#avano ha u
nesiclor · 10 months
In Animator vs Animation: Nobody's Onboard, there is a concept working off some overly-complicated lore in HollowHead powers, that allows them to manifest within the element that they specialise in controlling. This is exactly what Ethereal SC is. He is a manifestation of his kinetic energy. Here's some concept sketches of other HollowHeads doing this. Although I doubt it'll be put into much use since it has a massive downside for how OP it is - you have to be asleep and it uses a LOT of energy. (With the exception of Mo-fuvaan(and whoever learned her mist form), since she specialises in the change of state of matter)
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Also honourable mention of the Drawpile sketch of Ha-u:
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Just to quench curiosity: the first drawing of SC with the text is just his classic catchphrase in his language.
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tourquiaviajes-blog · 5 years
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TUna manera exclusiva y rápida de visitar Capadocia desde Estambul ¿Dispone de escaso tiempo tras su visita a Estambul? Les ofrecemos un exclusivo viaje de ida y vuelta a Capadocia en dos días, para que se maraville ante los portentos geológicos de esta región turca, ya sea descubriéndolos en 4x4, squad, motocicleta o en globo; un destino obligatorio en su viaje a Turquía.   DIA 1 Estambul - CapadocIa Por la tarde, traslado al aeropuerto para tomar el avión a Kayseri. De Kayseri continuamos a Capadocia (85 kms). Llegada al hotel, cena y alojamiento. DIA 2 Capadocia Todo el día dedicado a explorar y descubrir esta fascinante región, única en el mundo, en la que junto a su fantástico paisaje lunar con bellas y extrañas formaciones de lava procedentes de la erupción del Monte Erciyas y de la acción de la erosión, encontraremos infinidad de pequeñas poblaciones, iglesias y otros lugares interesantes: el Valle de Göreme, increíble complejo monástico bizantino integrado por iglesias excavadas en la roca, con bellísimos frescos, los pueblitos trogloditas de Paşabağ en Zelve, la fortaleza natural de Uçhisar, Ortahisar, las chimeneas de hadas de Ürgüp, conos de piedra coronados por rocas planas; Avanos, pueblo de centros artesanales y tejeduría, entre otros parajes increíbles. También puede visitar una ciudad subterránea. Estas ciudades fueron construidas como refugios por los cristianos de la época y se componen de varios pisos bajo tierra, ventilados por chimeneas, donde se pueden admirar los dormitorios comunes, las cocinas y los comedores. Finalizamos el día con la visita a un taller artesanal de alfombras. Por la tarde, traslado al aeropuerto, llegada a Estambul y traslado al hotel. Si carece del tiempo necesario para visitar Capadocia como ese fascinante sitio merece, no dude en solicitar esta excursión express, diseñada exclusivamente para usted… ¡Capadocia lo vale! CAPADOCIA, PAIS DE LOS BELLOS CABALLOS La situación geográfica de Capadocia la hizo encrucijada de rutas comerciales durante siglos, y también objeto de continuas invasiones. Hoy día es una ruta imprescindible para el turismo del país. Capadocia está llena de rincones, sitios de interés y rutas para los amantes del senderismo y aventura. Es difícil hacer un resumen acerca de lo que se puede ver en Capadocia. Desde el pequeño pueblo de Göreme lo mejor es caminar, caminar por los senderos, repletos de maravillas. El paisaje selenita es, posiblemente, de los más bellos y sorprendentes del mundo. Las chimeneas de las hadas crecen por doquier, creando un panorama embriagador. Capadocia, fue el nombre de una zona antigua en el este de Asia Menor (actual Anatolia), que significaba ‘’El País de los Bellos Caballos’’ probablemente en idioma de los Hititas o de los Persas, los caballos de la región cobraron fama por ser ofrecidos como regalo a los reyes Asurbanipal, de Asiria, y Dario y Jerjes, de Persia. Esta región se extendía desde Ponto Euxino (actualmente Mar Negro) a los montes Taurus (actualmente Toros) en