#anyway. back to uni? yes and no because i'm very fond of getting a salary but i love learning more than most things
imminentinertia · 2 months
Get To Know Me Tag Game
@telomeke tagged me, and I enjoyed your post <3
do you make your bed?
In the morning, I fluff my pillow and turn down the duvet to air the mattress. Fitted sheet doesn't move much around.
what's your favourite number?
21 (if you know, you know)
what is your job?
I'm a [redacted] at [redacted], mostly working with [redacted] and [redacted], and my going to Vienna a lot has nothing to do with Vienna up until recent years being the spy capital of the world.
if you could go back to school, would you?
Depends. I will maim anyone trying to send me back to primary or lower secondary, but if I could bring all I know now, I'd be back in upper secondary before you could say "the dawn of the slut era". I had a lot of fun those years, and I loved so many of my teachers and subjects.
can you parallel park?
I don't have a driver's licence, and parallel parking isn't part of my limited knowledge of driving a car.
a job you had that would surprise people?
I'm pretty certain people who know me and know how much I hate talking to random strangers think being a salesperson is wildly out of character for me, but I was honestly good at it. It helped a lot that I was selling something people need (insurance).
do you think aliens are real?
I find it difficult to believe that we *gesticulates wildly* are the only sentient beings in the universe. Come the fuck on.
can you drive a manual car?
No. Not a non-manual car either.
what's your guilty pleasure?
It's taken me years to get there, but I no longer feel guilty about anything I enjoy. I regret it when I scarf down an entire bag of Olw Cheez Ballz, but that has mostly to do with being uncomfortably full.
I don't have any, I've been dithering about that my entire adult life, but I'm interested in the cultural history and expression of tattoos and I love rather a lot of tattoo styles.
favorite color?
Dark teals, silver, light sage green tones.
Tumblr media
favorite type of music?
Ahaha. Well. Anything that makes my brain buzz? What I've come to realise is that I need something from music that resists me a bit, something jagged, sinister, haunting or filthy. Something that's not a dime a dozen. Something a bit spiky. Like this new song from Beth Gibbons.
do you like puzzles?
YES I DO INDEED. Any sort. This is where almost all of my possibilities for addiction live.
any phobias?
All out phobias, I don't really know. I have phobic reactions to some insects and body fluids and any sort of injury to eyes and nails (ridiculously specific, this).
favorite childhood sport?
Ew no. Ballet kid in rabid handball/football territory, I developed allergies to sports in general. Okay, I played and enjoyed badminton, to be fair.
do you talk to yourself?
Oh yes. Sometimes out loud. In several languages.
what movies do you adore?
Can I do a separate post on this? To name a few: The Fall, Gosford Park, The Handmaiden, Some Like It Hot, Thelma, Immortel, Pojkarna, Das Leben der Anderen
coffee or tea?
Ooooh depends. I love so many hot and iced coffee drinks, and iced matcha with oat milk, and black strong tea, and tisanes omg, and and and I think I need another lungo with a splash of milk. Coffee maybe wins?
first thing you wanted to be growing up?
An archaeologist. I blame reading several books by Thor Heyerdahl as a child.
As usual, if you've read this far I pronounce you tagged (please tag me if you do the post, I'm curious).
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