#avnseven heavenatseven inseventhheaven
aisone · 5 years
In Seventh Heaven- AVN Turns Seven!
Hello There!
First of all, a Very Happy Seventh Birthday, to my little guy growing taller, stronger, bigger each year! Tonight, as I write this blog, he has turned seven. The day started with his play seat (converted crib to sofa seat/reading nook) covered in smiley balloons and gifts from both of us. A couple of Dog Man books, that he is currently into, a couple of board games, (chess, scrabble), and the usual, Lego- Ninjago, on his special request.
After the usual hugs and greetings, and during his first meal itself, he spoke to a few of his close family- Dadima/Dadaji, Mamma, Cha/Chi, Nikki Di/Chikki Di etc. He then opened his board games and played a few rounds with me and squarely knocked me out. I haven’t played Chess in ages, and I sheepishly conceded. As we had planned to take him to the temple, it however got waylaid by his playdate with his friend- Avik. He did have a blast as he spent a few hours playing out in his friend’s backyard. Only during these times, I wish, I was working and contributing so we could have bought a house for him to build his memories. No worries, He plans for us and will provide for us too!
As AVN completes another year, I can only marvel at how good he has become at certain things, like-
He can eat his own meals- lunch and dinner (mostly Indian).
He loves my cooking and especially relishes chicken, just like his Dad.
He has become a decent cricket player, after recently following the Cricket World Cup- passionately.
He follows games and their broadcasts passionately, just like his Dad.
He plays like crazy in the playground, and is often back home after 8:0, when it is almost dark.
He has gotten better at following instructions, with me insisting on him to do so (not so gently though).
He speaks very good hindi, even with the limited vocabulary. His Shukriyaan- is too cute.
He is into Hindi film songs – hardcore, especially into Hindi Rap (courtesy- me, except for the Rap).
Old Town Road (Lil NasX) – knows every single word and sings it repeatedly, or has it on repeat on Youtube.
Also in his favorites, is Pharrell Williams- Happy. I like it too.
AVN will be starting second grade from next week- Thursday, September 5th, 2019. My little guy has turned into a bigger boy.
He is on his Senior Yellow belt, and has gotten enrolled into the Black Belt Club. We’ll see how he does there.
Oh, and he is FUNNY! He comes back with very witty repartees! Phew! He has taken after his paternal grandfather in that.
Oh, and a lot more that I am unable to recall right away. He is helpful, kind, smiling and courteous, though a bit shy still. But, we are working on it. He is still good (extremely good) with arithmetic way above his school grade. His reading is also, above average, although he needs to work on creative writing. He seems to get bored of writing. We will work on that too. Oh, and well, He know knows all hindi letters and can write a lot of hindi words with an impressive accuracy. All credits to Daddy!
His birthday party is scheduled for Saturday, September 7th, and will be a laser tag party in Princeton. I have tried to keep his birthday parties as different and entertaining, from the 3rd year that we have celebrated, with a gap in the fourth year.
Avyaan, my baby, my sonchidaiyya, is growing up, and all I ask is that he take his time and let us enjoy his growing up as much as we can. If wishes were horses, I would have him back in my tummy and go through the journey all over. To him and his growing up, and to many more years of birthday jingles, candles, cakes and parties for him!!
Happy Seventh Birthday, my angel!
Infinite Love, Tightest Hugs and Wishes from my overwhelmed heart!
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