#and yall act like they reinvented the wheel
blueiight · 5 months
Stop bolstering sources like these🙏🏾
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antiloreolympus · 2 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. even ignoring how silly the AOW is and how the nymphs are just fodder for persephone's "story", imagine how insulting it would be to likely end up hades' "eternal free labor" only to find out your "sister" had been living and working down in the underworld for weeks & 1) never mentioned or tried to see you and 2) made a bigger point to try and resurrect/pay for the people who KILLED YOU?? like persephone just ends up looking like she cares more about her reputation than her supposed "sisters"???
2. even ignoring the fact theyre the /same exact color/, why are we supposed to buy "the twins are zeus' kids" as some twist? rachel this is greek mythology even the most amateur fan would know it's more of a surprise if someone /isnt/ his kid. then again she wants us to buy "persephone is a fertility goddess" is a shocking twist as if  she's not literally a spring and vegetation goddess?? like yeah no shit she's a fertility goddess. hades is one too as well as most deities.
3. we have panels of daphne that went through rachel's sketches (which if they were  as fully rendered as she claims on instagram this wouldnt be an issue), inks, flats, colors, rachel putting in the dialogue, AND an editor looking at them and they cant keep the colors correct and straight up don't have her pointy ears and blue splotches gone. say what you will on more traditional comic and graphic novel publication, but at least you know youre getting a well produced product over this rushed mess.
4. that's honestly the thing tho? LO really is the most lazy trope-d, uninspired story if we really break it down. No tropes are subverted or shown in a creative way, plots are random and undeveloped if not dropped completely, they talk so much (!!) yet still remain so flat with little to no progression, and there is really no themes or messages beyond ... I'm not sure, poor people are bad? "Feminism" is when your world revolves around a man and female relationships are abusive? Classism is good?
5. Why does every single Eris redesign have her with long locks of feather hair? Can't a woman have a shaved head? A buzzcut? Or is that not 'feminine' enough for her fans 🙄
6. Nyx, to hades: “I had half a mind to steal you myself from your mother”
Also Nyx: *throws her actual child away to a piece of shit tyrant who is not good at all with kids*
Thank you Rachel for this great character consistency 😩
7. I'm not inherently against the idea of Hera knowing about Persephone's assault (though I'm not sure why she'd know just off touch?) however I do not understand why we're supposed to root for her going behind Persephone's back and telling it to others without her consent? Even making Hephaestus see the actual act, which is a huge breach of consent. I get it's supposed to be her helping, but it just seems like even Persephone's trauma isn't her own, it's for others to do as they please with it.
8. I hate how so many people excuse LO's poor writing and art as "that's how Webtoons are" as if they don't have countless beautifully written and drawn comics on there that get critic praise and awards without WT's massive marketing campaign behind them like they do for LO. There is a ton of talent and wonderful products on there that don't deserve to be dragged down because of LO's lacking quality having more focus. LO is the cheap fast food kiddie meal in a sea of high quality, gourmet options.
9. It honestly feels like the writing in LO is just Rachel going off overused tropes with nothing new added to it, fans comments, and thinking she's more clever than she is by doing random ideas and thinking it's "subversive". like ma'am, just listen to your editor and actually write something decent over trying to overcomplicate the story even more to make it seem more "serious" and thinking you're reinventing the wheel.
10. IDK why some of yall say Eris couldn't be a kid of Hera and Zeus (in myth) as they are the definition of a discord full relationship. Like they had the God of War and the Goddess of Bloodshed, how would discord be out of the question? Though, regardless, the only reason she's their kid in LO isn't Rachel thinking she's being "accurate" but rather needing a scapegoat for Persephone (reverse character development! RS is such a visionary) and to be like "see? all of Zeus' kids are bad!"
From OP: I wouldn’t say it’s a “all his kids are bad” thing since Hephaestus and Hebe are good. LO is just framing Zeus a a bad father in general, Eris being an exception since he had good reason to kick her out.
(I didn’t including Artemis and Apollo since he never had the chance to be their dad/involved in their lives until now.)
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She is Tired. She is ME.
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As a woman, we look at taking a break as being selfish. We may not express it as such, but it’s evident in our actions. Everything and everyone is a priority except ourselves. Constantly torn between making decisions and sacrificing. Breaking stereotypes and carrying the weight of being a super mom. 
I for one can tell you this! I don’t want to be a super mom. I don’t want a cape. I want a damn nap. 
Too often do we get sucked into the fact that if it doesn’t get done right now then we have failed. I am my biggest critic of this. (In my mind) I am so step-by-step and focused that it drives me insane when stuff just doesn’t go as planned. (Truthfully, most things do not go as I plan)... speaking of that! 
I have laundry to do- which now means going to the laundry mat, I never do my papers for school on time- because let’s be honest I ain’t got time sis- I will commend my friend for giving me the advice on doing my paper in sections...daily (I’ll try it.. thanks girl!), On the real tip balancing wife-life, motherhood, and being a full-time student and employee GOT DAMN GINAAAAAAA this is for the BIRDS! I’m barely making it lol, just holding on to God’s unchanging hand as the church folks sing... but yeah anywho... I also have a to-do list at work that continues to grow- email after email, with Per our last conversation...type of responses...  
In reality, when I step back and reflect... I really don’t plan. I am going with the flow like most of us... you know rolling with the punches.. and sis these punches are coming full throttle, right? Now, keep in mind I’m an artist and I’m sensitive about my ish, so just say right! I feel like I got some of yall shaking yall head in agreeance, with this blog tuhhnight honeyyyy...
“Work.. Work.. Work. Yeah you know I got That WORK”
Speaking of work. Why is that we go to work and will make the boss rich and then we come home poor? And poor does not have to be in the sense of monetary value. We have goals and dismiss them because something or someone else throws us off OUR course. 
Let’s say this together--> Invest in yourself sis! Invest in your family, your legacy! Now, this the ish I tell myself daily and probably have endless notebooks of tasks unfinished and goals collecting dust... don’t act like you don’t either sis and IF YOU DONT share your strategies with the village sis, so we all can WIN. 
But honey, a change is coming.
I am just being honest, telling my truth. I have a lot of working on me to do. Investing in my spirit first, my home...most importantly my man (HUSBAND), and my goals. 
And yall know I have to talk about one thing we don’t do: Self-Care....Are you There?
We limit our self-care because we just don’t have time. I know I am an honest hand raiser when I say that I slack in the self-care department. However, self-care is more than brushing your hair, taking a shower, and dollying yourself up. 
Self-care is taking a break, defining yourself, reinventing the wheel, appreciating your growth, setting goals, reflecting on what happened and what didn’t and why, acknowledging the changes you went through and recognizing what you need and figuring out what voice you need to get it done! 
Today’s Comeback Takeaway:
Let your hair down, sis, 
breathe and regroup. 
Love yourself with everything you have... on purpose. 
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