#also panicking Morgan; NO my brother is alive and he is going to em... emi... EMAITI this summer.
moritashie · 11 months
Buckle up, 'cause this is a long one
• 2022, Tony Stark lives with his wife and lovely daughter in the cabin, slowly moving on from all that he has lost in the blip.
• In another universe, Peter survived instead of Tony, leaving him all alone, soon to be taken in by Pepper.
• In both universes, a 4-year-old Morgan is playing with something that certainly shouldn't have been played with, causing her to switch places with her alternative self.
• Where is her dad/big brother? How was the other Morgan different from herself? Who is the other person living with her and Mom, and why are they so familiar? Complete 👏 Panic 👏
• Now this would be a perfect occasion to explore how different the two would be, show their relationship with her parents, how that has affected her personality.
• Perhaps Alt!Morgan would have never left New York and stayed in preschool, making friends and becoming an outgoing child, while the other one seems to believe the world revolves around her, considering that she had both dad and mom all to herself all the time.
• Go wild with this scene, let Morgan talk her heart out, share memories she had with dad/big brother, what she has done, where she lives. You can't overexpose anything at this point, it makes sense that she talks about this stuff.
• She eventually convinces them that something is wrong, that it wasn't just a dream, etc. They would both proceed to take Morgan to the Sanctum Sanctorum. In both cases, Wong would figure out that somehow they have switched places with Morgan's other self.
• Maybe it would be the fact that Morgan knows her brother is Spider-Man, something that Peter tried to hide from such a young kid, or some things Morgan told Tony while talking about Peter, that he has definitely never mentioned to her.
• Wong would figure out a way to get Morgan back to their original universes, sending Morgan with Tony/Peter as their guides in order to switch back their children. Who would send a 4-year-old on her own for a multiversal trip? Come on now.
• Peter and Tony get somewhere. (In my head, it is an empty space between universes, just like the Soul Stone one, but your head, your concept) Their younger partners run towards their correct guide, and after a quick hug, they lock eyes. Finally getting a chance to see one another, get some closure, and just talk. It could get so, so, so hurt/comforty.
• I also imagine Peter and Tony breaking down with relief, realizing that every good memory Morgan has told them about is real. That they are happy and well, only somewhere else.
• After getting back to their universes, with the "right" Morgan with them, the two enter their workshops at a similar time, looking at new specs for the quantum time machine."
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