#also my crazy opinion this is why the light dark switcharound for shb was ultimately weak as fuck beyond aesthetics.
myrfing · 6 months
(wakes up) also to be clear I don't think eden had to at all have commentary on gender or sexuality on a deeper level. this game isn't about that, they were willing to beat around the bush for yotsuyu even, the bar's low as helllll. but i guess I was at least hoping for a dedication to each character's personal meaning irrespective of what the fanbase wants after the fact. but instead of doing that they seem to pivot hugely toward making whatever will make a brief buzz with the fandom for coming off as progressive or confirming a popular headcanon or whatever & in doing so they go past just making meaningless References and shallow aesthetic renditions of potentially poignant concepts and dynamics and making what feels like deliberately sanitized kidzbop versions that are directly antithetical to the point of the things they seem to nod and wink at. and it's especially frustrating when they come CLOSE to fixing their feet on the ground and telling a good story but they bungle it because they seem to be afraid to say anything without seeing what the fanbase says first & then we end up with a whole lot of runaround nothing in our hands
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