#and he didn’t even notice 🤦🏽‍♀️😂😭
pr41sethemoon · 3 months
Currently in bed belly wheeze laughing quietly because I remembered when Sam was passing out posters on the streets and the guy he gave it to threw it in the trash in the background while Sam was smiling at the camera 😭😭😭😂😂😂
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gm--requests · 4 years
Hey sweetheart! ❤️ I hope I’m not intruding your resting time. I was thinking and got curious and thought to ask you... but first the backstory. Buckle up hunny because you’re about to get all the tea in my life😂🍵👀👀!!!
What do you think about a ♊️Gemini ☀️ sun, ♓️Pisces 🌙 moon, ♏️Scorpio ⬆️ ASC male—with—a ♑️ Capricorn-♒️Aquarius ☀️ sun Cusp, ♉️ Taurus 🌙 moon, ♐️ Sagittarius ⬆️ASC female in a relationship/friendship?
I’ve know ♊️Gem for a little over 4 years. We used to work together at my Uncle’s owned theater. He’s had the biggest crush on me since then, and the worse part is... I was so dense. I had no idea. But now I look back and it was so obvious. He was always the friend I ran too... 🤦🏽‍♀️ when my ex-boyfriend— (a ♈️ Aries ☀️ sun, ♏️ scorpio 🌙 moon, ♐️ Sagittarius ⬆️ ASC...) hurt me or did something to make me cry. Of course this was long before I knew ♊️Gem actually loved me. Now, I feel off... I wanna be friends with ♊️Gem, but things feel awkward now. I’ve ghosted him and because I didn’t have the heart to tell him dating isn’t a good idea. Especially after what happened to me. Still healing physically, emotionally, and spiritually after a toxic and abusive relationship. ♈️Aries was my first boyfriend, and first serious relationship. But he was a straight up narcissist!!! Of course my idiot ♒️Aqua butt made things worse. We did talk. Me and ♊️Gem. I apologized to him and owned up to running away out of fear. But I think ♊️Gem is still holding onto false hopes that we’ll date. We’re both devout Christians. And I love how peaceful he is, and how he’ll literally drop everything just to check on me. I’ve never had a friend do that for me. Or a guy do that for me. He even tried buying front row tickets to see BTS to cheer me up 2 years ago!!😭😭🥺❤️The only problem is that I’m not exactly attracted to him, but I’m starting to think it’s just fear of getting my heart broken again. But I thought about it longer and realized as the dominant Alpha ♒️Aqua female I am. I need someone to lead me but gently check me. Ya know? Yet I have this uncanny magnet to me. It doesn’t matter if I’m ice cold or warm like the summers rays. Idk what God put in my blood, but... my other guy friend. A goofy and sweet ♏️Scorpio ☀️ sun, ♈️ Aries moon... (I’m just guessing by how he acts. I’m not sure what his ASC is. I don’t have his birth time. He was born November 8th). We both sing and love music. ♏️Scorpio also fell for me. I asked him because I noticed him acting different around me. (Note: We work together.) And he admitted it. I don’t have a lot of girlfriends, because I‘ve always had a bad record of all of them stabbing me in the back and being jealous of me. So, I have a lot more guy friends... yet I also have a bad record track of most of my male friends falling for me. The pattern I’ve noticed the most is I tend to attract a lot of 🔥fire signs (mostly ♈️ Aries) and overall ♏️Scorpios/♏️Scorpio energy. Why is that? What do you think, hunny? I also have a stalker right now and have taken legal actions. I just don’t understand this all.... 🥺💔 Idk if it’s because I’m picky or if I just don’t fall as easily? And I was told “what did you expect, you’re beautiful!” In reguards to having stalkers since high school 🙄🙄🙄.... And when I opened up to my best friend of nearly 15 years about all of this—the only female friend I have—a ♍️ Virgo ☀️ sun, ♏️ Scorpio 🌙 moon, and ♊️ Gemini ASC⬆️... she started treating me weird/ignoring me, admitted she was jealous of me, snapped at me, and called me “fake” and a bunch of other names. My heart is honestly all over the place.... 😢🥺💔 I hope you’re not mad about the novel and don’t mind me sharing with you. I honestly have no one to talk too 💔
I’m sorry for the novel. I thought to ask for advice from you and ask what you think about all of this. I had sent in several asks to you before. I only but it anonymously because my friend also has a tumblr. I’m trying to avoid anymore drama...