la peninsula de Anatolia. Pero hoy día, si se intenta encontrar en el mapa, el nombre de Capadocia no es mencionado en muchos ya que no se trata de una demarcación política como tal. Más bien se trata de una región puede considerarse un círculo de cincuenta kilómetros de diámetro, que abarca porciones de varias provincias de las ciudades como Nevşehir, Aksaray, Niğde, Kayseri ve Kırşehir. La mayor parte de los sitios de interés se encuentran en los pueblos de la ciudad de Nevşehir que son; Acıgöl, Avanos, Derinkuyu, Gülşehir, Ürgüp. En el año 1985, fue declarado como Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO con una zona protegida de 9.576 hectárea., porque Capadocia se caracteriza por tener una formación geológica peculiar única en el mundo, y por su patrimonio histórico y cultural. Desde hace miles de años y hasta la actualidad, ha habido siempre asentamientos humanos en la región. Algunas civilizaciones antiguas florecieron aquí, como la hitita, y otras procedieron de civilizaciones europeas o de otras regiones de Asia Menor, y todas ellas han dejado su huella cultural en Capadocia. Las características geológicas del lugar han dado pie a que sus paisajes se describan a menudo como “paisajes lunares”. La tierra del lugar, llamada toba calcárea, es una mezcla de cenizas, lavas y cemento natural del terreno. Poco a poco, las depresiones fueron desapareciendo, transformando la región en un altiplano. Sin embargo, el mineral que rellenó las depresiones no es muy resistente a la acción de vientos, lluvias, ríos y diferencias de temperatura; por lo que la erosión fue “esculpiendo” los numerosos valles por los que Capadocia es famosa. El terreno ha adquirido formas caprichosas tras diez millones de años de erosión, y de esta forma, los paisajes lunares están llenos de cavernas, naturales y artificiales, muchas de las cuales continúan habitadas. El material de Capadocia, toba es lo suficientemente blanda para permitir que el ser humano construya sus moradas escarbando en ella, pero a la vez no débil porque resiste unos 20 cm. de grosor una vez excavada, resistiendo a los efectos del tiempo. Así los habitantes de Capadocia en vez de erigir edificios excavaron sus casas para vivir, ciudades subterráneas para utilizar como refugios en los momentos de los ataques de sus enemigos, castillos para vigilar sus movimientos luego para mandar palomas mensajeros o avisando con el humo que se acerca el peligro para esconderse en los refugios de las ciudades subterráneas, algunas tenían hasta siete pisos. La situación geográfica de Capadocia la hizo encrucijada de rutas comerciales durante siglos, y también objeto de continuas invasiones. Hoy día es una ruta imprescindible para el turismo del país. Capadocia está llena de rincones, sitios de interés y rutas para los amantes del senderismo y aventura. Es difícil hacer un resumen acerca de lo que se puede ver en Capadocia. Desde el pequeño pueblo de Göreme lo mejor es caminar, caminar por los senderos, repletos de maravillas. El paisaje selenita es, posiblemente, de los más bellos y sorprendentes del mundo. Las chimeneas de las hadas crecen por doquier, creando un panorama embriagador. El senderismo es una actividad (deporte, viaje, hobby, pasatiempo) consistente en caminar por rutas y senderos de particular interés. Esta actividad es particularmente enriquecedora ya que une la cultura y el ejercicio físico en contacto con la naturaleza. Existen diversos tipos de rutas, las más interesantes o conocidas se realizan en los valles y barrancos de Capadocia que son innumerables. Desde todas partes del mundo viene gente a practicar el senderismo en las altas colinas, para olvidar sus problemas y eliminar el estrés de la vida cotidiana, entrando en las ciudades subterráneas, pasando entre viñas, famosas chimeneas de las hadas y las iglesias rupestres excavadas por las comunidades de los primeros cristianos. La belleza del paisaje lunar y la rica historia de Capadocia nos llevan a otros mundos muy lejos de preocupaciones. Los fantásticos paisajes de la región de Turquía