#and Obito doesn't die at the end of the 4th war
darkclouud9 · 4 months
I just got the spm musical stuck in my head again and now I'm thinking about how the lyrics of Champion of Destruction are literally just Kakashi
"cast aside what will never be mine!"
- literally just Kakashi never having comfort, never having true friends, never having love, because he lost all of his love and respect for people when Sakumo killed himself.
"never again the light you'll see!"
- either something he's told himself, or something he's even told several hundred times and hea repeating it back to himself. the light is essentially a comfort. and he's agreeing that he will never see the day he is happy and comfortable again. accepting that he *is* THE shinobi who lives in darkness (<- the name for the kks anbu arc)
"gaze upon the blackness above"
- pretty much just accepting that he's too far gone. could also possibly reference looking up I'm the night sky and seeing those who are gone and reflecting on those he's failed.
"if this is what love can bring" / "wipe the tears from your eyes!"
- talking abt how Obito's love for Rin caused both of their deaths in some magical way. could also be older Kakashi reflecting on the 4th war and how it also stemmed from Obito's love for Rin. the Uchiha are all about love. their sharingan is based entirely on their love. though Obito was the biggest fool from that clan, because his love in specific was disastrous.
(I think I skipped over this lyric before but) "now destruction's on the rise!"
- could be Kakashi, again, telling himself this. over and over again. destruction is on the rise, and it's all his fault. most of the naruto timeline could have been prevented if He Didn't Let Rin Die.
"no happy ending this time!"
- him thinking about how he doesn't deserve a happy ending. nor should he get one. in fact, it could be talking about his suicidal teen years and how he probably wanted to let some random enemy ninja wanted to kill him, which would be a bad ending (but he couldn't let himself doe because of the sacrifices Rin and Obito made for him).
- also could refer to Obito, Rin, Minato, and Kushina's deaths all being 'bad endings'.
"they say to fall in love" / "is to be truly blessed"
- is obviously Kakashi talking about Obito. about Obito's love for Rin and how he thought that they would end up together (headcanon anyway). that he thought Obito's love for Rin was pure and innocent and... blessed. that they would have a happy life together.
plus lyrics I think are Obito <3
"never to be!" / "never with me!"
- Obito believing Rin will never be with him. never even look his way in even think him a romantic interest. her infatuation with Kakashi and how it hurts Obito deep inside.
"rip a hole in the fabric of reality's design." / "cast aside what will never be mine! (never be mine!)"
- first lyric is Obito taking on Madara's plan after Rin's death. that the infinite tsukiyomi is 'ripping a hole in the fabric of reality's design'.
- second lyric is Obito 'casting aside what will never be his' in the form of believing Rin is fake because she is not one made to die. could later refer to him believing Kakashi is also a fake because the 'real' Kakashi wouldn't have failed at protecting Rin.
"well I have lived enough!" / "my heart fly out my chest!"
- Obito.
- Obito and his sacrifices for Rin, wishing for her to love him back.
also yes. obviously the whole Timpani section is Rin <3
you can interpret it as you will, but personally, I take it as her talking to Obito, but in a non romantic fashion. that she just wants to be with him because they're really close friends.
that is she's in denial, or they're older here and she's realising she's getting feelings for him <3
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noharina · 7 years
Aaand maybe some KakaObiRin? Not quite as binary with answers but meh xD
Who’s more dominant: In order from most to least – Kakashi, Rin, Obito. Although Obito definitely has his moments (And Rin gladly lets them both)Who’s the cuddler: Obito, Kakashi, Rin. Don’t get me wrong, Rin is very cuddly, but by the time they’re all together…the boys want it more.Who’s the big spoon/little spoon: Usually somehow ends up with Obito in the middle, though some nights it’s the others.What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: Kakashi and Obito like to train a lot, but Rin doesn’t enjoy it so much – she doesn’t like her boys being hurt. So probably just spending time together at home.Who uses all the hot water: Obito. Rin sometimes, but Obito relaxes in the tub and forgets that the shower’s going until suddenly it’s cold.Most trivial thing they fight over: Icha Icha. Specifically, if it qualifies as literature. Rin and Kakashi think it does, Obito thinks they’re crazy.Who does most of the cleaning: Rin. Obito makes the mess.What has a season pass on their dvr/Who controls the netflix queue: Obito, simply because he has a lot of trouble sleeping so he’s up all night even as he’s cuddling with the other two.Who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: Rin. The other two take a while to even notice.Who leaves their stuff around: Obito.Who remembers to buy the milk: Rin.Who remembers anniversaries:  Obito.Who cooks normally: Rin.How often do they fight: Kakashi and Obito do almost daily. Enough so that Rin keeps a squirt-bottle around to calm things down when she’s just done with their shit. It’s rarely serious, but Obito’s LOUD.What do they do when they’re away from each other: Rin worries, that’s just what she does. Obito gets sloppy doing whatever he’s doing because he just wants to be back home. Kakashi looks the same as always, but inwardly thinks about the other two almost constantly – unless he’s in the middle of something big, then he’ll push the thoughts aside only to get bombarded with them more later.Nicknames for each other: Bakakashi of course. Rinny. Obito just kinda gets shortened to ‘Obi’ or ‘Bito’.Who is more likely to pay for dinner: Rin. Kakashi slips out and Obito would forget his head if it wasn’t attached most days.Who steals the covers at night: Rin. The boys don’t mind.What would they get each other for gifts: Kakashi is entirely practical. Everything has a purpose and is meant to be helpful in a very straight-forward way. Obito is the opposite, everything being more sentimental or helpful in a less obvious way. Rin falls in between the two.Who kissed who first: Obito kissed Rin first of the three. Rin, however, was the one to kiss Kakashi first.Who made the first move: Same as the kisses – though Rin wasn’t as direct about things as Obito was.Who remembers things: Kakashi acts like he doesn’t, but he does. Obito acts like he does, but doesn’t. Rin just does.Who started the relationship: Uh, it kind of came to a head one night and Rin just asked ‘why not all three’.Who cusses more: Honestly? I’d say Kakashi. Then Rin, and finally Obito.What would they do if the other one was hurt: Kakashi focuses on the mission even as his heart races. Obito panics. Rin gets angry and super-focused on healing them.Who is the dirty talker: Honestly? Rin. Kakashi tries and fails comically, and Obito flushes so damn much.A head canon:
The transition from a platonic relationship between the three to a more romantic one wasn’t anything flashy. The three had already been through so much – so much that most people couldn’t even handle – that they were already near inseparable. In fact, the only thing that gave them away, once the transition happened, was how relaxed all three were. Rin wasn’t so hovery over the other two, Obito was a bit less awkward, and Kakashi? He seemed warmer, though most people couldn’t tell easily due to his mask concealing his facial expressions.
