#alksjdfk it was too soft for me not to write
risingsouls · 2 years
[Consider this your Chrimbus gift from me, @fusiioneternal! I got this dumb idea in my head and couldn’t get it out, so it got turned into your Christmas gift drabble. It’s pretty cute so I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Also, I hope there aren’t too many typos; I got too excited and wanted to post it RIGHT NOW and didn’t really edit :’D]
He didn't feel particularly obligated to celebrate the season outside of finding a gift or two for Trunks and Goten. It was another day to him otherwise, his daily routine unbroken while others exchanged gifts, spent time with family and friends, held parties, and made a big deal out of joy and goodwill toward men until the clock struck midnight and they returned to their usual, less jolly demeanors.
Still, it surprised him when Nabooru reached out to him with a request to bake festive cookies together. Coming from an entirely different culture herself and with barely a mention of the holiday, he assumed she would treat the season like any other and continue her usual routine. When asked point blank why she was bothering with any kind of celebration when she didn't particularly have reason or care to celebrate the holiday herself, she replied that she wanted to make his first Christmas special, even if in a small way like the tradition of baking cookies. That she knew he liked to cook, and this was far simpler and more appealing than a party and dealing with a bunch of likely drunk people or worrying about getting each other gifts. Her logic sound enough, he ultimately agreed.
When the Gerudo opened the door of her modest desert home, he was relieved to see she hadn't gone overboard, both for his sake and her own. She wore her normal brand of clothing--a long, quartz-colored skirt that clung to her legs and a simple white cropped tank top--and mostly gold jewelry, and the decor of the house remained the same as he usually saw it. It meant he didn't feel underdressed or not holly jolly enough in his simple but comfortable navy, three-quarter-sleeved v-neck, khakis, and sneakers. The scent of sugary confections wafted out the door and to his nose. Nothing burned yet, it seemed.
"Started without me, huh?" he asked, stepping inside when beckoned by her hand, currently covered by an oven mitt with the likeness of a green lizard. Its pink tongue stuck out between the thumb and the rest of the mitten, and the glass bead eyes stared off to either side. "I didn't take you for the type to like cheesy oven mitts like that, either."
"I wanted to try the first batch on my own. Lila gave me the recipe and said it was one you would probably like better since it's not as overly sweet as most and that even I couldn't mess up. So I decided to see if she was right," she stated, closing the door behind them. "As for my oven mitt, I think it's adorable. It reminds me of the Lizalfos from my home planet."
Gogeta started to follow her back to the kitchen, but before he could enter, Nabooru turned back around to block him. "Nuh uh. I only have one more tray to shape and cook and I don't want you hovering over my shoulder trying to correct me." She gave him a gentle push back toward the living room before slipping into the kitchen. "You can help me decorate the ones I've already finished, too, but not until I'm done."
Gogeta considered ignoring her or at least seating himself at the island bar separating the kitchen and living room, but settled on behaving and plopped down on the couch instead. He watched her pull a tray of cookies from the oven and replace it with another before returning to finishing up the supposed final batch of the batter she had already made. From his angle, he couldn't see past the lip of the counter.
"As for Lizalfos," she began, rolling out the dough with a rolling pin, "they're like lizard people. They wore armor and knew how to use swords, spears, and even bows. Smart in that way, but typically pretty dumb. But in an endearing way as long as they weren't trying to kill you."
The fusion snorted. "Was there anything on your home planet that didn't want to kill you?"
"Yes, but they were far rarer than the creatures that did," she responded with a grin. "Especially in the desert. If the landscape and weather itself wasn't out to kill you, the animals and monsters out there would. Why else do you think I'm so tough?"
Gogeta chuckled, knowing her could give her a plethora of other reasons for that, but he decided most of them could threaten the good mood. Instead, he watched her slice into her rolled out dough with a little person-shaped cookie cutter. 
"Did you find anything for Goten and Trunks yet?"
