#and then P03 just looks up at them like “kith please”
beepboopbupbip · 1 year
So before P03 trusts the challenger he's kind of in a workaholic eternal "fuck you" state.
Hurt/comfort where P03 literally passes out from exhaustion after working for like 76 hours and challenger comes and picks him up, carries him to the bed that he doesn't use and plugs in his Lil charger.
And then when P03 wakes up he's all "fuck you let me go back to work" and then challengers all like "you were on the floor unconscious, no" and then they begin to argue and it eventually comes to a halt when P03 just begins to cry .
And then challenger is all like ??????
Until challenger realizes that he's in a workaholic state because he's depressed and literally no one talks to him outside of work.
So then challenger goes and picks up his little pincers with both their hands and asks P03 if he's okay with physical contact (we use CONSENT in this house) and P03 kind of awkwardly nods because he's confused on what challenger is about to do and he's low-key scared that they'll hurt hum.
And then challenger just pulls them into a hug, soft and gentle, no malicious intent. And P03 who's used to... not that, is just absolutely shocked.
And it ends with some cute reassuring words to P03 while he's allowed to cry for once and then they cuddle eachother to sleep because I say.
Oh how I wish I could make decent fanfiction :(
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