que antiguamente se llamaba Capadocia son el resultado de un capricho orogénico, en el que ha tomado parte la poderosa acción de los volcanes, la lluvia y el tiempo. Los sedimentos volcánicos que conforman la corteza del suelo de Capadocia han sufrido durante eras la feroz erosión de los elementos climáticos de la meseta Anatolia, creando poco a poco un irreal decorado poblado de formaciones pétreas inverosímiles, más propias del mundo de los sueños que del real. A su vez, los hombres han intervenido para atormentar aún más estos paisajes, horadando sus entrañas para esculpir iglesias y monasterios, acribillando las paredes y suelos de roca para construir laberínticas ciudades subterráneas. La arquitectura rupestre alcanza en la Capadocia su apoteosis. En Capadocia verás el paisaje desde muchos puntos de vista distintos. Una dimensión la podrás tener entrando en la ciudad subterranea. Otra distinta, entrando en las casas trogloditas o subiendo a las alturas de los castillos excavados en la roca. Pero crees que es todo?…¿y en Globo?, es la tercera dimension a vista de pájaro desde mil metros. Siente el vuelo en globo como una de las experiencias más inolvidables de tu vida y conoce los paisajes de la region de Capadocia, volando encima de un paisaje lunar espectacular. Ven a Volar Volar en globo es sentir lo que nunca has sentido. Es vivir el momento, es vivir la emoción. Es dejarse volar. Suave, ligera e imperceptiblemente. Una vez. Y otra. Y otra… Cada vez distinta, cada vez, irrepetible. Pero siempre, a otro nivel. Cualquier descripción del vuelo en globo aerostático se quedará corta en comparación con la experiencia de hacerlo. Imagina volar libremente sin timón, dejándote arrastrar solamente por los vientos y el momento. Vive una travesía romántica en globo aerostático sobre uno de los pueblos mágicos más bellos de Capadocia. Disfruta de la fascinación y el espíritu aventurero que experimentaron los primeros viajeros en globo. Déjate llevar por una sensación única y vive ahora una experiencia que por lo menos se debe vivir al menos una vez en la vida. Recogida de los pasajeros en el punto marcado de 04.45 a 05.00h (la hora exacta se confirmará en el momento de la reserva). Desde allí, traslado al lugar del despegue. Una vez allí, montaje del globo, primero se llena de aire frío mediante un ventilador y, una vez lleno, se calienta hasta tomar la posición vertical. Sobrevolaremos el entorno natural de Capadocia . Una vez en el aire, seguiremos la dirección del viento, por lo que sabemos donde despegamos pero no donde aterrizamos, esa es la aventura. Pero, no hay problema, por tierra nos sigue la unidad de rescate, con la que estamos en contacto vía radio y mediante GPS, aunque nada mejor que el contacto visual. En Capadocia, volamos a ras de las copas de los árboles ( albaricoqueros, manzanos ), los pasajeros, generalmente, arrancan hojas o frutos de los árboles. Esto se hace para que tengan sensación de movilidad. Es una sensación parecida a ir en un velero, pero flotando en el aire. Una vez que hayamos aterrizado, después de un vuelo de 60 minutos de duración, tenemos una pequeña celebración, la del Bautismo del Aire. Al pasajero, se le hace entrega de un Diploma, se le bautiza con un nombre aerostático, y se les ofrece una copa de cava. Después de esta pequeña celebración, se recoge el globo, si el rescate ha llegado, y nos trasladamos al hotel para seguir el programa del día junto al resto del grupo, y dándoles envidia por la experiencia vivida.” Read the full article
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ucanus · 5 years
Tour Information
The tour including Safranbolu, a well preserved and non-touristy Ottoman town located in North Central Anatolia. The tour continue with visits to the highlights of Turkey : Ankara, Cappadocia, Konya, Pamukkale and Ephesus. The transportation during most of the trip is provided by major bus companies with air-conditioned buses. Return to Istanbul from Ephesus to Istanbul at the end of the trip will be with flight. All local transfers and tours are private.