Gogeta blew his bang out of his face and crossed one leg over the other. He stretched his arms out along the length of the back of the couch. "No, not yet," he admitted dismally, staring at the blank TV screen as if it might offer some insight to his plight. "It's hard to think of anything for a kid who has everything or could have whatever he wants at the drop of a hat and the other whose mother insists I only get him books. No toys and no woodland creatures for pets. Basically, nothing fun."
Nabooru hummed and began laying out her dough people on another cookie sheet. "Mm, that does sound tough." She dropped one of her unbaked cookies with a string of curses in her native tongue. She ducked below the counter and picked it up, tossing the soiled dough into the trash bin. "Maybe you could just spend a whole day with them or something? Take them to the amusement park or zoo or maybe even fishing? I know Bulma and ChiChi haven't been exactly...accommodating, but surely this time of year they'd be a little easier to work with."
"Maybe. I'm not really optimistic about it, but stranger things have happened." Just thinking about the kids' mothers and their less than stellar treatment of him since his formation threatened to sour his mood. While they didn't outright bar him from seeing or spending time with the boys, they didn't make it easy on him to. Or comfortable. "I suppose I could just do whatever I want for them no matter what they say."
"That's the spirit," Nabooru agreed with a laugh. She had picked up a piping bag filled with white icing. She bent low over the counter and began squeezing the icing onto a cookie. "It's basically your job to spoil them now. Or spoil them more when it comes to Trunks."
"What a good influence you are."
"Never claimed to be one." She observed her handiwork for a moment then nodded. "I'd say that's almost perfect."
She transferred it over to a plate, sprinkled something on it, then carried it over to him. She held the plate with both hands down at eye level for him, beaming. "I made you!"
The Saiyan peered down at the plate and quickly found her grin to be a contagious one. Sure enough, surrounded by blue and yellow sprinkles was a miniature, cookie version of himself. She added extra dough to make his spiky hair and add a little more dimension to his pants and vest. The icing polished off the details from adding color to the otherwise colorless cookie with his black hair and the yellow and blue details of his vest and belt and giving him a little smirk and side-eye expression.
"I think you captured my likeness pretty well. I almost hate to eat it." He took the plate from her. "Thanks, Nabooru."
"Of course! And we'll pretend I got it looking that nice on the first try and I haven't eaten at least four failed attempts already."
"Your secret's are safe with me."
"Good because I sent it to Lila and told her it was my first try." Nabooru laughed and held her hands out to him. "Okay, you can come help me put icing on the rest of these that are done. I tried to make them into different shapes but...well, you'll get to tap into your creativity to figure out what I was trying to make."
He set the plate aside and grasped her hands, allowing her to help him to his feet and lead him to the kitchen. Nabooru slid a large plate piled with unfrosted cookies toward him. Gogeta selected one and observed it, twisting it around in his fingers as he tried to surmise what she meant to shape the cookie into. He thought he could make out four legs coming off a lumpy body and maybe a head.
"Is this a cow, Nabs?" he asked, chuckling softly and holding it up.
She glanced over at it. "That one was supposed to be a cat…" Nose scrunched and lip poked out in a pout, she huffed. "It's not as easy as it looks! I'd like to see you do better when we make the next batch of dough."
Gogeta grinned and grabbed the black and white icing. "And if I do better than you, that means I get the title of best baker outside of East City, then?"
"Yeah, if." The timer on the oven dinged, and she slid her oven mitt back on. "I've gotten pretty good since I made that cat."
"You mean cow." She glared over her shoulder as she pulled the cookies from the oven and set them aside to cool, only amusing him more. He began piping white icing onto the cookie. "But I guess I can't doubt you on that though. You made cookie me look like me, so maybe you'll offer a challenge."
Nabooru slid the new tray into the oven and set the timer. "Whoever makes the nicest looking cookies with the new batch wins title of best cookie baker that isn't Lila. Deal?"
Gogeta finished piping the black spots and a pink snout onto his cookie before setting it aside. "You're on."
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