#also! I'm not an anti and i also dont condone harrassment! wow!
anxiety-problem · 2 months
Friendly reminder that proship isn't short for problematic fiction. It's simply just pro ship. Another term would be profiction. It isn't about liking certain uncomfortable topics. It's about not harassing people who write or create such fictional content. Don't Like, Don't Read. Ship And Let Ship. Read And Let Read. Write And Let Write. Proship/Profic is the default mindset. Most content creators are proship as it is the mature stance to have. Many proshippers are disgusted by certain topics in fiction; they are just not an ass about it. They ignore/block what they don't like and move on. Proshippers understand that someone's fictional work is not a mirror into their morals or who they are as a person. Proshippers know that someone can write a very disturbing disgusting piece of fiction and not condone any of it. Antis have attempted to hijack the term 'proship' to mean something else entirely in order to justify harassing content creators just for creating fiction they feel uncomfortable with. Antis are typically young, mostly teens with some in their 20s. Thankfully many antis grow out of this and become proship/profic as their understanding of the nuances of fiction and the real world develops.
Why don't you say this to me off anon if you're so sure about it. Coward.
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