#as soon as I can afford it I'm gonna get a goofy saiyaman tattoo and it will be my pride and joy
hanazukashii · 8 months
I love the Great Saiyaman.
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This poor boy went through severe trauma for the first 12-or-so years of his life and lost his entire childhood to violence, tragedy and loss.
He could have taken all that darkness within him and become the baddest most-emo teen edgelord ever to walk the planet, but instead he chose to become a dorky goofy superhero to protect the innocent.
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He is pure cringe at his core but he fights for others to make sure no one else ever has to go through what he went through.
And when he grows into an adult he becomes a well-adjusted loving father with an incredible wife, an adorable daughter, and a loving extended family? Slay, Gohan, slay.
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