#anh hyeongseop scenario
imagineproduce101 · 7 years
Mall Date
Just a cute mall date with Hyeongseop. That’s it.
You watched in mild amusement as Hyeongseop tugged an incredibly ugly orange beanie on over his hair.
“I think it’s cute,” he declared, whipping out his phone to take a selca.
“Babe, you’re not Park Jihoon,” you replied, reaching up to yank the beanie off of his head, “let’s find something that matches your outfit better.”
The two of you had decided to go on a date to the mall, and Hyeongseop had already gotten a soft pretzel, played some arcade games and tried on about 20 samples of perfume at the Bath&Body Works shop. You were exhausted.
“Look at this t-shirt!” Hyeongseop exclaimed, holding up a women’s t-shirt with a deep v-neck and lacing that travelled up it.
“Different from your usual style,” you replied with a shrug—normally, Hyeongseop dressed exclusively in sweatshirts.
“No,  I mean for you!” He replied, shoving it towards you.
“Me?” You took one look at the v-neck and put it back on the rack, “no. We’re not shopping for me today.”
“Not even for a couples outfit?” He pleaded, pouting at you. You stared at your puppy of a boyfriend, your resolve weakening second by second.
“Fine,” you sighed, letting yourself get dragged to the plain t-shirt section. Hyeongseop picked out a pair of striped t-shirts, black pants for the both of you, and a pair of cute, fluffy black beanies.
“You know, you’re actually not that bad at this whole outfit picking thing,” you mused, watching Hyeongseop struggled with the bags of clothing that he’d just bought.
“That’s what I’ve been saying,” he complained, smiling cutely at you. You just laughed, leaning over to kiss him quickly.
“Hey, can we grab a snack or something?” Hyeongseop asked you, tugging you in the direction of the frozen yogurt shop, “I’m really hungry, and frozen yogurt sounds really good right now.”
You just shook your head, letting yourself get pulled into the cold store, Hyeongseop hurrying to grab one of the cups. He filled the cup with almost every flavor and topping, taking special care to get the most of your favorite flavor and topping.
The two of you sat outside the shop, sharing the cold treat as you talked about various things.
“I’m glad we came here today,” Hyeongseop commented, mouth full of chocolate frozen yogurt. You winced at the sight of some dripping down, using a napkin to wipe the dribbles off.
“It was a nice date,” you admitted, “and you got your pretzel and frozen yogurt.” Hyeongseop smiled happily.
“(y/n), we should take a selca!” he exclaimed, pulling out his phone and opening it to the camera. You sighed but placed your spoon down, smiling into the camera. “Okay, one… two…” right before he said three, he turned towards you, planting his (incredibly sticky) lips on your cheek. Your face morphed into a look of disgust, and Hyeongseop quickly snapped the picture.
He started laughing as he examined it, zooming in on the disgusted look on your face.
“No, Hyeongseop, delete that!” You complanined, reaching over to grab the phone. He just giggled, happily setting it as his wallpaper and lockscreen right then and there.
“I think it’s cute,” he said proudly, showing his new lockscreen to you. You just smiled at your cheerful boyfriend, leaning into his side as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders, sharing the last of your frozen yogurt.
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imagineproduce101 · 7 years
Ahn Hyeongseop Mafia AU
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you were a college student, just trying to get your degree
you knew of ahn hyeongseop because you shared your business management 201 class with him
he was handsome, you had to give him that, but he also came across as a bit of an asshole?
he never talked to anyone except for his friend euiwoong, and one time when you’d accidentally bumped into him, he shoved you away quickly
like dude what’s your problem
anyways back to you
as a college student, you were already broke
but your family was also not financially stable, and you had a job, but most of the money went to your family
the small apartment that you rented was in a bad part of the city
your friends, who were all better-off, offered to help you but you were too prideful to accept someone’s pity
one night, you were leaving your apartment for work on a friday night, about 8 pm
you were locking the door to your apartment when you heard a loud bang from the building next to yours
the building housed a club that you knew also dealt with drugs and sex trafficking
as you were leaving the building to head out to the main street where your bus stop was, you froze
ahn hyeongseop was exiting the building, a spray of a dark crimson liquid spattered on the front of his crisp white shirt, tucking a black object into the waistband of his nice slacks
you must have whimpered or something, because his head whipped around to face you, eyes piercingly intense
you bowed quickly and raced off, fear thrumming through your veins
all through your shift that night, you kept replaying that scene of hyeongseop exiting the club with blood on his shirt
you trudged home slowly, pondering what it meant
you knew that 101, the area’s crime syndicate, was powerful-- maybe he worked for them?
you’d heard about what happened to people who witnessed the 101′s crimes, and you became slightly paranoid, glancing over your shoulder as you walked from the bus stop to your apartment
you quickly took out your keys, eager to get inside
you noticed that the mat in front of your door was messed up and you frowned, straightening it before hurrying inside the apartment
“sorry to do this, (y/n),” someone said quietly before your covering your mouth and nose in a rag, soaked with a sweet-smelling, icy cold liquid
you struggled, reaching your hand up to tug the hand away to no prevail
you felt your eyelids and tongue growing heavier, thoughts blurring into each other
you felt your knees buckle and you crumpled to the floor
as your eyes fluttered shut, you felt someone catch you, and you could have sworn you saw ahn hyeongseop’s concerned face
when you came to, you were sitting in a rickety metal chair
three guys sat across from you-- hyeongseop on one side, some girl on the other, and a face you’d seen one too many times-- kang daniel, the heir to 101, the reigning mob
“so. (y/n),” the girl said, tossing a file of pictures and official documents onto the metal table
your eyes darted between the three people, resting on hyeongseop’s downcast face
if you didn’t know any better, you’d say he looked almost guilty
“huge financial issues,” the girl continued, setting out a few documents-- your family’s tax papers, your dad’s hospital bills, the federal documents that helped you pay for college
“and your poor dad,” daniel clicked his tongue, “he really needs to stay at the hospital, doesn’t he?”
