#and uh I’m pretty sure dxh is why I first heard Riki…
trash-bats · 2 years
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your followers 🎶✨
I’ll pick 5 songs that have been played the most in the past year or so in particular, and as a challenge I won’t use anything from AFI/Blaqk Audio/DREAMCAR lol
1. “Toxic Eye” - Choir Boy
I found Choir Boy sometime last year, and maybe it’s the YouTube algorithms that keep giving me the music video for “Toxic Eye” again and again, but I can’t help but get this one stuck in my head. The “ba da daa, ba da daa da daaaa”’s are so delightful, and the atmosphere of a Choir Boy song is just so cozy.
2. “Napoleon” - Riki
Similar to Choir Boy its catchiness (“woah-oh oh, Napoleon”), just some simple synthpop goodness that makes you wanna dance.
3. “Mirror’s Image” - Rosegarden Funeral Party
RFP is a group I only found earlier this year, but I’ve fallen in love with their brand of Siouxsie-inspired goth rock. Their videos are aesthetically pleasing, and their songs have some gorgeous emotional vocals. I could have also went with “Gates of Heaven” or “Martyr” here, but “Mirror’s Image” just especially resonates with me.
4. PUP - “Full Blown Meltdown”
A friend of mine got me to listen to PUP a few months ago, and I especially enjoyed the Morbid Stuff album. This song in particular has a ton of energy, but I have to share it for another reason too…I’m pretty sure there’s a reference to AFI’s “The Great Disappointment” in it??? Listen to the guitar at 1:26 and tell me that’s not a reference to the part in TGD that goes “inside a crumbling effigy, but you promised”???!??
5. “Secrets (Your Fire)” - Magdalena Bay
Magdalena Bay’s Mercurial World album is fantastic and has some great tracks, but this one gets me even more because of its sublime music video. It’s like all of the old tech cheesy-ness that I love about Blaqk Audio’s “Anointed” video, but with late 90’s Internet aesthetics. It’s so much fun and such a visual treat.
(I’m not tagging for reasons, but if you see this and feel inclined to share some songs of your own, please do!!! Thanks for the tag @clovesmokeanddecaff )
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