#all my homies hate agwe
devilsrecreation · 11 months
You know what? I think it’s time I tell ya’ll a little more about Mad Monty’s dad/creator, Agwe
And buckle up cuz I’m going for ALL of my headcanons (just so they can all be in one place)
Agwe is Mad Monty’s father/creator. An evil voodoo witch doctor who practices Dr. Facilier-type magic and creates “experiments” based off of sea creatures (you don’t wanna know what that means)
He doesn’t really have a villain origin story aside from learning about voodoo and letting all his newfound power get to his head, leading him to become really greedy
Agwe’s original placeholder name was Fæzsïllyêh, but I changed it to Agwe cuz it means “loa of the sea and ships” which is way more fitting
Agwe created Monty after putting a spell on an old stovepipe hat to make it sentient. He was on a boat while he was doing this and it accidentally fell into the ocean. When Agwe went to get it, he noticed that some seaweed had attached itself to it, along with a very rare pink pearl (aka Monty’s nose), and thus Monty was born
He also created a sister for Monty, an unholy combination of various sea creatures named Oceania. Both monsters were supposed to be used as weapons, not actual children. But alas, it didn’t go the way as planned
He is very disappointed of how Monty turned out. The pirate thing is a good start but he hates how Monty’s gotten “soft”
Like Dr. Facilier, he owns a voodoo emporium out of the comfort of his home. He has literally everything
As opposed to Gerald when he was younger, he was the quiet kid, always dressing very plainly and very rarely showed emotion. Kinda funny cuz now Gerald’s the more quiet one who dresses plainly while Agwe usually does a lot of the talking
He’s literally the only one Monty is downright terrified of. He becomes uncomfortable and more submissive, not like how he was whenever he hung out with Teeth
Speaking of Teeth, he didn’t think anything of him at first when he and Monty played together. He didn’t even notice (or care) when Monty snuck out in the middle of the night to hang out with him. It wasn’t until the cousins went on some sort of adventure and ended up hanging with a small jazz band. When Agwe, Gerald, and Tina took them home, he knew his dear nephew was becoming a distraction and set up a plan to “get rid of him”
Agwe wasn’t gonna harm his nephew, of course not. That would be too brutal. Too many consequences. Instead, he decided to lie to Monty about how Teeth ran away at 14 years old out of selfishness. Then, he decided to lie to Gerald and Tina about how Monty was too busy to spend time with relatives. Both parties were none the wiser
He and Gerald always had a pretty good relationship. Gerald would tell his older brother everything and Agwe would give him advice. They had their arguments like any siblings would, but Gerald really didn’t have anything to worry about….until he was told the truth about what Agwe was really doing to Monty years later. Gerald then got up from his chair, drove over to Agwe’s house alone, and confronted his brother about it. A fight soon broke out, with Gerald punching Agwe in the face (even breaking his skull mask in the process) and beating him up by fist while Agwe used voodoo to harm his little brother. Gerald won, surprisingly, but not without a black eye and some bruises. They haven’t spoken since
Agwe would get to confess to his lies to Teeth when he saw him and his creation trying to get an old photo of them as kids. Agwe tried to say it was all just a misunderstanding, but it was no use. Let’s just say it all went downhill from there
Agwe would eventually die in a very similar way Dr. Faciler did: by getting dragged to the voodoo world. After Monty finally stood up to him, he and Teeth managed to open up a portal to the voodoo realm via music, causing all the spirits of past experiments to rise from the dead and take Agwe away. Monty has never felt so relieved
He has a little voodoo doll on his belt and its name is Pippy. Yes, it’s sentient
He’s straight and single, but he does have a sort of crush on Tina. Never actually tried anything, but I’m just saying he wouldn’t have a problem if Tina left his brother for him
And last but not least, this is what Agwe looks like, drawn by my friend @nightmaremp :
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