tiyethompson · 7 years
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01.25.05 ~ 11.13.17 sadly #PhoebeBufae (yes F.R.I️.E.ND.S.), 12 passed this morning. not having the strength, i’m #GRBFULLYBlessed for @rome_215 who recovered her then wrapped her in her favorite blankie for the last time. i’m truly sad, devastated x haven’t been able to blink w/o a tear since 10AM—she was thee best, fostered 05.07.05 she was so tiny I’d rock her to sleep in my arms—she was affectionately treated as a child because she was #MyChild, she will be deeply missed yet cherished even more. this is a hard one. pls keep us in prayer💔#FirstDaughter #Protector #Made4Cuddling #SensedMyConditions #AnAmazingDaughter #SuchAGR8BigSister #CatDaughter #AdoptAStray #Loved #FirstMommiesWhyskers #ThenNanasSugar #NowMyPhoebe #PhoebeTheCat #Phoebelicious #Phoebster #PhoebesWay #PleaseLordLetThereBeAnimalsInHeaven #FixItJESUS #ICantBreathe💔silent (at Nana's Haven)
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