogs :)
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