It wasn’t until weeks later that anyone actually knew for certain what happened, and by then? They didn’t question it. Besides, who could begrudge them what happiness they could find?
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whatisgrass · 3 years
Sasuke is the best boi. Prove me wrong.
I couldn't give two diddly fucks about what anyone says to me. You can't change my mind. Let's get started, shall we?
1. {Personal reason #1} He is hotter than fire.
OK, let's get this out of the way. I know this is probably not a valid reason to like someone. But, GODDAMN, BOI!
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I now realize why the girls (and Naruto) were attracted to him. 'Cause goddamn! I'd die for him too, ngl. Aye, Naruto really said, "All that mine." Lucky blondie. His voice, his hair, his body, OH MY FUCKING GOD! Both the Japanese and English voice actors make his voice very attractive. Is it even legal to be this attractive and hot and good-looking and-
2. He is hella talented.
The way this man can throw a kunai so straight, even though he isn't. I love the fact how he can learn things quickly and use them like a fucking pro. Like the Chidori for example.
I low-key thought he created it, not gonna lie. Then I learned Kakashi taught him. Whoopies daisy.
3. He is very protective.
Dude, the way he cares about Naruto people. My guy really threw himself in front of Naruto to protect knowing it was a trap, knowing it would probably get him killed, knowing it would destroy his plan of killing Itachi, but this man did it anyway.
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Plus, when Kakashi said that if he and Sakura fed Naruto when they weren't supposed to, it could throw them back to the academy, ultimately throwing him back on his plan of killing Itachi. Yet, he still did it anyway. He really said, "Fuck being a ninja, I gotta make sure this idiot is fed! Send me back, I couldn't give a fuck."
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4. He is a justice warrior.
When this man "killed" his older brother and only brother, Itachi Uchiha, he was taken in by Obito Uchiha and was told the truth. He was the truth about the massacre, his clan, the village, Itachi, everything. And, boy, was he pissed. He was so pissed that, along with his team, conducted a plan to destroy Konoha. Killing every single man, woman, and child. Leaving no survivors.
But, he didn't know if he should actually do that. So, he talked to the First Hokage (reincarnated) to see his side of the story. He also talked to Itachi.
After that encounter, Sasuke joined to help out in the 4th Great Ninja War. After defeating the last enemy, Sasuke wanted to end the World War. He wanted to make himself the villain; having all hate only on him and him only.
If that ain't sacrifice, ladies and gents, I don't what is.
5. I wish him a very happy divorce.
This ain't really a reason why I love him BUT he deserved better.
Way better.
He was practically forced to marry a woman who knew barely ANYTHING about him screw you, Pink Trash, have an ugly ass child, and be robbed of all the rights he deserved.
I said this in a previous post, and I'll say it again. I WISH SASUKE UCHIHA A VERY HAPPY DIVORCE.
6. His fighting style is simply badass. I'm simping for this man so hard.
Yes, he has the Sharingan and has the ability to copy his opponents' techniques from being a part of the Uchiha Clan.
BUT, he also improvises and makes it like his own. Lord have mercy, I love him.
Y'know, how he did in his fight against Rock Lee. With Lee's Hidden Lotus move. Sasuke didn't see the whole technique, but he created his Barriage of Lions. badass energy is skyrocketing.
7. He isn't like your stereotypical "emo" kid.
It's clearly obvious that Sasuke is nothing like Naruto, who is the sun, while he is the moon. Not to diss Naruto but- He doesn't put a fake smile on his face, pretending that everything is ok when it clearly isn't.
He will move his motherfucking ass and find a solution himself. He clearly isn't like your stereotypical "emo" kid where he just cries all the time and bitch about all his problems.
If he did, he would get absolutely nowhere. He would have allowed Naruto to be his superior. Though, he didn't.
I most likely wouldn't have loved him as much as I do now.
He's that badass. I'm telling you, badass energy.
8. {Personal reason #2} He will always be dat man to me.
As I said in the beginning, no one can change my motherfucking mind.
This man is an excellent character.
He isn't bland, boring, he doesn't have a boring background with no goals or flavor like Pink bitch.
I don't know about you, but I need spice in my favorite characters.
He's a poor man who lost his clan due to his horrible village's government, who is trying to figure out who he is.
As a person. He still questions his existence and the person he truly is.
I love Sasuke Uchiha of Konoha because he's handsome talented, a justice warrior, very protective, deeply cares about his family and friends, his fighting skills, his persona, and attitude. A lot of people may have given up on him, but not me! I will always have my boy's back! Of course, there are a lot more reasons, but this post will be too long.
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