“don’t talk about my father,” you snapped, lifting your chin defiantly
daniel chuckled, setting something on the table
the sight of a gun, matte black, heavy, made your mouth dry
“(y/n), you have two options,” daniel said, picking the gun up slowly
out of the corner of your eye, you could see hyeongseop swallow
“one,” he said, loading the gun with a smooth ‘click’, “i point, aim and shoot. quite messy, lots of cleanup.” 
suddenly, you were staring down the barrel of a military-issue handgun
“two,” he continued, pulling the gun away from your third eye to examine it casually, “you join the 101.”
“like hell i’m joining the fucking mafia,” you snapped, jolting in your seat. in the corner of your eye, you saw hyeongseop stare at you, wide-eyed
daniel stared at you, eyes steely, “(y/n), i’m giving you another chance, only because hyeongseop seems to like you. i normally don’t do this. we’ll make your decision easier.”
hyeongseop set a briefcase on the table, its heaviness making the metal table thud
he clicked it open to review bricks of money in cash
“accept, and you walk away with your life and the ability to care for your family. you won’t have to work a job anymore, and we’ll double your current pay”
your jaw tightened, contemplating your options-- die or join the mafia and save your family?
you reached out to accept the gun that daniel was offering, your hands curling around the icy cold metal
hyeongseop’s knuckles turned white
you get placed on the intel team, or as everyone in 101 seems to call them, “the sprouts”--apparently they’re called that due to their collective young age
instead of going to work, you head to the 101 hq, and you spend most of your time watching cctv videos of government officials to make sure they’re not doing anything fishy
euiwoong, who turns out to be a member of 101 as well, is the leader of the sprouts, is kind, and you’re surprised how good at leading he is despite him being younger than you
you and hyeongseop develop something akin to a friendship, and you spend most of your time working with him or euiwoong
at uni, euiwoong and hyeongseop greet you know, causing a lot of people to wonder how you became friends with people so cold as them
hyeongseop checks up on you, and one time when you had to skip ‘work’ due to a cold, he even brought you soup, smiling happily when you thanked him
you could tell that you were starting to develop feelings for him, but you tried to ignore it, knowing that he was bad news 
but still, your initial impression of him being cold was totally disproved, his puppy-like, quirky attitude soon surfacing
you’d seen the boy down four raw eggs like they were fucking tequila shots-- he wasn’t ‘mr. cold guy’ in your mind anymore
you fit into the sprouts’ dynamic easily, becoming friends with all of them, joking around easily
justin huang, another ‘sprout’ seems to really like you as well, and it almost seemed like he was flirting with you?
tbh it was hard to tell bc justin was so flirty, and you two had become friends
but he would wink at you and such, and you confirmed that he was doing something when, after he got your number, he started sending you shirtless selcas
(is this not something justin huang would 100% do)
one time, you were arriving to the sprouts room (such a dorky name for a team of dorks LOLOLOL) when you heard people arguing
“you don’t own her, hyung,” you heard justin snap
“i didn’t say i fucking owned her,” hyeongseop replied angrily, “i’m saying that i don’t want you flirting with her”
“guys, guys, this isn’t worth it,” euiwoong yelled, trying to quiet the boys down
“just because you’re like, in fucking love with her doesn’t mean that i can’t pursue her,” justin shouted “this isn’t middle school, hyung.”
“but you’re not pursuing her,” hyeongseop yelled, “i know you, you’d get her in bed and dump her the next day! i’m not gonna let you hurt her like that”
“you do do that, justin,” seunghyuk commented dryly
“oh, stay out of this”
“justin, don’t talk to your hyungs like that,” zheng ting said sharply
deciding that you’d definitely heard enough, you knocked on the door, barging in
“hyeongseop, let’s talk,” you said, glaring at the younger
“(y/n)!” euiwoong glanced between you and hyeongseop worridly, but you were more focused on hyeongseop
the two of you went to a smaller room and you faced him, crossing your arms
“(y/n),” he said hesitantly, “i’m sorry you had to hear that.”
“why are you fighting with justin about this?” you asked with a sigh, leaning against the wall, “it’s not worth it, and you know it. you guys are friends.”
he looked down at you stubbornly, “he shouldn’t be saying stuff about you like that.”
you rolled your eyes, gesturing back to the room, “make up with justin and then we can go on a date”
he immediately perked up, smiling widely at you, “wait, really?”
“go,” you replied, pushing him back towards the room
you had to go deliver a file to daniel and seongwoo, so you weren’t sure what exactly what happened, but that night, hyeongseop walked you home
as he waited for you to duck inside your apartment, you spun around, kissing him lightly on the lips
his eyes widened, looking down at you as he stammered awkwardly
“(y/n), I’m sorry that I couldn’t confess to you cutely.”
“aw, you’re cute anyways”
it occurred to me that when the yuehua sprouts debut and gain fans who weren’t around during pd101, they’ll have no idea what the eggslurping meme is...
....and then it’ll become the “you got no jams” of the yuehua sprouts fandom and we’ll all be begging stans to stop making eggslurper memes lmao
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