#and rollo also knows of all the best places for private and secretive kisses
merakiui · 1 year
This hits too close too home LOL but what sucks for Rolo is that I actually don't want to do anything with him, I just want to mess with him and leave
Rollo really is left with the age-old devices: imagination and hands.
He would be such a fun person to mess with! It doesn't even have to be in a romantic or lewd way. Just really random and friendly silliness. Rollo is always annoyed when the two of you get together to study (whether at a café or at the library or even in either of your dorms) and it ends with the both of you debating the best food in the world, favorite gargoyles at Noble Bell, best things to do during festivals, etc. Somehow he always finds himself getting roped into your nonsense and as a result the work/studying never gets done. Yet oddly enough his mind feels so clear afterwards. It's as if the nonsensical conversations are what he needs to de-stress and take his mind off of other troublesome things.
Or when the two of you somehow end up having too many inside jokes because of how much you tease and joke around with him. It's gotten to the point where his classmates think that your every gesture is some secret code because you and Rollo are so close and friendly (he'll write all of them up if he must so they'll stop gossiping! >:( but secretly he likes it when you playfully wink and poke at him; your presence is just what he needs to relax from the stress of school life).
Or when you do flirt with him and he really thinks something more is going to come of it, but then you'll flick his nose or steal his hat and run off, and he's left to chase after you, all while reprimanding you that disturbing the peace is highly frowned upon at Noble Bell! As the student council president, he won't allow you to cause trouble. Though he claims that, he always lets you off with a light warning. It seems the unshakable Rollo has a soft spot for you. But how could he not when you spend so much of your time with him? He's bound to soften when he gets to know you more.
Rollo will never admit it, but he enjoys chasing after you. When he catches up and scolds you for every childish disruption, he falls even further into love and he doesn't even realize it. You just seem to be good at charming him and he's weak to your upbeat nature. His diary is filled with neat scribbles of the daily occurrences that make him happy, and unsurprisingly your name is detailed in nearly every entry.
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