#and none of its big chain stores and everyones nice and friendly and knows each other and its not too close to downtown but
kpopinionated · 7 years
Of gates and moons
♦️ fluff
♦️ member: Jung Hoseok
♦️warnings: none
Birthmarks. What strange occurrences. Light or dark, big or small, they appear on anyone, anywhere. Each and every one has a meaning, tells a story. Whether it be that you were born early, or that you would become the worlds greatest entrepreneur anyone has ever seen. It didn’t matter because each was unique. Most people had the same kind on their bodies except for one particular birthmark everyone got that was mended into the skin of their wrist. Only two of each special mark would appear and that only meant one thing - soulmates.
Soulmates were essentially the very thing that made a person feel complete. It was the happiness, the love, the complete feeling each person would get when you met the other person who had the matching mark. There’s just one catch.
Humans in particular are the wild card. They could get them or they couldn’t. But if one did get one it meant that their soulmate was indeed supernatural. It was normal for the supernatural to get one, since they always had one person meant for them, but humans didn’t have that feeling of having to be with one specific person. Sometimes humans met their significant others by just playing the field and yes that sucked, but it was the way the world meant for it to be.
Here’s where the wild card comes in - if a human had a special mark then they automatically knew their soulmate wasn’t like them. Now you are probably thinking what’s the big deal then? Well humans feared the supernatural. Supernatural creatures like vampires and werewolves were significantly stronger and more dominant - the top of the food chain in this society. And because of that they feared them as well as stories spread. The fear was high and you never wanted to be caught out late at night with one that wasn’t your soulmate. Sure their was friendly supernatural like fairies, nymphs, dryads, elves, and witches, but humans wouldn’t take the risk of being out late or in a isolated area. If anything they avoided it at all costs if they could.
Reader pov
It was around midday and the sun was high in the sky and yet here I was rushing through crowds of people darting in and out of open spaces. My heart rate sped up and my eyes widened at the time. I needed to get to the craft store before it closed and I needed to get some more fabric and not to mention art supplies.
My eyes darted left and right before I successfully spotted the craft store and all but sprinted inside. It was like I was the flash, the way I zipped through the aisles, throwing items into my cart as I went. In record time I had gotten all the items on my list except for one, fabric.
A sigh escaped my lips as I mentally prepared to spend my precious time looking for the perfect fabric for my massive project. And so my journey begun as I passed the blue’s and green’s, headed directly toward the warm tones of red and orange. My gentle fingers whisked over the materials until I felt the fluffy and soft fabrics.
My irises scanned the shelf as I placed my basket on my arm. My cool fingertips brushed my mark on my wrist - a sun. It was a small sun, not bigger than my pointer finger nail, but it had the most meaning to me. A sun meant ultimate warmth and love. It meant light, happiness, and protection. A small smile slipped onto my lips at the thought of my soulmate.
‘I wonder who it is? Do I know him? What kind of mythical creature is he?’ And most importantly, ‘how will I meet him?’ These questions circled my head like vultures. I was undoubtedly curious. 'Maybe he’s a blonde? No, no, brunette maybe? Is he tall? What ranking is he?’ The curiously was getting stronger as I rubbed my mark and without knowing I had dropped a fabric of gold, red, and orange into my basket along with miniature sun buttons and headed to check out.
After I had paid and grabbed my bag I made my way outside to the now dark atmosphere. The warm sun was replaced with the cool moon. The comforting breeze was nice like icy grips upon my legs. Goosebumps formed up my arms and my heart began to beat faster. It was late - that I knew. It would be a long walk home the normal way.
'Is it really worth it? To take the short cut?’ My thoughts countered one another. 'It’s freezing of course it’s worth it and not to mention its hella dark out here!’ I weighed my options and the more I thought the more cold I became so I decided to go with the short cut option, even if it wasn’t the smartest option.
~~~ The trail was rich with vegetation - both on the ground and in the sky. The only Source of light was the moon and even that didn’t help much. The trees seemed to grow taller and adopt the menacing aura. The wind began to blow again, ruffling hair and carrying my perfume through the woods.
Even though I felt fear run through my veins, I pushed onward, attempting to block out all other noises in the world. Key word attempting. As silent as it had been, a loud noise arose above the wind, cutting through it. I froze, my heart beating wildly, eyes scanning my surroundings. The tense minute passed and I relaxed and forced my feet to continue onward. Then it was louder, closer, angrier. The more I walked the noise only got louder and it was then I realized it resembled a growl.
I knew I should’ve kept walking, but my curious eyes scanned the forest to my left and I stepped closer, off the trail. It was then my eyes caught the golden rimmed eyes with a deep brown in the middle. A small gasp escaped me at how….human they looked.
My heart dropped to my stomach at my realization. My body seemed to know what to do and I found myself stepping further and further away back onto the trail. Each step the eyes followed and its paws followed until a large wolf was in front of me on the trail. Midnight brown fur complimented the muscular build of the shifter. The eyes locked onto mine with dominance flashing in them. I could feel his strong aura - I’ve felt them before.
