#and Eden too...no seriously her death in the remembrance vessel is depressing enough seriously
bellatrixdulac · 11 months
Sakura's death is hitting the hardest so far. How she is asked if she wants to let go and live on this one time and when she answered "I have not...and never will" it just cues to her portrait shattering. You don't even see her dying like the others but she's made it pretty clear she wants to just die against HoC and make her point.
Also how, despite the other sims' best efforts, she knew about Rin's death for 50000 years and struggled with accepting she couldn't take revenge on anyone, because Aponia and everyone else aren't really guilty and they're just sims anyways... and eventually she just settles with taking down the new HoC and dying with her pride as if it's enough. Not to mention in the current era she's struggled with the PE HoC for 500 years until she found Theresa. Like... can't Sakura just catch a break?
When she was talking to Elysia and she said she couldn't face something like what happened before her real self died again and Elysia literally dies in front of her (or behind her... whatever) as *she is speaking*. I really can't with the Herrscher of Corruption resolve to ruin her life every time but it's getting ridiculous.
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