1st Day – Arrival to Istanbul You will be met at the airport by our meet&greet staff and transfer to your hotel with a private van. Stay in Istanbul.
2nd Day – Istanbul Old City Tour You will be picked up from your hotel by your guide at 09.00 am to visit the Byzantine and Ottoman Relics found in Sultanahmet area. The tour is on foot as the places of visit are walking distance to eachother. You will visit Hagia Sophia Museum, Blue Mosque, Topkapi Palace, Harem of the Palace and Basilica Cictern. The tour ends with Grand Bazaar tour, the most popular historical shopping center of Istanbul. Stay in Istanbul. Breakfast and lunch included.
3rd Day – Dolmabahce Palace & Bosphorus & Pera Tour
Departure from your hotel at around 09:00 and start the day by visiting Dolmabahce Palace, the last residence of Ottoman Sultans located on the shores of Bosphorus. It was home to six sultans from 1856, when it was first inhabited, until 1922. The construction of the palace cost five million Ottoman Mecidiye gold coins, the equivalent of 35 tons of gold. The design contains eclectic elements from Baroque, Rococo and Neoclassical styles. The Museum-Palace has golden gilded ceilings, crystal staircases and the largest Bohemian and Baccarat Crystal Chandelier collection in the world. After visiting this magnificent palace, you will get on a public boat for your Bosphorus tour of about 2 hours. Bosphorus is a 33 km long strait and is a natural border between Asia and Europe. The boat will go up to the narrowest part where Rumeli and Anatolian Fortresses are. During the cruise, you will see the most impressive sights along the shores of the Bosphorus including Ciragan Palace, Maiden´s Tower, Bosphorus bridges, Rumeli and Anadolu fortresses and million dollars seaside mansions. The lunch is served at a nice local restaurant. In the afternoon, you will visit Istiklal Street and Pera District packed with music shops, bookstores, movie theaters, cafes, restaurants and bars. You will also visit Galata Tower offering a gorgeous view of Old City and Pera districts. At the end of the tour, you will be dropped of at your hotel. Stay in Istanbul. Breakfast and lunch included.
Please note that Dolmabahce Palace is closed on Mondays and Thursdays. Stay in Istanbul. Breakfast and lunch included.
4th Day – Golden Horn Tour Departure from your hotel at 08.30 am and drive to Suleymaniye Mosque, the imperial mosque of Ottoman Empire constructed by Architect Sinan. The next visit is to Chora Church Museum, a small but impressive building dating to 11th century and unique with Christian frescoes and mosaics inside. The best spot looking over the Golden Horn is Pierre Loti Hill where there is a tea house today for breaks. The tour will go on with a short boat tour in Golden Horn to see the site from the sea. After the lunch, the tour ends with shopping at Egyptian Market (Spice Bazaar), the most popular place in the city for spices, Turkish delights and coffee. Stay in Istanbul. Breakfast and lunch included.
5th Day – Bus to Safranbolu You will be transferred to the bus station for a morning bus to Safranbolu. Arrival to Safranbolu in the early afternoon and transfer to your hotel. Stay in Safranbolu. Breakfast included.
6th Day – Safranbolu Free day in Safranbolu, enjoy the town and surrounding area on your own. In summer time, you can use the public buses to get to Amasra city located on Black Sea Coasts suitable for swimming. Stay in Safranbolu. Breakfast included.
7th Day – Bus to Ankara You will be provided an early morning bus to Ankara with arrival about before lunch time. You will be met at the bus station and make a guided tour to visit Anatolian Civilizations Museum where you can see the objects discovered mostly in Hitit ancient cities of Anatolia like Hattusas. The lunch will be served at one of the traditional Ankara Houses by the Castle serving as a restaurant today. Afterwards, you will be transferred to the bus station for an afternoon bus to Cappadocia. Transfer to your hotel. Stay in Cappadocia. Breakfast and lunch included.
