#ani’mal pup
the-pale-spider · 2 years
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Ani’mal likes to set things on fire…
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the-pale-spider · 2 years
Do you by any chance have a story of your clan/headcanons/OC's it would be nice to know!
I don’t have anything in Wattpad or Ao3. But I have drawings and things like that I am working on.
So far I have two OCs. Tal’ma (also nicked named Tal’mama lol) and her only child, Ani’mal.
Tal’ma is a pale yellow color with grey/light blue eyes. Tal’ma had fertile issues and spent MANY years trying to have pup. She did ANYTHING to help her reach her dream. Finally she successfully has one, Ani’mal. Sadly she didn’t get to watch her daughter grow up but that is probably for the best
Ani’mal is HUGE. She was even big as a pup. Everyone would joke that her mother was going to have twins but Ani’mal ate them. Also when I say Ani’mal is huge I’m not just talking about her height. This women is THICC. Also she is a bad blood
Also another idea I have for the clan is that they do mourn anyone that has died. Pups, young bloods, ect. Even those they didn’t know. Why? Because they were alive and now they gone. For pups and young bloods they have a special spot for them to be buried at. It takes them a few days to get there, depending on where the clan is staying at the time. And if a female dies during child birth she is buried there too. 
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