#alphas praise kink goes brrrrr
eros-ghoulette · 13 days
Look at that
Alpha wants to get up before sunrise. Omega is having none of it.(Alpha is a good boy)
Characters: Alpha, Omega Word count: 590
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Alpha wasn’t much of a cuddler, or at least that’s what he told most people. A few knew that it wasn’t true. It just took some time until the tall fire ghoul was comfortable enough to cuddle with someone. And he would never be the one to ask for that type of affection, even though he craved it deep down.
Omega turned around with a growl forming in the depths of his chest, the yawn following immediately; it was too early to wake up. And he would still be asleep if it wasn’t for Alpha, who was wicked enough to leave his bed before sunrise. Their retirements had been months ago, but the guitarist still had a completely messed up sleeping schedule.
“Don’t ya’ dare,” the quint mumbled and scratched his belly, watching Alpha with half-closed eyes. His sleepy brain focused on the small paunch the other had grown over the past months, and it would be a lie to say it didn’t suit him. He looked healthier now, much healthier. And the way his shirts wrapped around the fat of his belly, how it wobbled a bit when he laughed - Omega wanted nothing more than to bite him there, to sink his teeth in it, not enough to break the skin, but to mark that gut.
He earned himself a mocking snort and a raised eyebrow. “What?”
“C’mere,” Omega ordered, holding his arms up. But the other could only chuckle at the weak attempt to get him back to bed.
“Cuddle your pillow, Megs,” he answered with that dumb grin of his.
The expression on Omega’s face could be described as a pout, and it only made Alpha laugh more. That was until Omega used his secret weapon, the one thing that always worked on the tall ghoul.
“Come on… Be a good boy,” he mumbled, not able to get the sleep out of his voice. It still had the reaction he wanted; he could practically hear the other's heartbeat quicken, saw the faint blush on his face. He opened his arms again, and this time Alpha came back and placed himself on Omega.
“Fuck you,” he muttered in Omega’s ear, but his scent betrayed him; pure contentment.
“Love you too, big boy,” Omega answered, eyes closed again. He could feel Alpha heating up, felt him wiggle a bit, and opened his eyes to see the deep colour of his face. It took the quint a minute to process what could have been the reason for that reaction, but when he finally did, a smirk appeared on his lips.
“Look at that,” he said, snapping his tongue, but the fondness in his voice clear. “Seems like I’ve found something new you like, hmm? Big boy?”
The fire ghoul hid his face as best as he could but nodded against Omega’s shoulder; maybe even a tad embarrassed.
“Well, my good boy gained some weight, didn’t he?” the other continued, one hand travelling down Alpha’s side, pinching his fat. The quint giggled as Alpha flinched a bit. “He looks really damn handsome, and he feels really good on me…”
He left one hand at the other's side, sneaking under his shirt, to hold him close there, fingers tracing the soft skin. Holding him there, Alphas weight pressing him in the mattress. 
“Will you cuddle with me now without complaining, hmm? Will you, big boy?”
Alpha’s heart was beating way too fast, his face heating up more and more.
“Yeah,” he mumbled and earned himself another quiet chuckle.
“That’s my good boy." ______________
I hate my writing tbh, but ughhhh... i died every time i wrote good boy. Praise me too, please. I promise i'm a good boy
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