#anything graveyard related! So Ellie's Flora costume was designed by her too-
I see a little silhouette of a man || AU Prompts
BOO jump scaring you with more of these ╰[✿•̀o•́✿]╯
These are based on specific AU prompts that I think ships would be cute in,,, most of them are story based, but I’ll try and include some silly ship interactions in there (^∇^) maybe I’ll even throw in some quotes for interaction prompts (✿ ◕ᗜ◕)━♫.*・。゚
More of me being completely useless on main/j
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And You’re the Prettiest Flower Of Them All || Assorted Wonderland AU Prompts
You wake up in a different world, a strange strange world unlike any you’ve ever seen before.
In this AU, your ship partner can be on one of 4 sides. The Mad Hatter Side, the Red Queen of Hearts Side, the White Queen of Hearts Side and the Anomaly’s Side (such as the Cheshire Cat or the Blue Caterpillar) they are descendants from the original AiW characters… so take that as you will!
Alice Friendship for the Win!! » You’re simply having a picnic when you fall asleep. It’s only for a moment, you swear. When you wake up, you find yourself being shaken by a blonde girl named Alice. What’s your response?
» That’s odd. You finally noticed you’re not wearing your picnic outfit anymore. What are you wearing now?
Mad Hatter Side » You follow Curious Alice until you come across a tea party. There’s an odd ginger fellow with several hats, another rabbit, and a sleepy mouse. Also there, is a small group of people, sharing similar characteristics to the three people in the group. Who is catching your eye?
» They are all having an unbirthday party, but the topic positively confuses you. Nonetheless, the Madder Hatter offers you a sweet treat or a calming drink. Which one are you taking?
» Your partner offers to share their cake with you! They think you’re funny they enjoy your vibes! What do you say to their request?
» You’re talking to them when you notice the oddest thing about them! What is it? Is it their eyes? Their hair? Is it something off about their ears?
» You come across a pack of singing flowers! What flower is the prettiest of them all?
Red Queen of Hearts Side » You've finally made it to the Red Queen of Heart's castle, when you spot the most striking card soldier! What’s the first thing about them that you notice?
» But before you can say anything, they apprehend you! Yeah they may have tackled you... but they’re kind of hot though. What the hotter than being tackled tbh/j
» They take you to the Red Queen's dungeon, where they lock you up until judgment! But, guarding you all is your one and only partner! Do you try and convince them to let you go? How?
» You've finally met the Red Queen, and oh boy, they're frightening! So mean and rough, you wonder how anyone can be so cruel, beheading all of those who get in their path... what do you say to the queen? Do you have some... choice words for her lmao?
Anamoly's Side » You're lost in the forest, and just when you think it can't get any worse... you start to see things! One eye... and then another eye... and then the wide, odd smile! Oh, silly Cheshire! "My my, the little adventurers have gotten lost once again. Whatever am I going to do with you~?" How do you respond?
» You come across a baker within the entrance room, holding a jar of cookies titled "Eat Me!" and a bottle that says "Drink Me!". The strange baker offers you one, do you take it? Be sure to give your compliments to the chef!
» You come across a blue caterpillar sitting in a flower, smoking something from an odd pipe. You call out, but you are ignored. What do you do now? Surely you won't let yourself be ignored, not in a situation as odd as this!
White Queen of Hearts Side » After escaping execution, you run into a stranger in the forest! They say they're with the White Queen, and take you to see her! What do you say to them?
» You see another set of card soldiers! Although... maybe you should keep your distance. You don't fancy getting tackled. Oh, but they're nice. One of them even serves you a warm cup of tea! What do you say to them?
» You finally meet the White Queen of Hearts!! She is nothing like the Red Queen... but this is good. Maybe she can help you out? What do you say to her? Don't ask her on a date right away, be classy lol
Returning Home » You've successfully survived wonderland, but now you're presented with two choices...
» Do you leave? Leaving wonderland all behind, your friends and your partner? How do you plan to memorialize the experience?
» Or do you stay, and become a part of the madness? What faction would you belong to? Is it the same as your partner... or different?
» You run into someone on the surface world who reminds you of the love you left behind... how do you introduce yourself? What do you say?
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Scaramouche? I know no one by that name! I wonder if he'll do the fandango though... || Gamer + Streamer AU
» You've finally convinced your partner to play a video game with you! What's your video game of choice? Are you willing to carry them in the game... or are they on their own?