8th Day – Northern Cappadocia Tour The tour starts about 09.30 am from your hotel in the morning, you’ll drive to Devrent Valley where the geografical formations remind a place of another planet. Then in Pasabagi, you’ll take a stroll among the amazing fairy chimneys of Cappadocia. From there driving to Avanos to have lunch. Cappadocia is also famous with traditional pottery producument where you will also attend a work shop. The next visit is to Goreme Open Air Museum keeping the best preserved Byzantine cave churches in the area. Then return to the hotel about 17.30. Stay in Cappadocia. Breakfast and lunch included.
9th Day – Southern Cappadocia Tour Depart from your hotel at 09.30 am and the day starts with a 4km hike through the Rose Valley visiting the churches. The next visit is to Christian&Greek village of Cavusin. We will have the lunch in Pigeons Valley unique with small niches curved in the rocks. Cappadocia has several underground cities used by the residents to escape from their enemies and Kaymakli Underground City is among the famous ones being on our visiting list. The tour ends with a visit to the Ortahisar Natural Rock Castle offering a beautiful view over the valley. At the end of the tour, transfer to the bus station for the bus to Konya taking about 4 hours. You will be met at the bus station and transfer to your hotel. Stay in Konya. Breakfast and lunch included.
10th Day – Konya Tour You will be picked up by your guide after the breakfast for Konya city tour. Konya was the capital city of Seljuk Empire founded by Turks and has been the residence of Rumi Dervishes. Mevlana Rumi spent his life in Konya where he wrote his famous books about Sufi and his ideas spread over the world after his death from here. Following transfer from the bus station to Konya city center, you will make a guided tour in Konya to visit Mevlana Museum and his tomb, Karatay Medrese, Alaaddin Hill, the old bazaar and the other remaining belonging to Seljuk architecture. At the end of the tour, transfer to the bus station for the bus to Pamukkale taking about 6 hours. You will be met at the bus station and transfer to your hotel. You will be guested in one of the thermal&spa hotels at night to enjoy the hot water pools. Stay in Pamukkale. Breakfast, lunch and dinner included.
11th Day – Pamukkale Tour Departure from your hotel after the breakfast for the guided tour in Pamukkale. Pamukkale is famous with white colored rocks formed by thermal waters containing calcium bicarbonate. The ancient city Hierapolis at site was a famous healing center and the hotels are site still preferred for thermal water pools in present day. The Roman Pool (Cleopatra Pool) at site is still in use. You may use the ancient pool by paying the entrance fee at site on your own. (35 TL per person. Please have your towels and slippers with you). At the end of the tour, transfer to the bus station for the afternoon bus to Kusadasi taking about 3.5 hours. Transfer to your hotel. Stay in Kusadasi. Breakfast and lunch included.
12th Day – Ephesus Tour After breakfast, you will picked up from your hotel at 09.30 am for the tour. Ephesus is the most splendid ancient city in Turkey and requires about 2 hours to visit. After the lunch, the next visit is to Virgin Mary’s House where it is believed she spent the last years of her life and burried. The last visit of the day is to Ephesus Museum where the objects discovered in Ephesus are exhibited, Diana Temple which was one of the 7 wonders of ancient world, St. John Castle and the remains of Church situated at the top of Ayasoluk Hill and Isa Bey Mosque being the most important structure belonging to Turkish heritage. At the end of the day, you will be transferred to the airport for the afternoon flight to Istanbul. You will be met and transfer to your hotel. Stay in Istanbul. Breakfast and lunch included.
13th Day – Departure from Turkey You will be transferred to airport for your internatinal flight.
The tour ends with the last night accommodation in Istanbul. Further arrangements provided upon request.
The tour including ; – 4 or 5 star or hotel accommodation. – Domestic flight tickets, economy class. Business class flights available upon request if available. – Private tour arrangements at all sites visited ; Istanbul, Ankara, Cappadocia, Konya, Pamukkale and Ephesus. You will have a private tour guide with you on all the tours, no any other tour attenders. All your land transport on the tours will be provided with an air-conditioned luxury private van. – All the entrance fees on the tours – Meal services as noted in the itinerary. Breakfasts are continental type, lunch and dinners are local cuisine suitable for foreigners. Vegaterenian or Colyak food available with advance notice. The drinks are self payment. – Tipping to the guide, drivers, hotel and restaurant staff are optional. – No other fees for for the services above.
