arunveda · 3 years
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guestcanpost · 3 years
How to boost energy when tired?
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Do you feel tired after doing a little more than the minimum? Does it take a lot to keep your eyes open in the afternoon? Do you feel like you need to sleep more even after taking a sufficient amount of sleep at night? A lot of us feel this way, this tiredness is generally because of our constantly busy lifestyles. Now days everyone is in a hurry to reach somewhere or complete something. This constant hurry has made us tired, so tired that a shot of coffee or instant energy drinks only help us for a little while, leaving us more tired and drained after a time. Here are few tips and tricks that are going to help you get over this tiredness and get your energy back. - Eat at regular intervals - The body requires fuel (food) to survive, and without it, our energy levels and mood will plummet. Normal, nutritious meals and snacks, on the other hand, can help to increase cognitive capacity. However, not having enough sleep will lead us to eat when we aren't really hungry, so listen to your stomach before you eat. - Light up - Circadian patterns can affect how aware we are, but one study discovered that feeling more awake (at any time of day) can be as simple as turning on the lights. - Cut the Caffeine - Caffeine can be avoided by someone who is sleepy, according to the Royal College of Psychiatrists. The easiest way to achieve this, according to the report, is to steadily eliminate all caffeine beverages over a three-week span. - Caffeine is found in- Tea, coffee, cola, energy drinks - To see how you get less sleepy without coffee, try abstaining from it for a month. - Drink Water - Dehydration will make you feel exhausted and drained. You don't have to drink eight glasses of water a day, so you can drink enough water to keep your body hydrated. When you don't get thirsty and your urine is light in colour, you're well hydrated. Every few hours, try to get to the fridge or water cooler for a refill. The trip there will even assist you in waking up. - Eat Nuts - A handful of nuts, such as almonds or peanuts, are rich in magnesium and folate (folic acid). These nutrients are essential for the development of energy and cells. You may feel tired if you don't have enough of these nutrients in your system. - Exercise - Exercise is important for lowering the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. - It will also help you feel more energised if you follow a sedentary lifestyle. - This can sound counterintuitive, since waking up and shifting your body may be the last thing on your mind when you're exhausted. - Fortunately, you don't have to do intense exercises to reap these advantages. - In particular, one study showed that engaging in low-intensity cycling on a daily basis reduced fatigue in sedentary people with chronic, unexplained fatigue by about 65 percent. - Other experiments have shown that going on a 10-minute stroll when you're sleepy is a better "pick me up" than enjoying a snazzy drink. - Sing your favorite tune - Everyone understand that singing necessitates breath regulation. There's enough extra oxygen pumping to keep you energised for a whole album, not to mention the adrenaline rush of getting it to the stage. Furthermore, one study found that singing improved college students' energy levels dramatically (more than just listening quietly). - Loose the extra weight - It can be exhausting to bear extra weight on the body. It also puts additional pressure on your heart, making you exhausted. You'll be much more energetic if you lose weight. - Apart from eating healthily, being healthier and doing more is the easiest way to shed weight and hold it off. - Get some sun - A few minutes of walking outdoors on a wet, clear day can improve mood, memory, and the ability to absorb new knowledge, according to research. Going outside might also help you feel better for yourself. If you can't get back, at the very least open the shades. - Socialize - Maintaining good health necessitates strong social ties. - One of the common influences in parts of the world with unusually low disease rates and a large number of centenarians (people who survive to be over 100 years old) is a good social support network. - Social isolation can lead to depression and exhaustion, particularly when you get older. - In reality, it is assumed that individuals with stronger social networks have greater physical and mental wellbeing as they age. - If you're bored and depressed, getting out socializing with friends, joining a social club, or taking up a new hobby that gets you out and about can help. These easy tricks will help you boost your energy and sail through the day with a happy and attentive mind. You can also try best energy booster capsules from Arunveda which are safe, natural and vegan. Buy best energy booster supplements today and get the kick you need. Read the full article
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arunveda · 2 years
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arunveda · 2 years
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arunveda · 2 years
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arunveda · 2 years
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arunveda · 2 years
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arunveda · 2 years
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arunveda · 2 years
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arunveda · 2 years
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arunveda · 2 years
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arunveda · 3 years
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arunveda · 3 years
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arunveda · 3 years
How to manage anxiety with Ayurveda?