» You're playing Genshin Impact together when you hear them ask you "why's the wish turning gold? Babeee-" You look over and see they got a double 5-star, both the event banner character! What are the odds? What is your reaction?
» You're playing in coop when you notice your partner is low on HP! The boss is about to do a crazy move that can kill them, but you have a healing skill! You can't use it for a few more moments, because of the cooldown. What do you tell them to keep them alive?
» You're playing Among Us on proximity chat when you hear your partner faintly going "taking out the trash like a good crewmate la dee daa". You're one of the imposters, and you know they're alone, and you only need 1 more kill to win the game. What's your game plan?
» You're playing Just Dance with your partner and all your friends! How do you make this session special? Character costumes based on the coaches? Baked goods? Karaoke?
» You're still playing Just Dance when someone mentions that you should all play for prizes. The loser has to do whatever the winner says. You play a round with your partner, and you come out as the winner of this song! What are you going to make them do?
» You're playing monopoly when you land on your partner's property, but you don't have enough to pay the fee! What do you do to get out of paying them? Don't say bankruptcy, don't be cheap smh/ih
» You're playing Phasmophobia! You're in the truck when you notice the activity starting to spike! Oh no! You and your partner go to try and warn the person in the house... but it's too late. As you reach the house, you can faintly hear them screaming in terror through the walls! Your partner busts out laughing! How do you react?
» You're playing Identity V! You're an A badge hunter, and you're playing matches in quick match mode when you finally get a match! You look at the usernames, you realize your partner is one of the survivors in game! They're pretty new to the game, and therefore, not the best survivor... what do you do?
» On the other end... you are a new survivor and you run into your partner in quick match, an A badge hunter! They spare you in match! What do you do? How do you express your love :)
» Your partner just got Final Fantasy VII, and they've been playing it nonstop! You come to check on them, and find they've fallen asleep with the control in their hands... what do you do now?
» Your partner has invited YOU to play Roblox Doors! You've never played it before, and you've just encountered your first jumpscare by Dupe! But your partner can't stop laughing... what's your response? They led you straight to it! Menace!
» You, a couple of friends and your partner are all playing Omori/Undertale! You're having fun with it, and voicing all the characters to the best of your abilities when you enter your first boss battle! What's the first thing you do? Attack? Retreat?
» And the classic truth or dare game... Your partner chooses dare! What's the wildest dare you can think of? Don't be shy hehe
» You're a new streamer! You're streaming your activity of choice when you get your first viewer and future significant other! They say "hii" in the chat! How do you respond? What are you streaming?
» You're streaming something when they return back home. You can hear them yell that they're home. The chats' asking who that was! What do you say?
» Your streaming career has taken you to an exciting event, and you want to bring your partner! Where are you guys going?
» You're a sewing/cosplaying streamer, and your partner is on stream as you use them as a mannequin! They ask you what you're making! What are you making? Tell them about it!
» You're a baking/cooking streamer, and your partner is helping you mix/cut things! But, mischief arises as your partner attacks you with frosting! Oh, that's it! How are you getting back at them?
» You're a gaming streamer, but you just can't seem to get past this boss... so you can in your backup! Your partner beats it in one try, and you're shocked! What do you say?
» Alternatively, your partner comes in and roasts your character builds! How does your gamer ego take the blows/j
» You're a streamer who works with machines! Your partner comes in and asks what you're doing! Do you give them the simple version, or do you do into depth about it?
» Your partner is a dancing streamer! You're watching them dance when they fall! Oh no! What do you do?
» Your partner is a streamer who plays some form of music! You want to be funny, but also support them by making a donation! By donating, you also get to request a song! What are you requesting?
» Your partner is an artist streamer, and you're watching one of their streams when you notice who they're drawing!! They're drawing... you! What's your reaction?
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Hey, do you hear something odd? Could've sworn it sounds like a guy screaming. || Magic Academy Mystery AU
» You are a new student at this magical academy! There are a bunch of different students here, but one catches your eye! What do they look like, what's their vibes? Can you tell anything about them based on their mannerisms? What dorm do you think they're in? Researcher's Block? Summoner's Block? Mystical Abilities' Block? Exorcist's Block? Creator's Block? Give us your best guesses! [if you send this ask, you can always reblog it with the OC's school information! See how well the ships know one another/ih]
» You're eating lunch when you run into your crush, covered in food... someone accidentally spilled their lunch on them :( [whether it was accidental on purpose, you decide :)] What do you do?
