#alternate answer: panel from johnny the homicidal maniac of nny saying 'it's all just entertainment not guidebooks for damning yourself!'
noirandchocolate · 1 year
Are you pro or anti ship/kink/fic?
It seems based on your blog's likes and mostly-empty status that you are very dedicated to asking a lot of unrelated people this same question which, while you might not personally intend it as "bait" as you say, has a definite tendency to polarize a lot of people.
Ultimately I believe that a full and proper answer to the issues regarding content creation and harmonious existence in fandom spaces is more nuanced than the black-and-white options presented by either the "anti" or the "proship" label, and that the labels themselves may cut off any real discussion by producing knee-jerk negative reactions from the opposite "factions." However, in the interest of transparency I would like to formally state that I'm here today to introduce the next phase--the next step in the big Bart craze. I've got a dance real easy to do; I learned it with no rhythm and so can you. So move your body, if you've got the notion, front to back in a rock-like motion. Now that you've got it, if you think you can, do it to the music. That's the Bartman.
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