I’ve had the misfortune of running into a less than friendly pack a while back. The alpha was absolutely massive and held the most authoritative aura of all. The beta was equally as massive and strong. Threat of the pack had circled me with not as threatening aura’s but the look in their eyes suggested I should be scared. If it wasn’t for five witches showing up I may as well had been dead.
The large wolf in front of me was definitely dominant, but not like an alpha would be. This wolf had to be the beta of the pack and if he was pursuing me it must mean I was on their territory.
I felt the rush of adrenaline flow through every muscle in my body and it all happened so quickly. My hair whipped around me and my feet pounded into the earth, running as fast as possible. My lungs began to burn, gasping no begging for me to stop. My heartbeat pounded wildly as I spotted the fork in the road - I was getting closer to safety. I could’ve cried with relief, but when a lithe silver wolf stepped up onto the trail I needed, dread filled me.
My body shifted to the right automatically. My legs began to burn with exhaustion and my lungs were crying out, but I couldn’t stop. Especially with the pounding of not one but two sets of paws pounding into the earth behind me. If I stopped now I’d become a moonlight snack - and I wasn’t about to be that.
My eyes darted wildly before they stopped upon the iron gate just ten meters away. Through exhaustion and pain I pushed myself. Five meters, four, three, two, jump! With the last of my strength I pushed off the earth and latched onto the gate and quickly pulled myself over the top and dropped to my feet, leaning back against the gate. My hand slipped over my mouth, muffling my breathing as my ears strained for any movements - nothing but silence met my ears and I sighed in relief, eyes slipping shit as I slid the rest of the way down the gate, legs giving in to the exhaustion.
It wasn’t even two minutes until I heard footsteps approach and my eyes snapped open immediately. 'Just where did I ended up?’ I thought and when I shakily stood up and my eyes caught the words private property on the gate, my heart positively stopped.
Not only was this private property, but it was werewolf territory. I was royally screwed if I was caught and this time I’d have nobody to save me. I knew I couldn’t climb the fence again and there was no time to go under so I had two options. To either get caught or hide. I chose option two and darted behind the tree nearest to me. The footsteps approached and then they stopped abruptly. My hands trembled as I covered my mouth and tried to calm my heartbeat down.
I heard the footsteps wander around for a second before the disappeared into the distance and I released the breath I was holding. Big. Mistake.
Before I could process what just happened I was pulled from my hiding spot and was facing a a boy. He had a green jacket on top of a plain black tee and black ripped jeans. He was taller than I was and he was toned. He had a pair of pink full lips that were formed into a smirk. His hair was a dark brown that was messily styled and he had the most gorgeous brown eyes with a gold rim around the outside of his irises and I couldn’t look away. It was like his eyes were hypnotizing mine, not allowing mine to stray elsewhere.
He seemed oddly familiar, but I would know if I knew him. Especially since he was this good looking. My hand subconsciously gripped my wrist and my thumb rubbed over my mark slowly and his smirk widened. Once he took a step it was like the spell broke and I matched his pace stepping away as he stepped closer.
“Who are you?” I whispered. The male in front of me stopped walking and closed his eyes, as if my voice physically effected him.
I stood still watching him before I took a step back and his eyes flashed open. I gasped at the dark emotions swirled within. Possessiveness, love, protection all greeted me, daring me to take another step and I took the bait. Without warning I was suddenly flushed up against him, chest to chest, noses inches apart, hypnotizing gaze capturing mine.
I gasped at the warmth emitting from the boy in front of me. He had one hand gripping my left wrist and the other wrapped around my waist. His palm was warm and comforting as he gently turned my wrist over to reveal my mark. His thumb caressed it softly before he brought it up to his lips to kiss gently. Sparks tingled through my wrist and my heartbeat sped up. He slowly lowered my wrist and led my hand to his own arm and a mark identical to me was on his own wrist. I awe my fingertips brushed his mark. It was identical to mine as I held my wrist up to his and a small smile crawled onto my face and my eyes caught his.
His smirk was now a smile of adoration and he lifted his palm to cup my cheek. I leaned my head into it and nuzzled the palm. His thumb caressed my cheek softly making me sigh in content.
“What’s your name?” I whispered.
His smile grew wider. He removed his palm from my cheek and instead gripped my wrist gently in his palm and kissed the back of my hand. “You can call me Hoseok, my love. And yourself?”
“Hoseok.” I whispered to myself before grinning back up at Hoseok. “I’m y/n.” And he whispered my name lovingly making me blush. “Well my love I guess we are soulmates.” He grinned before leaning forward to nuzzle his nose against mine. I shyly grinned back. “I guess we are.” My eyes slipped closed with content as Hoseok’s warmth wrapped around my body, shielding me from the wind.
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