#and that V O I C E motherfuCKER that voice irl diD THINGS TO ME
ledamemangociana · 5 years
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i??? meT SHEAMUS???!?!?!?!?!
i won that twitter contest which is HUGE in and of itself because i never win things like that lkasdjf
when we got set-up in the queue in the venue, i was just lucky enough to be positioned in such a way that when Sheamus entered the venue, he literally walked right past me. i saw the photographers getting ready right beside me and i still wasn’t able to prepare myself. he walked by and i just stared like the thirsty idiot i am lol. i turned to my friend (who came with me because i won two passes, yay) and just mouthed “holy fuck he’s beautiful” because of course i did and because of course he really was. is. geezas fokk.
the meet and greet went pretty fast (i expected it to, and also they were behind schedule lol) but it was still pretty fuggin great. i got to tell him that i’ve been a fan of his since 2009, to which he said “noooo waaaaay” and then he said he liked my shirt (i was one of only two people who i saw that was wearing this shirt, or ANY The Bar shirt lol), to which i was just BARELY able to stop myself from answering that i had three of it in different sizes coz that would’ve been too creepy :P i just told him it was the first WWE shirt i bought after he got me back into watching WWE a few years ago, which he seemed to appreciate. he signed my Funko Pop, then we took the picture then he asked me if i wanted him to sign my shirt, which fuggin BLEW MY MIND because we had a one item limit, but i had my shit together just long enough to emphatically say “YES PLEASE” and managed to not offer him my boob when i offered him the shoulder to sign lol. i tried then to get him to do a quick video shout-out for one of my closest friends (we became friends in 2010 because we were both sheamus fans), but the handlers couldn’t allow it anymore coz of time constraints. so sheamus just turned to me and said “hey, as long as i got to meet you :)” which was the last straw in my I’M-NOT-FREAKING-OUT-AT-ALL coffin, so i had to just quickly say again “I’MSOGLADIFINALLYMETYOUAFTERALLTHISTIMEOMGOKAYBYETHANKYOU” and then go away before i completely lost my shit in front of him lol. 
SO. YEAH. THAT HAPPENED. it was barely two minutes, if that, but it was some of the best two minutes i’ve ever experienced in my life. i’ve had so many downs, was held down by them so much in 2018, that it’s so GOOD to just have the universe give me a break and throw me a bone for once, even tho it was almost a struggle just to get to this moment (i had a mild gout attack in my foot all day yesterday that threatened to get worse today but thankfully did not, and then i was nearly late to the event because of fuggin TRAFFIC). still. important thing is - THIS HAPPENED. and i may honestly never be the same again lol (but also not lol, i kinda really mean that)
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