#also wtf is this new layout on mobile help
pikabian · 1 year
saw someone on tiktok call steven universe underrated. nature is healing
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melindargh · 6 years
WTF?: Creative Industry Job Titles
Digital. Visual. Interactive. Interaction. Design Architect. Digital Engineer. Product Designer. User Interface. User Experience. Unicorn. 
Along my job hunt - I’m consistently bombarded with these titles that sound really fancy and revolutionary. They all sound really cool, to be honest. But what do they all mean? There must be something that sets them apart from each other. How would there be such a variety of names bubbling up if it would all mean the same exact thing? Where is the common thread here? I had to do my research before I continued to waste time reading a job posting calling for a Check out below the cut to get a better idea on this in normal-person terms.
We have our classic, clear-cut Web Designer. Strictly designs website interfaces from the home page and all nested pages in between. No need for coding - but they should have an idea on the restrictions of code & what it’s incapable of. Designs should be coming from Adobe Photoshop, Sketch, Balsamiq, Adobe XD, Figma. That includes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Knowledge in graphic design, color scheme & typography, information architecture, white space, layout principles. Get my pupils dilated looking at a gorgeous & aesthetically pleasing website.
Synonyms: Web Architect, Visual Web Interface Designer, Digital Web Designer
This is the website CODER. They’re the ones that can take a mock-up/high or low prototype of a web design and should be able to convert this into a working website using a combo of HTML, CSS and JavaScript, Python, Ruby, PHP etc to actually make those buttons & forms work on the back-end. When crap hits the fan or site performance drops it low, you need to dig deep for that error in a text editor such as Sublime Text or Atom.
Synonyms: Web Engineer, Front-End Developer/Engineer, JavaScript Developer/Engineer, Full-Stack Developer
A new, fresh title for web designers. Not limited to websites, UI Designers create experiences for cross platform devices - mobile & web. You can throw in game interface and software application interface too. They focus on designing the actual task flow of a user through the use of an app or website. Matching the skills of a web designer plus more - interaction design, hover effects, click events, animation, etc. with the end user in mind. Focus on achieving results. What do we want this user to accomplish at the end of this, and how do we make it awesome for them? 
Synonyms: Visual Designer, Interaction Designer, Interface Designer
Less design, more analytics. UX Designers create user profiles or personas to research behavior and conduct user testing on working products. Then change those products around based on results. Similar to UI designers, they are also very familiar with the user task flow and understand goals of the product. Tons of companies blend UI/UX together in one role since they share the same fundamentals of thinking about the user. User testing often done in coffee shops - if you love coffee this is the job for you. 
Synonyms: Experience Designers, Information Architects, User Researcher
Product Managers hold a nice little variety of skill sets between business, technology and user experience. They see an entire digital project cycle through - between planning, budgeting and analytics. This role takes a leader to succeed as the product manager drives communication between the client, design team and developers. Set priorities, keep track of deadlines, know the business requirements and ensure you’re meeting those requirements. You must have eyes in the back of your head as a Product Manager. *Make sure the role is digital/web/technology related since this job title is popular among many industries. 
Synonyms: Project Manager, Technical Project Manager, Web Product Manager
Forget lorem ipsum, designs and digital products need some juicy stuff to truly achieve results. The Content Manager is responsible for creating and editing content for their clients and implement that content in a way that improves SEO(Search Engine Optimization). The role calls for basically perfection of the English language and one who knows how to write it. This “content” can be in the form of blog posts, email marketing, and website content. It also helps mold the brand of the client. Some jobs will require more expertise in tracking how this information is received by audiences using analytics tools. 
Synonyms: Copywriter, Editor, Content Strategist, Information Architect, Brand Content Manager
I think we’ve covered our bases for now, but 2018 is a new year for new job titles that seem like they were pulled from a Sci-Fi movie from the 80s left to be figured out. 
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