thank you so much, sweetie
i wasn’t quite sure if you wanted this answered privately or if it was okay to post out in the open, so if you want me to delete it just lemme know :) 
i normally don’t do stuff like this so i guess take my opinion with a grain of salt or whatever because of course, i’m not expert. no one is an expert on the ever changing stars, y’know? but anyways, wow bubs, this was a lot to unbox. first let me say that it is things like this that make me grateful for being kinda ugly. like i cannot imagine this happening. i think it is easier for me to fall for my friends and deal with the rejection than it is to be the one doing the rejecting. 
1. the relationship between you and Gemini boy: the problem you are having or had, is very common between his Gemini and your Capricorn. you both have what the other is looking for in a partner, but are often too oblivious to see it. his Gemini is looking for someone to ground him who is wise and openminded and your Capricorn is looking for someone fun and adventurous who will share that excitement with them, but when it comes to seeing that in one another it seems you are the blind one haha. Your Aquarius cusp however makes the two of you even more compatible. for the reasons i just mentioned that you two are good for one another. the problem seen is normally a lack of emotional bases or non-verbal understandings, but because you two worked together and were friends first, this probably won’t be too much of a problem. so really in the whole scope of things you two would make a good pairing. 
2. why you attract so many fire signs: all fire signs are drawn to others that have a fire sign in what i call their big 3, asc. ris. and moon, and so your sag probably calls out to them, but also fire and earth signs are compatible. normally in a more toxic way. the best way to describe it is like, a good and healthy relationship between a fire and earth sign is equivalent to a campfire on a cold night. it is hot and passionate and keeps you warm and comfy, however, it always has a possibility of a spark catching on a twig that is too dry and lighting the whole forest ablaze... that is when the relationship is unhealthy. as an Aries i can apologise for your exes stupidity, but also say that a lot of us have an odd baseline of being self centered. maybe not narcissistic, or even self-centered in a bad way, but he did have a Scorpio moon and Sag rising, so really he was built on self-confident signs that can have a manipulative or falsely-naïve disposition. 
3. why your friend reacted how she did (based only on the astrology): i want to make it very clear that this is only based on the astrology because i don’t know how you approached the situation nor do i know how she did. it could have been the way or timing in which things were said and so this is kind of hard to speak on, but astrologically all of her big three are signs that are more “self-centered”, more worried about how they are perceived. i have a friend who is exactly like you in the sense of people always liking them and being interested in them and it really does take a toll on my self confidence sometimes, which isn’t her fault. she can’t help that she is attractive and she can’t change the beauty standards of others, but being around that often and hearing about it often can be very destructive, especially being an Aries and having self confidence issues regardless of her, if that makes any sense. so maybe she was just at her boiling point. if anything, i’d apologise to her just because it might have been a touchy time for her, HOWEVER, you probably shouldn’t continue to the relationship. when someone reacts this way to things, it isn’t good for you or them, and it is almost good that this situation occurred because it showed her true colors but also put an end to a relationship that would have been toxic for both of you. this was a round about way of saying that she probably doesn’t have a lot of confidence and your problem rubbed her the wrong way in a time when her signs and her emotional situation couldn’t handle it. 
overall things to say: 
don’t lower your standards because you aren’t feeling things that you think you should be feeling. emotions are unpredictable and no matter how much i read the stars for you, i can only give you a hint at how things might happen or why they are happening. i’m glad you are taking legal action against your stalker and i hope that it gets taken care of quickly. i hope this could help :) 
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