#also btw sí hablan español pueden hacerlo también ya q yo lo hablo 👍👍
paint-n-thinner · 11 months
So, do you enjoy QSMP? It is a good series, when I saw the drawing of bendy and cups with the egg it was really amazing and I hit a shout of joy and excitement to see that one of my favorite artists of this pair enjoys that Roleplay. Also, my language is not English so I had to write this with the translator sorry if it is very bad, but could you explain a little about what The Inky Misery is? I was always curious about this AU but never understood what it was about could you summarize me the lore please?, sorry for the inconvenience. I really appreciate your art and your drawing style is beautiful, keep up the good work! ❤️
Hello!! Yes i do like the qsmp! Been watching it since the server 1st started xD Also thank you for the compliments, and don't worry the translator is working fine!
But the inky mystery is a on-going story on ao3 based on qftim. It currently has over 280+ chapters, so its a long read and its in english. The story at the beginning centers mostly around Bendy and Boris, but as the plot progresses other characters get their perspectives shown. The quest to get the ink machine is a very adventurous one, with plenty of angst along the way, so things are always in motion >:]
There's a bunch of original lore in the story too, so the worldbuilding is extremely fun and intricate, leaving plenty of room to theorize about future events!
It's hard to do a complete summary of everything that happens since i don't like spoiling plots, and the story is so big it's difficult to do so.
If you want to check it out here's the link!
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