The tour cost is as follows : Private Tour North&West Turkey – 11 Days 2px 4px 6px 4 Star Hotel Stay 2220 Euros 1800 Euros 1595 Euros 5 Star Hotel Stay 2935 Euros 2615 Euros 2375 Euros
All prices are per person including taxes.
The hotel information on the tour as follows : 4 Star Hotels 5 Star Hotels Istanbul Golden Horn Hotel Sultanahmet Crown Plaza Hotel Old City Safranbolu Kadioglu Konagi Havuzlu Asmazlar Konagi Cappadocia MDC Cave Hotel Argos Cave Hotel Konya Bera Mevlana Hotel Hilton Garden Inn Hotel Kusadasi Ilayda Avantgarde Hotel Charisma Hotel
[contact-form] PRIVATE TOUR OF TURKEY BY U CAN TRAVEL… PRIVATE TOUR OF TURKEY BY U CAN TRAVEL... Tour Information The tour including Safranbolu, a well preserved and non-touristy Ottoman town located in North Central Anatolia.
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A Magical Geography: Cappadocia - holiday inn - #Anatolia, #Cappadocia, #CappadociaNevsehir, #HolidayInn, #IhlaraValley, #Nevsehir, #NevsehirCappadocia, #UndergroundCities
New Post has been published on http://justforustravel.com/2017/10/03/a-magical-geography-cappadocia-holiday-inn/
A Magical Geography: Cappadocia - holiday inn
Anatolia’s in the middle, imagine a magical place from the stories, you forgot the time while visiting. 60 million years ago erciyes, Hasan mountain and rose mountain composed of lava and ash from the eruption that began soft layers, being abraded by rain and wind over millions of years and here comes this surreal place is Cappadocia. Breathtaking geographical wonders, different civilizations spanning 500,000 years of history accompanied when here where you could leave your mind and heart.
  The first human presence in the region extends all the way to 500,000 years ago, although the name Cappadocia BC. 6. here at the beginning of the century by the Persians from the field, cattle “land of beautiful horses” it is so placed as katpatuka. Pre-Çorum, Yozgat, Sivas, Malatya, Kayseri, nevşehir, kırşehir, niğde and Tokat provinces of kahramanmaras and Adana and Konya province is currently in a portion of the region of Cappadocia Nevsehir, Aksaray, nigde, Kayseri and kirsehir province, which covers approximately 300 square kilometres is the area of the footprint.
the rains, the winds, chimneys, climate change’ni create, while people starts to use this shelter and the fairy chimneys as places of worship. The walls are decorated with frescoes carved inside the caves of Cappadocia from the period leaves permanent scars in the life of us people.
Like their underground cities, fortresses, historic churches to visit; if you want to stand in front of the fairy chimneys and admire the power of nature, to admire and follow. Today, Cappadocia���s there is much to be done. At sunrise balloon ride, you can explore the area with the terrain engine. If you want to participate in or maybe some Horse riding and wine tasting. Whatever your preference, Cappadocia’s not possible to affect you.
Goreme’s Visit Churches
(Goreme open air museum)
Avanos’extending a Goreme Valley, Cappadocia’s most exclusive and is one of the most popular areas. Goreme open air museum, and around the amazing fairy chimneys, you can see the first examples of a Byzantine church next to it. Apple Church, St. Barbara Church, the church, the church, the çarıklı Church and the girls that you can see in the Göreme open air museum the monastery of historic structures. It is estimated that there are nearly 200 churches with the Church Outside the museum. In fact, some sources had been built a separate church for every day of the year because he’s talking about. 11. century, and the region of Jesus on the walls of the church Saints; St. Basil, St. Barbara, St. George and St. Theodoros’it is possible to see frescoes depicting u. Among these churches, perhaps the most special, with its wonderful frescoes of the church. 12. 13. century building took the name of the church to receive very little light. Unable to tear away from light and moisture less naturally preserved. Of course, now we see the state after a long restoration. The dark Church’ye to enter of $ 10 is required to pay the extra fee, but definitely worth it. During this time the entry fee to the museum is $ 20, if you can visit the museum for free if you have a card.
