#also yes i do think steve alex and hero should be polyamorous because fuck you its the polycube baby
hall0wedwyrm · 6 months
reviving this idea because I can't find the original post I made???? okay here we go remaking it with more story.
Jesse is Alex and Herobrine's child. They were separated from Herobrine when he had to flee back to the Nether in fear of rumors of him being back in the overworld were. He entrusted Steve to look after them both, and bid them all farewell.
They don't really remember him, but they have a few memories of Herobrine. He, however, thought about them a lot, and how he misses them deeply. He wished he could have done something different that day, maybe even asking Alex to go with him.
Years Later, after all the events of MCSM, Radar comes sprinting into Jesse's office, saying there's someone lingering around the outskirts of the town walls, and that he hopes they would go and look ("Since... you're the mayor n all... not because I'm too scared to take a peak myself...").
It's Herobrine, who had heard from reuniting with Alex that Jesse had been doing all of these heroic things, and saving the world several times over, and he wanted to see them. He didn't really consider the fact that he had probably scared a lot of civilians who might have seen him.
Here's some other various thoughts for this:
The original Order of the Stone were the ones who made the stories about Herobrine, framing him as some kind of cryptid wanderer. They're all shitting themselves when he meets them (Ivor tells Soren, and Gabriel is like 'isnt that..?????' and the three of them are like OH NOOOOOO)
Jesse's friends don't know about Herobrine too much, since the stories has mostly died out when they would have heard them. Lukas has (Book nerd), but doesn't completely connects the dots until he finds the old tale again and is like ohhhh! and then has no idea what hes supposed to do with this information
Speaking of Lukas, he lets Alex and Steve be his beta readers, and they both just love reading about how admired Jesse is, and the amazing adventures they went on. Lukas asks them to please be honest if they think its bad, but Alex says they just love it so much
They also get to have the first copy of his book when its finished and they keep it on its own shelf in their library
Another awkward reunion is with Romeo and Xara, who also shit themselves when they see him too. Mainly because Romeo had been a menace when they last met, and Herobrine had threatened him to get in order.
Since reuniting, Steve and Herobrine have been catching up about a lot of things, mainly Steve telling Hero about what hes missed in basically everything. They also get to tell him how much they surprisingly missed him (since they weren't super best friends or anything before, it was more of like... a mutual acceptance).
im 100% going to do art for this AU thing with my interpretations and such for the guys. anyway yeah this is my official reviving of this i will be doing more this time (an AO3 story??? nono i have like 3 already idk if i can do another one)
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