#also wrote a little bit of orig sex fic to fuck around with some tone
crushcandles · 10 months
Genuinely thought this week would be another writing wash, due to work and simmering malaise, but find myself presently surprised that I not only wrote a bit, I wrote a bit on multiple things. Am I...back? Maybe I’m back.
witcher a/b/o: 18839 (+2.8%)
There’s a hole in the middle of the section I’m working on, but I brought the section to an end..ish. Geralt is being sort of, kind of nice to Jaskier. In a specific, loaded way.
ronance: 7682 (+4.3%)
I shoved this into the next section, but tbh I think I need to hop into the meat of what’s going on and maybe connect backwards. The pacing of this as a draft is all fucked up but I want to see it all at once before I make any big changes.
sidlink: 2133 (+62.6%)
This fic is basically me putting worldbuilding on one palm and porn on the other and then rubbing my hands together, which rules because I get to be excited both that I wrote a nod to @youcanchoosefreedom’s post about Hyrule communicating with Link and that soon I will get to write filthy sidlink sex.
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