#and then i just fell reaaaaally hard for Lysander
idk-i-want-mcl-content · 11 months
Lysander is my main boy, I love him and he's close to my heart like no other, but I just got reminded that, if anything, I'm one of many because my best friends who I know since 2016 (bro we have been through HELL and cringe together it's amazing) thanks to My Candy Love are in love with him too.
So he's not my boyfriend, he's OUR boyfriend, get it?
(and also Castiel's bf they met first now come on now)
Something funny is that one of my friends is in love with Castiel, so we are literally that meme of "hi, this is my boyfriend Lysander and that's his boyfriend Castiel, also meet Castiel's partner, (name of bestie)”
But in my opinion castiel is his og boyfriend, if anything I came later so like, in universe of MCL HSL if Lysander broke up with me because of Cas I would be like you know what? That's fair.
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