#alternate line was 'this is really cutting into my listening to linger by the cranberries time'
zahroreadsthings · 1 year
Return of the King (Pumpkin Bread)...
Question: Who do you ask?
Response: Ask Lex. You're both witch apprentices.
Check notes for previous instalments
Lex has surely seen the apprentice side of this before so you decide they would be the best person to ask. You guess the direction to the coast witch's house and start walking, hoping someone's home.
You guessed wrong and enter main street much closer to the maritime museum than you should, but it works out just as well because Lex is sitting on the platform, letting their legs dangle between the rails.
'Hey, you free for a question?' You step on to the platform.
Lex looks over their shoulder then turns back around and nods. You sit next to them and let your legs dangle as well. Even though you know the platform's secure, seeing the waves crashing over rocks below makes your stomach churn.
'So I was out with some - friends? - not friends, I guess, we just met but I told one of them that I loved him and -'
'Happy for you and all, but what's your point?'
'What's the witch meet?'
Lex groans and presses their forehead against the railing. 'Figures yours wouldn't tell you. C'mon, I'm gonna need Pumpkin Bread for this one.' They get up and mutter, 'This is really cutting into my staring out into sea time.'
They lead the way to their house and point out a chair for you to sit on. Once you're seated they pinch the bridge of their nose.
'You want tea? Um, coffee? Biscuits?' They look like they're going through a mental checklist.
'I'm not judging you for your hosting abilities, you know.'
'I'm getting water. And Pumpkin Bread.'
They disappear into the kitchen for a minute and return holding a cup of water in one hand and cradling Pumpkin Bread in their other arm.
You take the water and scratch Pumpkin Bread behind the ears. Lex doesn't talk until they're sprawled on a chair opposite you and have Pumpkin Bread curled up on their lap.
They stare at the ceiling. 'So twice a year witches gather together - usually at least two of each discipline, but the outcrop witch - whatever, you don't need to know about that - and this time it's Wreck Reef's turn to host. It's a great time to make friends, swap knowledge, foster connections or whatever. The other coast witch apprentices are pretty cool, at least.'
'You don't sound thrilled.'
'We'll be at the social equivalent of the kids' table,' they say bitterly.
You groan. 'You're kidding. I graduated off that table years ago.'
'I've been at that damn table for years. Anyway. It's a lot of networking. They bury their face in Pumpkin Bread's fur and their next words come out muffled. 'I can think of a hundred other things I'd rather do before socialising.'
'You did ask me why I was talking to you when we first met.' Ringle feels so long ago.
'Hey, your big opener was telling me what was on your plate,' they say drily.
'Well, I thought it was funny.' You drink your water and poke at a loose thread on the chair.
Lex sighs and scratches Pumpkin Bread under his chin. His eyes close. 'Looks like you made friends here faster than I did though, so maybe stupid openers work.'
'They're pretty cool. I could ask about bringing you to a game.'
'Sounds fun.' They settle into silence.
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