#also think kyle gallner’s performance as benson in it is one of the most compelling performances i’ve seen in agessss
mattodore · 1 month
people you'd like to get to know better
tagged by @missatan and @andrwminward <3 blowing both of you kisses
last song: watermelon by john + jane q. public. lyrics are genius.
favorite color: red <3
currently watching: red dwarf! british sci-fi comedy sitcom from the 80s/90s. very funny. huge hit with me and lister is my ultimate babyguy. i'm on season seven atm.
sweet/savory/spicy: savory. i don't like anything too sugary and spice is okay but savory is just better sawrry.
relationship status: single
current obsession: the passenger (2023) directed by carter smith. not kidding when i say that in the last two weeks i've watched this movie almost every single day—sometimes multiple times in a day. watch it.
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last thing you googled: a russian character from a comic that someone said matthias looked like 😭
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