#and dirk doesn't say anything because he is recovering from yet another narratively significant decapitation
vriskacircus · 2 years
Jane Terezi Dirk Vriska failfriendship part 2 because I cant sleep until I share my vision aka how these guys all interact with one another:
Terezi - Jane: literally the reason this whole clusterfuck happened in the first place they played ace attorney together or something and eventually their respective besties tagged along because they couldn't bug the pages and because Vriska and Dirk are Vriska and Dirk things quickly escalated. This friendship is almost functional hooray!
Jane - Vriska: This Just In: Local Former Heiress Has A Sexuality Crisis Over Feelings Of Hatred Towards Teenage Alien Goddess -> she sees all the shitty things about vriska and thinks "Yeah i can fix her. By antagonizing her and beating her up/getting beaten up by her. Also she's hot. I didn't say that." Vriska is just like "You were an heiress to a super powerful company? You hold the power of life itself in your hands? You have a cool nice dad? And you fell for Jake English??? God you suck."
Jane - Dirk: see my post obsessing about their friendship but also Jane is newly terrified of herself and her capacity for evil post-trickster mode and crockertier while Dirk is like 'been there currently still doing that' so they feed into each others' misery lol. Eventually Jane talks to Dirk about her hatelove for Vriska and its a heartwarming bonding moment or something.
Vriska - Dirk: she is like a shitty shoulder devil to him "cmon dirk youre strong you could be a hero and do such great things if you weren't a pussy who's all weird about yourself (haha this guy is such good entertainment and I'm definitely helping him uh huh yep)" and he's like 'yeah I deserve this eternal torment im going to go out of my way to spend time with her.' She gets him to lighten up but exactly the wrong ways at exactly the wrong times and it just makes everything worse. Also they too fight each other to the death sometimes just for shits and giggles.
Terezi - Vriska: Classic scourge sisters playing tug of war with the red string of fate. Terezi is pretending that she doesn't know how badly all this is going to end, "I have faith in my friends. I have faith in my moirail. They're all just having a little high stakes violent fun while i cheer from the sidelines and occasionally join in when it's not a duel to the death kind of day. It's fine." It is not fine.
Terezi - Dirk: Mutual respect over cool shades and having fought in the final battle together. They like to poke at each others' issues. Watching the spades blossom between Jane and Vriska is simultaneously concerning and amusing to them both.
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