Anxiety is one of the most common mental health issues today but the sad reality is no matter what you do, even simple existence can give you stress & anxiety, the problem occurs when anxiety starts to take over your normal life, consumes you & becomes overwhelming that it starts to hamper your routine activities.
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Anxiety is defined as intense, excessive & constant feeling of worry and fear about everyday things classified by the symptoms of faster heart rate, heavy breathing or sighing, sweating, nausea or vomiting, headaches, tiredness, you will encounter either one or many of these symptoms to know that our anxiety is real.
Anxiety in Ayurveda
Anxiety is often ignored in the name of stress & tension but it can lead to dysfunction of an individual, we do not talk about the crippling effects of it considering the taboo attached to mental health ✨.
Anxiety can be understood as an imbalance of the doshas, when vata dosha is secreted in excess & gets accumulated in Mano vaha srota of the nervous system. The raised levels of the vata dosha means that to create harmony we need to incorporate the other two doshasi.e Kapha & pitta as well.
Anxiety in Ayurveda can also be explained as having a cloudy/windy mind.
Balancing the doshas is the key ingredient to fight with anxiety.
Here are 5 tips to improve anxiety.
Be an early riser- Anxiety makes it difficult for the person to follow his daily life routine but getting up a little early in the morning will help you psychologically. You can get up to get a cup of herbal tea, and can take a brisk walk around. These will help you to give mental clarity.
Meditation 🧘‍♂️ and Yoga- The act of meditation has immense powers to heal and stabilize your mood. It helps you to connect with your own self in a spiritual way. The union of your mind with real you helps to have a new perspective. Exercising not only channelizes the energy in order for you to have better control but also stimulates your happy hormone secretion in the natural way making you feel better.
Eating Schedule - Food plays an extremely important role in every aspect of your life, your digestion is connected to your brain 🧠 and immunity. Assuming your digestive fire is similar to a burning furnace and food is the fuel, you should make sure to have a smooth digestive system so that the nutrients travel to other parts of the body in order to maintain a healthy harmony inside and ensure smooth functioning.
Breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen and dinner like a slave.
Eating at regular intervals at the right time is essential for balancing doshas.
#Eat your breakfast 🥣 somewhere between 7 to 9 o' clock in the morning.
#Lunch should happen between 12 to 1:30
at noon.
# Dinner timings should be between 5:00 to 7:00 o' clock
Fresh four squared meals 3 times a day can save you a lot of effort.
Ashwagandha - The premium herb is known to have been in Ayurvedic use for more than 3000 years. There's nothing like it, hailed as the queen of herbs because of it's adaptogenic property & abundant medicinal qualities.
Dried root powder of this herb 🌿 is used as the medicine can be combined with healthy fat such as ghee to be taken every day with a warm glass of milk.
The Ayurvedic Shirodhara- Ayurveda is the holistic science which firmly believes and acknowledges that a disciplined way to life can help you prevent a lot of health problems. It focuses more on prevention and causes of diseases than the cure.
The act of Shirodhara is the Ayurvedic way to calm your frayed nervous system. Shiro means head and dhara means stream, a stream of warm oil is gently and continuously poured onto the forehead to stimulate the blood circulation in the brain along with the pituitary gland in order. This process is known to provide a deep sense of relaxation in the mind and body, which helps the nervous system to soothe and heal on its own.
Write how you feel- Anxiety comes from a place of uncertainty, fear and doubt, write your everyday life on a piece of paper to pour everything out from your system. You can even focus on maintaining a journal.
Communicate - Human beings aresocial animals. As much as some of us may like to despise the idea of being with people, we all know that we need a few friends and family to communicate and survive. Share your problems and anxieties with people you love and trust. Do not hesitate to visit a therapist if needed.
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arunveda · 3 years
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arunveda · 3 years
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