  Earth’s Filled fairy chimneys
after visiting the Avanos, Goreme open air museum’s right after zelve you will see the sign on your right continue on approximately 5 miles. If you continue on this path, in the area called pasabag fairy chimneys you can see on your right. Even Pasabag’s say, because even the center of a fairy chimneys, fairy chimneys forms and sizes different from each other in almost all of them here. An ideal spot to stop and take pictures. Zelve open air museum you can see a little more in the future. In this region, inhabited until 1952, not very well preserved historical churches you can visit.
  a journey to the history of pottery at the edge of the Red River
after visiting zelve open air museum Goreme Cappadocia and the route you’s crafts, which is at the heart of Göreme’s a cast. The kizilirmak River’s an established settlement in Avanos, which is around’ta canakcilik dates back to the Hittites. Definitely stop by this place while touring the workshop of a potter.
Meat-Filled (Vegetarian Cappadocia’s your job Difficult)
Cappadocia’up we came, what we eat, what we need here, if you say the answer is obvious: the test kebab.What is another use, which is one of the most important crafts of pottery. Traditional test kebab in Avanos made into a jar of meat, onion, tomato, potato cooked in tandoor and put is made. Meat is soft when cooked in the smokehouse for 2 hours on average, is taking its place in the table. Kebab, lettuce, in addition to most restaurant meze dishes are being served. Among other delicacies of the region; ravioli Nevsehir, Titanic, bacon dumplings, meat stew ayvali, kora inch, deveci Armenian pilaf and stew.
(photo: the road forks)
  Visit their underground cities
If you are not claustrophobic. Cappadocia’s eight-storey, the largest underground city Derinkuyu, was found incidentally in 1967. The Hittites dating to every floor of this ancient city, dug to serve a different purpose. This city, which has a depth of 60 meters, whole foods, and live animals stipulates that is big enough to hold 20,000 people. Historically, kitchen, dining hall, cellar, school and place of baptism, you can visit the areas where the warehouses are located, and what mankind does-you may be amazed at what it can do. If you are like me, when you go out, I’m guessing you’d take a deep breath. Derinkuyu’from another, Creamy, mazat, özkonak underground cities you can explore and acıgöl.
Watch the fortress, or Citadel, Cappadocia’s
Cappadocia’s Uchisar which is the highest peak in the region which gives its name to a magnificent Castle. Erciyes when you reach the top of the castle’s magnificent views. A Nuri bilge ceylan’s winter Sleep’s suffered the nu hotel is located here. While gone, the movie was shot at the hotel where you can visit.
another hisar Ortahisar that you can visit. Urgup’e 6 km away, located in Ortahisar, the region was first settled by Christians who were used as shelter and hiding places. Again, has come this far, the original architecture of this church ceases to amaze me’s, you can visit ni.
horse Between fairy chimneys
as I mentioned at the beginning of the post, the name Cappadocia means beautiful horses in the Persian language. Have come to the regionZ is also one of these beautiful horses, thanks to you can’t live easily you can enjoy the experience in another place. Your mobile phone, your ignoring the clock and 11. you are a human who lived in the century you can imagine. Different companies providing this service average of 75 Euro’or you can take a romantic stroll.
