#also I may or may not have a package from BookOutlet coming SHHH
televinita · 2 years
All right, I returned all my library checkouts last week and started over, but I’m already antsy and might need to refresh them again because my reading moods are turning on a dime lately, soooo, let’s look at my newest options:
(in no order except that in which I thought of them)
A Baby’s Bones - Rebecca Alexander: I just read and loved the sequel so I’m going back to the start with another archaeology x modern crime mystery.
That Weekend - Kara Thomas: grabbed it spontaneously when I found myself in immediate need of thrillers/murder mysteries. But then I read five other ones in a row so I might save this YA one for next year, when I want more hiking inspo.
I Am Princess X - Cherie Priest: this sounded kind of interesting when I ran across it on a whatsthatbook thread (Years after writing stories about a superheroine character she created with a best friend who died in a tragic car accident, sixteen-year-old May is shocked to see stickers, patches, and graffiti images of the superheroine appearing around Seattle,), and since it was available I grabbed it. I mean, 2015 YA? Tick-tock, I’m on the clock before it gets weeded; already only 1 copy left.
The Game - Linsey Miller: another “game of Assassin turns into Real Murder” book, I saw it Half Price Books for $5, which is a decent deal, but it’s very slim and I am very doubtful I’ll want to keep it. But I also REALLY intensely wanted to read it, so Interlibrary Loan. I wish I’d had it when I really wanted it, 2 days before Thanksgiving. Now that I’ve read a bunch of other action-packed books,  my interest in this has really sagged despite its brevity. But I will probably persevere.
edit: I give up. DNF. Thank god I didn’t buy it. It’s barely 200 pages and I still couldn’t get more than a quarter of the way through because MC is whiny as hell and I hate every character/want them to be murdered for real so bad that I can’t even enjoy the plot where that might happen.
Lease on Love - Falon Ballard: I have not heard a THING about this book or author, but it popped up on the library homepage and immediately looked like it might be the kind of romance I’m craving, specifically, the kind of Extremely Pleasant male love interest that is ridiculously hard to find in this sea of literary assholes and bad boys and men who take an immediate dislike to a woman because she’s too pretty/social/whatever other normal thing and they Disapprove. Fingers crossed this author doesn’t do explicit scenes. I don’t want to know, I’ll just take my chances. It’s too promising to be pre-ruined. P.S. Brooklyn brownstone!! my DREAMS (minus the living in New York part. my architecture dreams)
Christmas at Silver Falls - Jenny Hale: the book that is hopefully going to go a hell of a lot better in terms of meeting my need for sweet and decidedly not explicit Christmas romance than “A Princess for Christmas.” Maybe closer to the actual holiday? Or should I read it now to fast-kick myself into the spirit.
(seriously, I’m always so bad at switching out of the November read-all-the-thrillers-and-watch-the-last-straggling-Halloween-horror-movies mode and into the holiday one. by the time I get there I usually have about a week left. I almost wish I was That Person who starts prepping for the season roughly two days after Halloween.)
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