» Oh man, class was hard! But you're finally out for the weekend, yay! On your way back to your assigned dorm, you run into your crush, sitting on a nearby bench, absorbed in their craft/research/game. You want to say hi, how do you do it?
» You're going to the library to go study when you hear someone scream! Do you go investigate what happened?
» Nonetheless, you discover your crush unconscious in a corner of the library! It looks like they were attacked, and their shirt was torn in the process... what do you do now?
Researcher's Block Interaction Prompts » Your crush asks for your help with their project! What do you say? Do you want to help them? Do you want to know more before making a decision?
» Alternatively, you're the researcher who has to go d a project, and you want to recruit your crush's help! What do you say to convince them?
Summoner's Block Interaction Prompts » Your crush is a summoner who's trying their best to summon something... but it just isn't working out. So you offer to observe them! They manage to finally summon something... a bunch of stuffed animals! But... they accidentally dropped them all on you. What's your reaction?
» Alternatively, you're practicing your summoning skills, when your crush walks by! But, in that brief moment... you accidentally summon an angelmon, and drop it on your crush. How embarrassing! What you do say to them?
Mystical Abilities' Block Interaction Prompts » Your crush is preparing for midterms... which means they need the upmost energy and concentration! So you bring them a nice homecooked lunch :)
» Alternatively, you're out there practicing your abilities when your crush sees you! They don't approach you, but you can see them, watching in awe. You're planning on scaring/surprising them! How do you use your abilities to do it? Gotta get that practice in somehow!
Exorcist's Block Interaction Prompts » Your crush is going to exorcise their first demon today! They did it... but they got injured in the process. You have a bit of first-aid knowledge, what do you do? Should you help?
» Alternatively, you're about to got exorcise your first demon, but you're a bit nervous. Your crush tries to cheer you up! How do they try and cheer you up? Does it work?
Creator's Block Interaction Prompts » Your crush is working on their next creation, one that's going to help the outer world a lot! And you're in charge of making sure they eat! What are you making them for lunch?
» You need a muse for your creative projects. You're going through the different people volunteering when you see them. Your crush. What about them is so alluring to you?
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Hey look! We're matching!! || Actor Essence/Package AU
» You and your partner get matching A tiers in an upcoming package! You guys get to brainstorm ideas! What ideas do you have for the matching elements?
» You've finally settled on a theme for your package, and now it's time to try them on! What's your favorite part of the costume? What bits match with your partner?
» It's time to film the trailer/teaser for the package! Isn't that exciting? Tell us your favorite moment from filming!
» Did you have a favorite blooper from the recording sessions??? What was the most memorable thing your partner did on set?
» Be honest... did you try on each other's outfits? Did they fit???
» What was the story of the package skins? Be creative! Is it a love story? A tragedy? Is it inspired by something? *making grabby hands rn*
» Did you thank the designers, Miss Tomie and Miss Nikki? You gotta make sure to say thank you, you guys ╰[✿•̀o•́✿]╯can't let Angel do all the hard work smh/ih [don't ask anyone this i put it in as a joke/lh]
» Do you think you'd do another set of matching costumes with your partner? If so, what?
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What in the world is this?! || Miscellaneous Prompts + Quotes
» "Dude, I think I'm dying." "You're not dying." "How? You're so cute, it's killing me!"
» "I love the way you smile. It's warmer than the sun."
» *insert beach episode here*
» cosplaying as your favorite video game ship together
» feeding the ducks, again. it never gets old.
» playing hide and seek together
» baking a cake together
» watching a horror movie together
» you are watching Uncle Roger together. that's it. that is the whole prompt lol
» getting a puppy together!
» getting married [but for real!]
» modern au
» an idol meeting their shyest fan!!
» an artist finally finding their muse after years of searching.
» adopting a kid together!!
» your partner is a children's show animator and you hear them yell that they're going to animate god into an early grave. You have o idea what that means but you are... confused.
» you're a popular creator of some kind, and you meet your partner because a 'submit your own design' event.
» you're a doll customizer and you have to explain the benefits of putting the headless doll body outside on a hanger to dry and why you're not just secretly just a doll serial killer.
» you're bored so you and your partner go through reddit. have fun
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