Make you a balloon when the sun rises
yes, a little painful, have to get up early in the morning. Yes it’s a little expensive. Yes, it’s a little scary. But with this experience, I suggest you don’t miss this view. Average 1-hour trip over the fairy chimneys are priceless. If you have a height phobia if, the balloons go up and you can monitor them remotely. That’s quite an interesting image. You need help in booking your hotel before you go is my advice.
  asleep in a room that is made out of the cave
there are many boutique hotels around Cappadocia. Most of them are ancient caves which were converted from buildings. The texture of the region with respect to a hotel if beautiful and quite pleasant will be waiting for you when you come across a night. I suggest to choose a windowed room claustrophobic ones. Uchisar we’s hotel in Asia’s where we stayed, was quite enjoyable I can say.
Cruise ihlara Valley Branch
The melendiz stream, snow, rain, wind, and natural events, the two sides that emerged at the end of 150 m’s worth a visit ihlara valley, surrounded by rocks extending up ye! There are many churches who are also hidden in the canyon. The ağaçaltı, Eğritaş Church, the smells, the church and the sümbüllü Church Church some of them. 6. century 13. dating from different periods of the century, able to carry 15 people from this church to the present day.
join wine tasting
Cappadocia’s one of the topics ambitious wine. Vineyards and wine since ancient times had great importance for the local people. In recent years, more and more emphasis on the production of quality wines, thanks to the local In addition to grapes, the grapes used in wine production had been foreign. Orders white wine made from a grape of the region is one of the famous. Kocabag and turasan’s go to the outlets and you can taste the wines.
get away from the crowds
we’re talking about is very beautiful and the whole place is worth a visit, but if you want to escape the crowds of Cemil village is the right address. Demsa have passed the threshold of Holy Cross Church in the village that you will reach after a couple of minutes to go, wait a bit, relax. Even the writings on the walls, and see the hope of mankind ravaged the frescoes shut. So I feel like it cuts. The Church in 1882 and 60’s years until he was actively using Li, but in one night everything was stolen, and then were left to rot. Last year, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew chose the place for the rite of spring is traditional, but then from what to what happened leading. Still, very nice!
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nesiclor · 1 year
If TSC can ball, can he bowling ball?
The true question
Oh that's just another Thursday for SC growing up.
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nesiclor · 1 year
Vaan is the reason SC grew up with a strong leader ego.
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He's loud, and a loud hypeman for his family.
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nesiclor · 1 year
Now I'm wondering. Would your stick ocs be able to take on the canon hollow heads?
Oh I'd love to make some illustrations on how, but this is answerable by just words. But perhaps I'll reblog with some sketches in the future when I have my laptop back!
If you look at the AvA:NO sticks, it depends highly. But let's say just one at a time.
If you look at the muruiji type Hollows(SC's siblings), no, pretty much none of them could take on the canon HollowHeads.
Although some can be really deadly combos, like Vaan and Mo-fuvaan. Since Vaan controls water and Mo-fuvaan and manipulates the state of the water and weather, being especially dangerous to SC and Dark, but probably not Chosen since he's been able to use ice and weather powers.
None of them would be a quick fight though lol. If they don't have the most fancy powers they're still very smart and fast.
Ha-u is just a very simple fire HollowHead but he can mess someone up using his environment, even probably managing to rival Dark and SC by himself.
Or take a character like P.T who arguably has no powers. She is still capable of taking on multiple HollowHeads for at least a few minutes. But I don't think she could take on Dark and Chosen. SC however is a piece of cake. Why? Funny technology she has hands on.
Of course if you get to characters like The HollowHead Overlord. Then, no. Only thoughts and prayers beyond this point, even if you have mega enraged SC fight them.
If you want to know about miscellaneous stick OCs outside of AvA. Then no, none of them could take on even one.
As much as Lime has funny shape shifting and can live through any physical harm. One electric shock is all it takes to kill him.
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nesiclor · 1 year
Finally made a new HollowHead for AvA:NO.
Of course this is just the start, as there has to be quite a lot lol.
She's practically SC's almost-twin sister that annoys the shit out of him, but they immediately get depressed when they're apart.
(the pale red HollowHead is still work in progress, so that's why he's not very visible)
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Always feel free to sent questions to my ask box for her or any other characters! (keeping in mind the rules in my master post)
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