#and the many scenes of laios x marcille
unolvrs · 1 month
you'd pair marcille with laois? not falin? I'm curious about your reasoning for that (not jugementally!), because I've only ever seen people shipping falin and marcille, and it seems like those two's closeness is pretty central to dungeon meshi -- would you be willing to explain your perspective on that? no obligations to, of course, I'm simply curious because it's an opinion I've not seen before. hope you're doing well!
i get why people ship marcille with falin, especially since a lot of her motivation as the story progresses comes from falin. but at the same time, marcille and laios have more scenes that're definitely implied to be romantic, in my humble opinion — it's not shoved down our throats but it's a smooth thing that happens every now and then.
honestly, [SPOILER] ever since it was revealed that marcille was a researcher when falin was a student, and the canon ages presented in which falin was most likely a teen when they first met completely eradicated whatever ship was forming. [END]
plus, i think what bolstered the marcille x falin train was that one scene in the bathtub. but throughout the manga, we see more of marcille & laios more than anything else.
and i don't wanna compare manga readers vs anime readers but it seems like i have no choice but to do so: it's the dilemma i have with laios x kabru where, yes, people can ship whoever they want to ship but i feel very strongly about how laios and kabru's relationship is just kabru chasing laios in a way, and kabru having a more developed and AMAZING relationship with mithrun. but since kabru is a pretty boy twinky stereotype, and laios is a big guy, people naturally gravitate to it.
then there's falin and marcille, whose ship was even more popularized because of the bathtub scene at the beginning but as everything develops, it's marcille and laios who have more scenes that imply something romantic, especially at the end [SPOILER] where marcille stays with laios and their "monsters" eating each other [END]
i think more japanese fans are into marcille x laios, but western twitter is more into laios x kabru and marcille x falin. but again, this is just my opinion! PLEASE IT'S JUST MY OPINION RAHHHHHH
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crimeronan · 1 month
quick dunmeshi thoughts now that it's been a few hours since i finished the manga:
chilchuck good. love a bitch.
i was hoping i'd have a new popular femslash ship i can write for but unfortunately the yuris are too sweet and fluffy for me. i need my sapphics to try to kill each other at least once :(
similarly: marcille did great being unhinged within the constraints of the genre but baby girl i wanna see you in a yellowjackets type setting SO BAD. set marcille free in an adult drama where she can do true atrocities. FOLDED TOO FAST GIRLIE I BELIEVE IN YOUR ABILITY TO SUCCUMB TO DARKNESSSSS DONT LISTEN TO YOUR FRIENDS!! DONT BELIEVE IN LOVE!!! DONT HAVE A POIGNANT MOMENT OF EMOTIONAL GROWTH AND ACCEPTANCE!! DONT COME TO TERMS WITH GRIEF!!!! DONT LET THEM CONVINCE YOU NOT TO DO ATROCITIES YOU ARE SO POWERFUL AND CAPABLE OF RUINING EVERYTHING FOREVER!!!!!!
wasn't attracted to laios except for in one single scene.
it was the one where he suffocated falin.
we're not going to unpack this.
izutsumi would be a blorbo if she wasnt just straight-up me.
as is though so many of her lines are things i have directly said aloud in real life conversation that i spent the whole time going "well. this is freaking me out."
kabru is an icon. love guys who play 3d chess
come to think of it, i'm pretty sure his relationship with mithrun is the only one that had any emotional impact on me whatsoever. cunt who can't feel dick about shit x bitch who's pissed off about it 5EVAAAAA
i still default to snack packs of cheez its and goldfish crackers to replace the meals i don't wanna cook. an entire 100-chapter manga about the love of cooking and eating has done nothing to improve my outlook on cooking and eating.
sorry senshi. :(
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noellevanious · 2 months
why are so many horny falin x marcille artists drawing scenes where Laios intrudes/catches them "in the cat". It's weird and uncomfortable. Cut that shit out.
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