warriorofcosmos-blog · 11 years
amnesiacexgeneral was spotted in the near distance
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Giving the woman walking to her a suspicious look, she was beginning to get weary with the amount of strangers she was bumping into and with her lack of memories, all she needed was people showing up in her path unexpectedly--however, the blonde did seem nice on first glance but in this place, she could never be too sure.
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ugly-desire started following you
The attire the two new strangers she spotted were wearing outfits unlike anything she had ever seen. One man was covered in armor and with a weapon, and the other man was wearing what Celes considered to be...not much at all. Yet the latter carried no weapon. She had come to slowly learn that if one didn't carry a weapon, it was a high chance that their weapon was either found in their fists, or in magic.
Regardless, she began to approach them when two of those crystal monsters materialized in front of her. Drawing her blade, she instinctively was ready to fight when they walked right past her.
She had attempted to fight them before, snapping on an instinct that she suspected was deeply ingrained into her subconscious. And the fight was a bit too easy.
She wondered if that was why. A flicker of confusion flickered in her eyes, before fixing a steadier gaze on the two men nearby questioningly as she approached. Hand still on her blade, she wasn't about to take any chances with the crystal monsters, despite how the crystal monsters went past her as if they didn't see her.
She needed to recover from the surprise fast - vulnerability had no place on a battlefield.
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"Those monsters," she asked cautiously as she approached the man. "Do they always walk right past people?" She felt it was a stupid question but...the only way to gain answers was to plow forward.
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noirxdragoon started following you
The man nearby was covered in armor that was unlike anything she had ever seen. People wearing strange armor was becoming a bit common to her...well, sort of. It appeared that there were people around, but they were few and far between.  A bit wary like always, she approached the man with caution.
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"Excuse me...have you seen any other warriors around? There seems to be not very many," she added. "You're one of the first I've met."
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skyoffreedom started following you
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Again, the person in front of her looked a bit younger than her, but perhaps not by much. Taking note of the armor he did appear to have on (the lack of a shirt made her want to raise an eyebrow, thinking that perhaps he had some extra protection in that vest), Celes waited until he was closer before speaking. "Can I help you with something?"
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