#and also. something about wearing smth for someone on a body part you consider vulnerable/weak/unimportant
appreciatingtokrev · 1 year
wearing a ring for you’re close to is cool, so is wearing a necklace for them. but have you ever considered bracelets?? (okay tbf i am pretty sure this has to do with the intrusive thoughts i keep getting abt me bleeding to death bc of my main artery on my wrist somehow bursting when touched, especially with force, hence i am only comfortable with getting touched there if i initiate it. but still) idk my wrists are just something... vulnerable about my body imo. i dislike my inner wrists being touched if i don’t initiate it, and even if i do, it feels pretty weird at first. so wearing a bracelet isn’t something i just do every day, and wearing one dedicated to someone means i really do love them. also, whenever i take off a bracelet after wearing it for a day, my wrist feels oddly empty for a good hour, and while i do have that with rings and necklaces/chokers to some extent to, the lasting effect things have on my wrist is way bigger.
what i’m trying to say is that wearing a bracelet dedicated to someone, especially if it’s self-made (by them or by you) is a great act of love for me. a far bigger one than wearing a ring or a necklace.
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