#also a queer christian can choose celibacy and that’s well within their right.
something that gets on my nerves a fair bit is christians who are fine with not believing in seven day creation because of context and genre and language but are unable to extend that same courtesy to women and queer people in the church. i am of course biased as a queer woman in the church, but this is my post and thus my perspective.
i think it’s just a bit… mean? to prove that you are capable of reading the Bible in context and do research, but hurt those who do the same thing about a different issue. because creation affects you; it’s a major part of how you see and understand the world, and it’s a hard thing to deal with when you can see the science and see that the Bible isn’t actually that strict on it, but traditionalists maintain the belief that specifically 7 day creation is the only way to be a christian. it’s directly applicable to your life and experiences.
but if you’re a straight, or a (amab) man, or both, why would women in the church apply to you? why would queerness apply to you? why not just parrot what you’ve heard growing up, without researching it for yourself or seeking other perspectives, because it’s not your lived experience?
this isn’t to say that by doing The Research two people can’t come to different conclusions, or that research is infallible. it’s not. but it hurts when people only care about things that affect them, or they know affects the people closest to them. it hurts that people shut down what isn’t their interpretation of the Bible when they’ve only been taught one. when people consider others unbiblical because of what they know.
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