#apologies for the delay i got sleepy headache disease last night
swordbreakerz · 5 months
17 and 24 for the book asks
24 answered here!
17. Did any books surprise you with how good they were?
a lot of them! i was amazed by ancillary justice and how absolutely fun breq is as a narrator, a strange and stubborn endurance obliterated me, which was amazing given i already knew i was probably going to really enjoy it based on geninsula reviews, similary with a taste of gold and iron i had a blast with that one, i'm currently pleasantly surprised with how much i'm enjoying we hunt the flame, i took a chance on that book. the whole chorus of dragons series as well, that one is especially impressive because of the sheer amount of Stuff ms lyons throws at you every chapter, theres an incredible amount of information in those books, totally nuts worldbuilding, not to mention the headache inducing family trees and character relationships that make me want to start chewing on my phone, but it has its claws firmly in me and i'm thoroughly enjoying the ride
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